"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.ConnectionPool = void 0; const Denque = require("denque"); const timers_1 = require("timers"); const constants_1 = require("../constants"); const error_1 = require("../error"); const logger_1 = require("../logger"); const mongo_types_1 = require("../mongo_types"); const utils_1 = require("../utils"); const connect_1 = require("./connect"); const connection_1 = require("./connection"); const connection_pool_events_1 = require("./connection_pool_events"); const errors_1 = require("./errors"); const metrics_1 = require("./metrics"); /** @internal */ const kLogger = Symbol('logger'); /** @internal */ const kConnections = Symbol('connections'); /** @internal */ const kPending = Symbol('pending'); /** @internal */ const kCheckedOut = Symbol('checkedOut'); /** @internal */ const kMinPoolSizeTimer = Symbol('minPoolSizeTimer'); /** @internal */ const kGeneration = Symbol('generation'); /** @internal */ const kServiceGenerations = Symbol('serviceGenerations'); /** @internal */ const kConnectionCounter = Symbol('connectionCounter'); /** @internal */ const kCancellationToken = Symbol('cancellationToken'); /** @internal */ const kWaitQueue = Symbol('waitQueue'); /** @internal */ const kCancelled = Symbol('cancelled'); /** @internal */ const kMetrics = Symbol('metrics'); /** @internal */ const kProcessingWaitQueue = Symbol('processingWaitQueue'); /** * A pool of connections which dynamically resizes, and emit events related to pool activity * @internal */ class ConnectionPool extends mongo_types_1.TypedEventEmitter { /** @internal */ constructor(options) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e; super(); this.closed = false; this.options = Object.freeze({ ...options, connectionType: connection_1.Connection, maxPoolSize: (_a = options.maxPoolSize) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 100, minPoolSize: (_b = options.minPoolSize) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0, maxConnecting: (_c = options.maxConnecting) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : 2, maxIdleTimeMS: (_d = options.maxIdleTimeMS) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : 0, waitQueueTimeoutMS: (_e = options.waitQueueTimeoutMS) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : 0, autoEncrypter: options.autoEncrypter, metadata: options.metadata }); if (this.options.minPoolSize > this.options.maxPoolSize) { throw new error_1.MongoInvalidArgumentError('Connection pool minimum size must not be greater than maximum pool size'); } this[kLogger] = new logger_1.Logger('ConnectionPool'); this[kConnections] = new Denque(); this[kPending] = 0; this[kCheckedOut] = 0; this[kMinPoolSizeTimer] = undefined; this[kGeneration] = 0; this[kServiceGenerations] = new Map(); this[kConnectionCounter] = (0, utils_1.makeCounter)(1); this[kCancellationToken] = new mongo_types_1.CancellationToken(); this[kCancellationToken].setMaxListeners(Infinity); this[kWaitQueue] = new Denque(); this[kMetrics] = new metrics_1.ConnectionPoolMetrics(); this[kProcessingWaitQueue] = false; process.nextTick(() => { this.emit(ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_POOL_CREATED, new connection_pool_events_1.ConnectionPoolCreatedEvent(this)); ensureMinPoolSize(this); }); } /** The address of the endpoint the pool is connected to */ get address() { return this.options.hostAddress.toString(); } /** An integer representing the SDAM generation of the pool */ get generation() { return this[kGeneration]; } /** An integer expressing how many total connections (available + pending + in use) the pool currently has */ get totalConnectionCount() { return (this.availableConnectionCount + this.pendingConnectionCount + this.currentCheckedOutCount); } /** An integer expressing how many connections are currently available in the pool. */ get availableConnectionCount() { return this[kConnections].length; } get pendingConnectionCount() { return this[kPending]; } get currentCheckedOutCount() { return this[kCheckedOut]; } get waitQueueSize() { return this[kWaitQueue].length; } get loadBalanced() { return this.options.loadBalanced; } get serviceGenerations() { return this[kServiceGenerations]; } /** * Get the metrics information for the pool when a wait queue timeout occurs. */ waitQueueErrorMetrics() { return this[kMetrics].info(this.options.maxPoolSize); } /** * Check a connection out of this pool. The connection will continue to be tracked, but no reference to it * will be held by the pool. This means that if a connection is checked out it MUST be checked back in or * explicitly destroyed by the new owner. */ checkOut(callback) { this.emit(ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_CHECK_OUT_STARTED, new connection_pool_events_1.ConnectionCheckOutStartedEvent(this)); if (this.closed) { this.emit(ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_CHECK_OUT_FAILED, new connection_pool_events_1.ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent(this, 'poolClosed')); callback(new errors_1.PoolClosedError(this)); return; } const waitQueueMember = { callback }; const waitQueueTimeoutMS = this.options.waitQueueTimeoutMS; if (waitQueueTimeoutMS) { waitQueueMember.timer = (0, timers_1.setTimeout)(() => { waitQueueMember[kCancelled] = true; waitQueueMember.timer = undefined; this.emit(ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_CHECK_OUT_FAILED, new connection_pool_events_1.ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent(this, 'timeout')); waitQueueMember.callback(new errors_1.WaitQueueTimeoutError(this.loadBalanced ? this.waitQueueErrorMetrics() : 'Timed out while checking out a connection from connection pool', this.address)); }, waitQueueTimeoutMS); } this[kWaitQueue].push(waitQueueMember); process.nextTick(processWaitQueue, this); } /** * Check a connection into the pool. * * @param connection - The connection to check in */ checkIn(connection) { const poolClosed = this.closed; const stale = connectionIsStale(this, connection); const willDestroy = !!(poolClosed || stale || connection.closed); if (!willDestroy) { connection.markAvailable(); this[kConnections].unshift(connection); } this[kCheckedOut]--; this.emit(ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_CHECKED_IN, new connection_pool_events_1.ConnectionCheckedInEvent(this, connection)); if (willDestroy) { const reason = connection.closed ? 'error' : poolClosed ? 'poolClosed' : 'stale'; destroyConnection(this, connection, reason); } process.nextTick(processWaitQueue, this); } /** * Clear the pool * * Pool reset is handled by incrementing the pool's generation count. Any existing connection of a * previous generation will eventually be pruned during subsequent checkouts. */ clear(serviceId) { if (this.loadBalanced && serviceId) { const sid = serviceId.toHexString(); const generation = this.serviceGenerations.get(sid); // Only need to worry if the generation exists, since it should // always be there but typescript needs the check. if (generation == null) { // TODO(NODE-3483) throw new error_1.MongoRuntimeError('Service generations are required in load balancer mode.'); } else { // Increment the generation for the service id. this.serviceGenerations.set(sid, generation + 1); } } else { this[kGeneration] += 1; } this.emit('connectionPoolCleared', new connection_pool_events_1.ConnectionPoolClearedEvent(this, serviceId)); } close(_options, _cb) { let options = _options; const callback = (_cb !== null && _cb !== void 0 ? _cb : _options); if (typeof options === 'function') { options = {}; } options = Object.assign({ force: false }, options); if (this.closed) { return callback(); } // immediately cancel any in-flight connections this[kCancellationToken].emit('cancel'); // drain the wait queue while (this.waitQueueSize) { const waitQueueMember = this[kWaitQueue].pop(); if (waitQueueMember) { if (waitQueueMember.timer) { clearTimeout(waitQueueMember.timer); } if (!waitQueueMember[kCancelled]) { // TODO(NODE-3483): Replace with MongoConnectionPoolClosedError waitQueueMember.callback(new error_1.MongoRuntimeError('Connection pool closed')); } } } // clear the min pool size timer const minPoolSizeTimer = this[kMinPoolSizeTimer]; if (minPoolSizeTimer) { clearTimeout(minPoolSizeTimer); } // end the connection counter if (typeof this[kConnectionCounter].return === 'function') { this[kConnectionCounter].return(undefined); } // mark the pool as closed immediately this.closed = true; (0, utils_1.eachAsync)(this[kConnections].toArray(), (conn, cb) => { this.emit(ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_CLOSED, new connection_pool_events_1.ConnectionClosedEvent(this, conn, 