'use strict'; function Kareem() { this._pres = new Map(); this._posts = new Map(); } Kareem.skipWrappedFunction = function skipWrappedFunction() { if (!(this instanceof Kareem.skipWrappedFunction)) { return new Kareem.skipWrappedFunction(...arguments); } this.args = [...arguments]; }; Kareem.overwriteResult = function overwriteResult() { if (!(this instanceof Kareem.overwriteResult)) { return new Kareem.overwriteResult(...arguments); } this.args = [...arguments]; }; Kareem.prototype.execPre = function(name, context, args, callback) { if (arguments.length === 3) { callback = args; args = []; } var pres = this._pres.get(name) || []; var numPres = pres.length; var numAsyncPres = pres.numAsync || 0; var currentPre = 0; var asyncPresLeft = numAsyncPres; var done = false; var $args = args; var shouldSkipWrappedFunction = null; if (!numPres) { return nextTick(function() { callback(null); }); } var next = function() { if (currentPre >= numPres) { return; } var pre = pres[currentPre]; if (pre.isAsync) { var args = [ decorateNextFn(_next), decorateNextFn(function(error) { if (error) { if (done) { return; } if (error instanceof Kareem.skipWrappedFunction) { shouldSkipWrappedFunction = error; } else { done = true; return callback(error); } } if (--asyncPresLeft === 0 && currentPre >= numPres) { return callback(shouldSkipWrappedFunction); } }) ]; callMiddlewareFunction(pre.fn, context, args, args[0]); } else if (pre.fn.length > 0) { var args = [decorateNextFn(_next)]; var _args = arguments.length >= 2 ? arguments : [null].concat($args); for (var i = 1; i < _args.length; ++i) { args.push(_args[i]); } callMiddlewareFunction(pre.fn, context, args, args[0]); } else { let maybePromiseLike = null; try { maybePromiseLike = pre.fn.call(context); } catch (err) { if (err != null) { return callback(err); } } if (isPromiseLike(maybePromiseLike)) { maybePromiseLike.then(() => _next(), err => _next(err)); } else { if (++currentPre >= numPres) { if (asyncPresLeft > 0) { // Leave parallel hooks to run return; } else { return nextTick(function() { callback(shouldSkipWrappedFunction); }); } } next(); } } }; next.apply(null, [null].concat(args)); function _next(error) { if (error) { if (done) { return; } if (error instanceof Kareem.skipWrappedFunction) { shouldSkipWrappedFunction = error; } else { done = true; return callback(error); } } if (++currentPre >= numPres) { if (asyncPresLeft > 0) { // Leave parallel hooks to run return; } else { return callback(shouldSkipWrappedFunction); } } next.apply(context, arguments); } }; Kareem.prototype.execPreSync = function(name, context, args) { var pres = this._pres.get(name) || []; var numPres = pres.length; for (var i = 0; i < numPres; ++i) { pres[i].fn.apply(context, args || []); } }; Kareem.prototype.execPost = function(name, context, args, options, callback) { if (arguments.length < 5) { callback = options; options = null; } var posts = this._posts.get(name) || []; var numPosts = posts.length; var currentPost = 0; var firstError = null; if (options && options.error) { firstError = options.error; } if (!numPosts) { return nextTick(function() { callback.apply(null, [firstError].concat(args)); }); } var next = function() { var post = posts[currentPost].fn; var numArgs = 0; var argLength = args.length; var newArgs = []; for (var i = 0; i < argLength; ++i) { numArgs += args[i] && args[i]._kareemIgnore ? 