'use strict'; module.exports = exports = clean; exports.usage = 'Removes the entire folder containing the compiled .node module'; const rm = require('rimraf'); const exists = require('fs').exists || require('path').exists; const versioning = require('./util/versioning.js'); const napi = require('./util/napi.js'); const path = require('path'); function clean(gyp, argv, callback) { const package_json = gyp.package_json; const napi_build_version = napi.get_napi_build_version_from_command_args(argv); const opts = versioning.evaluate(package_json, gyp.opts, napi_build_version); const to_delete = opts.module_path; if (!to_delete) { return callback(new Error('module_path is empty, refusing to delete')); } else if (path.normalize(to_delete) === path.normalize(process.cwd())) { return callback(new Error('module_path is not set, refusing to delete')); } else { exists(to_delete, (found) => { if (found) { if (!gyp.opts.silent_clean) console.log('[' + package_json.name + '] Removing "%s"', to_delete); return rm(to_delete, callback); } return callback(); }); } }