'use strict'; const hasIncludedChildren = require('./hasIncludedChildren'); const isExclusive = require('./isExclusive'); const isInclusive = require('./isInclusive'); const isPOJO = require('../../utils').isPOJO; module.exports = function applyProjection(doc, projection, _hasIncludedChildren) { if (projection == null) { return doc; } if (doc == null) { return doc; } let exclude = null; if (isInclusive(projection)) { exclude = false; } else if (isExclusive(projection)) { exclude = true; } if (exclude == null) { return doc; } else if (exclude) { _hasIncludedChildren = _hasIncludedChildren || hasIncludedChildren(projection); return applyExclusiveProjection(doc, projection, _hasIncludedChildren); } else { _hasIncludedChildren = _hasIncludedChildren || hasIncludedChildren(projection); return applyInclusiveProjection(doc, projection, _hasIncludedChildren); } }; function applyExclusiveProjection(doc, projection, hasIncludedChildren, projectionLimb, prefix) { if (doc == null || typeof doc !== 'object') { return doc; } const ret = { ...doc }; projectionLimb = prefix ? (projectionLimb || {}) : projection; for (const key of Object.keys(ret)) { const fullPath = prefix ? prefix + '.' + key : key; if (projection.hasOwnProperty(fullPath) || projectionLimb.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (isPOJO(projection[fullPath]) || isPOJO(projectionLimb[key])) { ret[key] = applyExclusiveProjection(ret[key], projection, hasIncludedChildren, projectionLimb[key], fullPath); } else { delete ret[key]; } } else if (hasIncludedChildren[fullPath]) { ret[key] = applyExclusiveProjection(ret[key], projection, hasIncludedChildren, projectionLimb[key], fullPath); } } return ret; } function applyInclusiveProjection(doc, projection, hasIncludedChildren, projectionLimb, prefix) { if (doc == null || typeof doc !== 'object') { return doc; } const ret = { ...doc }; projectionLimb = prefix ? (projectionLimb || {}) : projection; for (const key of Object.keys(ret)) { const fullPath = prefix ? prefix + '.' + key : key; if (projection.hasOwnProperty(fullPath) || projectionLimb.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (isPOJO(projection[fullPath]) || isPOJO(projectionLimb[key])) { ret[key] = applyInclusiveProjection(ret[key], projection, hasIncludedChildren, projectionLimb[key], fullPath); } continue; } else if (hasIncludedChildren[fullPath]) { ret[key] = applyInclusiveProjection(ret[key], projection, hasIncludedChildren, projectionLimb[key], fullPath); } else { delete ret[key]; } } return ret; }