/** Simple micro templating. @param template - Text with placeholders for `data` properties. @param data - Data to interpolate into `template`. @example ``` import pupa = require('pupa'); pupa('The mobile number of {name} is {phone.mobile}', { name: 'Sindre', phone: { mobile: '609 24 363' } }); //=> 'The mobile number of Sindre is 609 24 363' pupa('I like {0} and {1}', ['🦄', '🐮']); //=> 'I like 🦄 and 🐮' // Double braces encodes the HTML entities to avoid code injection pupa('I like {{0}} and {{1}}', ['<br>🦄</br>', '<i>🐮</i>']); //=> 'I like <br>🦄</br> and <i>🐮</i>' ``` */ declare function pupa( template: string, data: unknown[] | {[key: string]: any} ): string; export = pupa;