'poolClosed')); conn.destroy(options, cb); }, err => { this[kConnections].clear(); this.emit(ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_POOL_CLOSED, new connection_pool_events_1.ConnectionPoolClosedEvent(this)); callback(err); }); } /** * Runs a lambda with an implicitly checked out connection, checking that connection back in when the lambda * has completed by calling back. * * NOTE: please note the required signature of `fn` * * @remarks When in load balancer mode, connections can be pinned to cursors or transactions. * In these cases we pass the connection in to this method to ensure it is used and a new * connection is not checked out. * * @param conn - A pinned connection for use in load balancing mode. * @param fn - A function which operates on a managed connection * @param callback - The original callback */ withConnection(conn, fn, callback) { if (conn) { // use the provided connection, and do _not_ check it in after execution fn(undefined, conn, (fnErr, result) => { if (typeof callback === 'function') { if (fnErr) { callback(fnErr); } else { callback(undefined, result); } } }); return; } this.checkOut((err, conn) => { // don't callback with `err` here, we might want to act upon it inside `fn` fn(err, conn, (fnErr, result) => { if (typeof callback === 'function') { if (fnErr) { callback(fnErr); } else { callback(undefined, result); } } if (conn) { this.checkIn(conn); } }); }); } } exports.ConnectionPool = ConnectionPool; /** * Emitted when the connection pool is created. * @event */ ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_POOL_CREATED = constants_1.CONNECTION_POOL_CREATED; /** * Emitted once when the connection pool is closed * @event */ ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_POOL_CLOSED = constants_1.CONNECTION_POOL_CLOSED; /** * Emitted each time the connection pool is cleared and it's generation incremented * @event */ ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_POOL_CLEARED = constants_1.CONNECTION_POOL_CLEARED; /** * Emitted when a connection is created. * @event */ ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_CREATED = constants_1.CONNECTION_CREATED; /** * Emitted when a connection becomes established, and is ready to use * @event */ ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_READY = constants_1.CONNECTION_READY; /** * Emitted when a connection is closed * @event */ ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_CLOSED = constants_1.CONNECTION_CLOSED; /** * Emitted when an attempt to check out a connection begins * @event */ ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_CHECK_OUT_STARTED = constants_1.CONNECTION_CHECK_OUT_STARTED; /** * Emitted when an attempt to check out a connection fails * @event */ ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_CHECK_OUT_FAILED = constants_1.CONNECTION_CHECK_OUT_FAILED; /** * Emitted each time a connection is successfully checked out of the connection pool * @event */ ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_CHECKED_OUT = constants_1.CONNECTION_CHECKED_OUT; /** * Emitted each time a connection is successfully checked into the connection pool * @event */ ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_CHECKED_IN = constants_1.CONNECTION_CHECKED_IN; function ensureMinPoolSize(pool) { const minPoolSize = pool.options.minPoolSize; if (pool.closed || minPoolSize === 0) { return; } if (pool.totalConnectionCount < minPoolSize && pool.pendingConnectionCount < pool.options.maxConnecting) { // NOTE: ensureMinPoolSize should not try to get all the pending // connection permits because that potentially delays the availability of // the connection to a checkout request createConnection(pool, (err, connection) => { pool[kPending]--; if (!err && connection) { pool[kConnections].push(connection); process.nextTick(processWaitQueue, pool); } pool[kMinPoolSizeTimer] = (0, timers_1.setTimeout)(() => ensureMinPoolSize(pool), 10); }); } else { pool[kMinPoolSizeTimer] = (0, timers_1.setTimeout)(() => ensureMinPoolSize(pool), 100); } } function connectionIsStale(pool, connection) { const serviceId = connection.serviceId; if (pool.loadBalanced && serviceId) { const sid = serviceId.toHexString(); const generation = pool.serviceGenerations.get(sid); return connection.generation !== generation; } return connection.generation !