'use strict'; const MongooseError = require('../../error/mongooseError'); const isPathExcluded = require('../projection/isPathExcluded'); const lookupLocalFields = require('./lookupLocalFields'); const mpath = require('mpath'); const util = require('util'); const utils = require('../../utils'); const hasNumericPropRE = /(\.\d+$|\.\d+\.)/g; module.exports = function modelNamesFromRefPath(refPath, doc, populatedPath, modelSchema, queryProjection) { if (refPath == null) { return []; } if (typeof refPath === 'string' && queryProjection != null && isPathExcluded(queryProjection, refPath)) { throw new MongooseError('refPath `' + refPath + '` must not be excluded in projection, got ' + util.inspect(queryProjection)); } // If populated path has numerics, the end `refPath` should too. For example, // if populating `a.0.b` instead of `a.b` and `b` has `refPath = a.c`, we // should return `a.0.c` for the refPath. if (hasNumericPropRE.test(populatedPath)) { const chunks = populatedPath.split(hasNumericPropRE); if (chunks[chunks.length - 1] === '') { throw new Error('Can\'t populate individual element in an array'); } let _refPath = ''; let _remaining = refPath; // 2nd, 4th, etc. will be numeric props. For example: `[ 'a', '.0.', 'b' ]` for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i += 2) { const chunk = chunks[i]; if (_remaining.startsWith(chunk + '.')) { _refPath += _remaining.substring(0, chunk.length) + chunks[i + 1]; _remaining = _remaining.substring(chunk.length + 1); } else if (i === chunks.length - 1) { _refPath += _remaining; _remaining = ''; break; } else { throw new Error('Could not normalize ref path, chunk ' + chunk + ' not in populated path'); } } const refValue = mpath.get(_refPath, doc, lookupLocalFields); let modelNames = Array.isArray(refValue) ? refValue : [refValue]; modelNames = utils.array.flatten(modelNames); return modelNames; } const refValue = mpath.get(refPath, doc, lookupLocalFields); let modelNames; if (modelSchema != null && modelSchema.virtuals.hasOwnProperty(refPath)) { modelNames = [modelSchema.virtuals[refPath].applyGetters(void 0, doc)]; } else { modelNames = Array.isArray(refValue) ? refValue : [refValue]; } modelNames = utils.array.flatten(modelNames); return modelNames; };