== pool[kGeneration]; } function connectionIsIdle(pool, connection) { return !!(pool.options.maxIdleTimeMS && connection.idleTime > pool.options.maxIdleTimeMS); } function createConnection(pool, callback) { const connectOptions = { ...pool.options, id: pool[kConnectionCounter].next().value, generation: pool[kGeneration], cancellationToken: pool[kCancellationToken] }; pool[kPending]++; // This is our version of a "virtual" no-I/O connection as the spec requires pool.emit(ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_CREATED, new connection_pool_events_1.ConnectionCreatedEvent(pool, { id: connectOptions.id })); (0, connect_1.connect)(connectOptions, (err, connection) => { if (err || !connection) { pool[kLogger].debug(`connection attempt failed with error [${JSON.stringify(err)}]`); callback(err); return; } // The pool might have closed since we started trying to create a connection if (pool.closed) { pool[kPending]--; connection.destroy({ force: true }); return; } // forward all events from the connection to the pool for (const event of [...constants_1.APM_EVENTS, connection_1.Connection.CLUSTER_TIME_RECEIVED]) { connection.on(event, (e) => pool.emit(event, e)); } if (pool.loadBalanced) { connection.on(connection_1.Connection.PINNED, pinType => pool[kMetrics].markPinned(pinType)); connection.on(connection_1.Connection.UNPINNED, pinType => pool[kMetrics].markUnpinned(pinType)); const serviceId = connection.serviceId; if (serviceId) { let generation; const sid = serviceId.toHexString(); if ((generation = pool.serviceGenerations.get(sid))) { connection.generation = generation; } else { pool.serviceGenerations.set(sid, 0); connection.generation = 0; } } } connection.markAvailable(); pool.emit(ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_READY, new connection_pool_events_1.ConnectionReadyEvent(pool, connection)); callback(undefined, connection); return; }); } function destroyConnection(pool, connection, reason) { pool.emit(ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_CLOSED, new connection_pool_events_1.ConnectionClosedEvent(pool, connection, reason)); // destroy the connection process.nextTick(() => connection.destroy()); } function processWaitQueue(pool) { if (pool.closed || pool[kProcessingWaitQueue]) { return; } pool[kProcessingWaitQueue] = true; while (pool.waitQueueSize) { const waitQueueMember = pool[kWaitQueue].peekFront(); if (!waitQueueMember) { pool[kWaitQueue].shift(); continue; } if (waitQueueMember[kCancelled]) { pool[kWaitQueue].shift(); continue; } if (!pool.availableConnectionCount) { break; } const connection = pool[kConnections].shift(); if (!connection) { break; } const isStale = connectionIsStale(pool, connection); const isIdle = connectionIsIdle(pool, connection); if (!isStale && !isIdle && !connection.closed) { pool[kCheckedOut]++; pool.emit(ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_CHECKED_OUT, new connection_pool_events_1.ConnectionCheckedOutEvent(pool, connection)); if (waitQueueMember.timer) { clearTimeout(waitQueueMember.timer); } pool[kWaitQueue].shift(); waitQueueMember.callback(undefined, connection); } else { const reason = connection.closed ? 'error' : isStale ? 'stale' : 'idle'; destroyConnection(pool, connection, reason); } } const { maxPoolSize, maxConnecting } = pool.options; while (pool.waitQueueSize > 0 && pool.pendingConnectionCount < maxConnecting && (maxPoolSize === 0 || pool.totalConnectionCount < maxPoolSize)) { const waitQueueMember = pool[kWaitQueue].shift(); if (!waitQueueMember || waitQueueMember[kCancelled]) { continue; } createConnection(pool, (err, connection) => { pool[kPending]--; if (waitQueueMember[kCancelled]) { if (!err && connection) { pool[kConnections].push(connection); } } else { if (err) { pool.emit(ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_CHECK_OUT_FAILED, new connection_pool_events_1.ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent(pool, err)); } else if (connection) { pool[kCheckedOut]++; pool.emit(ConnectionPool.CONNECTION_CHECKED_OUT, new connection_pool_events_1.ConnectionCheckedOutEvent(pool, connection)); } if (waitQueueMember.timer) { clearTimeout(waitQueueMember.timer); } waitQueueMember.callback(err, connection); } process.nextTick(processWaitQueue, pool); }); } pool[kProcessingWaitQueue] = false; } //# sourceMappingURL=connection_pool.js.map