0 : 1; if (!args[i] || !args[i]._kareemIgnore) { newArgs.push(args[i]); } } if (firstError) { if (post.length === numArgs + 2) { const _cb = decorateNextFn(function(error) { if (error) { if (error instanceof Kareem.overwriteResult) { args = error.args; if (++currentPost >= numPosts) { return callback.call(null, firstError); } return next(); } firstError = error; } if (++currentPost >= numPosts) { return callback.call(null, firstError); } next(); }); callMiddlewareFunction(post, context, [firstError].concat(newArgs).concat([_cb]), _cb); } else { if (++currentPost >= numPosts) { return callback.call(null, firstError); } next(); } } else { const _cb = decorateNextFn(function(error) { if (error) { if (error instanceof Kareem.overwriteResult) { args = error.args; if (++currentPost >= numPosts) { return callback.apply(null, [null].concat(args)); } return next(); } firstError = error; return next(); } if (++currentPost >= numPosts) { return callback.apply(null, [null].concat(args)); } next(); }); if (post.length === numArgs + 2) { // Skip error handlers if no error if (++currentPost >= numPosts) { return callback.apply(null, [null].concat(args)); } return next(); } if (post.length === numArgs + 1) { callMiddlewareFunction(post, context, newArgs.concat([_cb]), _cb); } else { let error; let maybePromiseLike; try { maybePromiseLike = post.apply(context, newArgs); } catch (err) { error = err; firstError = err; } if (isPromiseLike(maybePromiseLike)) { return maybePromiseLike.then( (res) => { _cb(res instanceof Kareem.overwriteResult ? res : null); }, err => _cb(err) ); } if (maybePromiseLike instanceof Kareem.overwriteResult) { args = maybePromiseLike.args; } if (++currentPost >= numPosts) { return callback.apply(null, [error].concat(args)); } next(); } } }; next(); }; Kareem.prototype.execPostSync = function(name, context, args) { const posts = this._posts.get(name) || []; const numPosts = posts.length; for (let i = 0; i < numPosts; ++i) { const res = posts[i].fn.apply(context, args || []); if (res instanceof Kareem.overwriteResult) { args = res.args; } } return args; }; Kareem.prototype.createWrapperSync = function(name, fn) { var kareem = this; return function syncWrapper() { kareem.execPreSync(name, this, arguments); var toReturn = fn.apply(this, arguments); const result = kareem.execPostSync(name, this, [toReturn]); return result[0]; }; }; function _handleWrapError(instance, error, name, context, args, options, callback) { if (options.useErrorHandlers) { return instance.execPost(name, context, args, { error: error }, function(error) { return typeof callback === 'function' && callback(error); }); } else { return typeof callback === 'function' && callback(error); } } Kareem.prototype.wrap = function(name, fn, context, args, options) { const lastArg = (args.length > 0 ? args[args.length - 1] : null); let argsWithoutCb = Array.from(args); typeof lastArg === 'function' && argsWithoutCb.pop(); const _this = this; options = options || {}; const checkForPromise = options.checkForPromise; this.execPre(name, context, args, function(error) { if (error && !(error instanceof Kareem.skipWrappedFunction)) { const numCallbackParams = options.numCallbackParams || 0; const errorArgs = options.contextParameter ? [context] : []; for (var i = errorArgs.length; i < numCallbackParams; ++i) { errorArgs.push(null); } return _handleWrapError(_this, error, name, context, errorArgs, options, lastArg); } const numParameters = fn.length; let ret; if (error instanceof Kareem.skipWrappedFunction) { ret = error.args[0]; return _cb(null, ...error.args); } else { try { ret = fn.apply(context, argsWithoutCb.concat(_cb)); } catch (err) { return _cb(err); } } if (checkForPromise) { if (isPromiseLike(ret)) { // Thenable, use it return ret.then( res => _cb(null, res), err => _cb(err) ); } // If `fn()` doesn't have a callback argument and doesn't return a // promise, assume it is sync if (numParameters < argsWithoutCb.length + 1) { return _cb(null, ret); } } function _cb() { const argsWithoutError = Array.from(arguments); argsWithoutError.shift(); if (options.nullResultByDefault && argsWithoutError.length === 0) { argsWithoutError.push(null); } if (arguments[0]) { // Assume error return _handleWrapError(_this, arguments[0], name, context, argsWithoutError, options, lastArg); } else { _this.execPost(name, context, argsWithoutError, function() { if (lastArg === null) { return; } arguments[0] ? lastArg(arguments[0]) : lastArg.apply(context, arguments); }); } } }); }; Kareem.prototype.filter = function(fn) { const clone = this.clone(); const pres = Array.from(clone._pres.keys()); for (const name of pres) { const hooks = this._pres.get(name). map(h => Object.assign({}, h, { name: name })). filter(fn); if (hooks.length === 0) { clone._pres.delete(name); continue; } hooks.numAsync = hooks.filter(h => h.isAsync).length; clone._pres.set(name, hooks); } const posts = Array.from(clone._posts.keys()); for (const name of posts) { const hooks = this._posts.get(name). map(h => Object.assign({}, h, { name: name })). filter(fn); if (hooks.length === 0) { clone._posts.delete(name); continue; } clone._posts.set(name, hooks); } return clone; }; Kareem.prototype.hasHooks = function(name) { return this._pres.has(name) || this._posts.has(name); }; Kareem.prototype.createWrapper = function(name, fn, context, options) { var _this = this; if (!this.hasHooks(name)) { // Fast path: if there's no hooks for this function, just return the // function wrapped in a nextTick() return function() { nextTick(() => fn.apply(this, arguments)); }; } return function() { var _context = context || this; _this.wrap(name, fn, _context, Array.from(arguments), options); }; }; Kareem.prototype.pre = function(name, isAsync, fn, error, unshift) { let options = {}; if (typeof isAsync === 'object' && isAsync !== null) { options = isAsync; isAsync = options.isAsync; } else if (typeof arguments[1] !== 'boolean') { fn = isAsync; isAsync = false; } const pres = this._pres.get(name) || []; this._pres.set(name, pres); if (isAsync) { pres.numAsync = pres.numAsync || 0; ++pres.numAsync; } if (typeof fn !== 'function') { throw new Error('pre() requires a function, got "' + typeof fn + '"'); } if (unshift) { pres.unshift(Object.assign({}, options, { fn: fn, isAsync: isAsync })); } else { pres.push(Object.assign({}, options, { fn: fn, isAsync: isAsync })); } return this; }; Kareem.prototype.post = function(name, options, fn, unshift) { const hooks = this._posts.get(name) || []; if (typeof options === 'function') { unshift = !!fn; fn = options; options = {}; } if (typeof fn !== 'function') { throw new Error('post() requires a function, got "' + typeof fn + '"'); } if (unshift) { hooks.unshift(Object.assign({}, options, { fn: fn })); } else { hooks.push(Object.assign({}, options, { fn: fn })); } this._posts.set(name, hooks); return this; }; Kareem.prototype.clone = function() { const n = new Kareem(); for (let key of this._pres.keys()) { const clone = this._pres.get(key).slice(); clone.numAsync = this._pres.get(key).numAsync; n._pres.set(key, clone); } for (let key of this._posts.keys()) { n._posts.set(key, this._posts.get(key).slice()); } return n; }; Kareem.prototype.merge = function(other, clone) { clone = arguments.length === 1 ? true : clone; var ret = clone ? this.clone() : this; for (let key of other._pres.keys()) { const sourcePres = ret._pres.get(key) || []; const deduplicated = other._pres.get(key). // Deduplicate based on `fn` filter(p => sourcePres.map(_p => _p.fn).indexOf(p.fn) === -1); const combined = sourcePres.concat(deduplicated); combined.numAsync = sourcePres.numAsync || 0; combined.numAsync += deduplicated.filter(p => p.isAsync).length; ret._pres.set(key, combined); } for (let key of other._posts.keys()) { const sourcePosts = ret._posts.get(key) || []; const deduplicated = other._posts.get(key). filter(p => sourcePosts.indexOf(p) === -1); ret._posts.set(key, sourcePosts.concat(deduplicated)); } return ret; }; function callMiddlewareFunction(fn, context, args, next) { let maybePromiseLike; try { maybePromiseLike = fn.apply(context, args); } catch (error) { return next(error); } if (isPromiseLike(maybePromiseLike)) { maybePromiseLike.then(() => next(), err => next(err)); } } function isPromiseLike(v) { return (typeof v === 'object' && v !== null && typeof v.then === 'function'); } function decorateNextFn(fn) { var called = false; var _this = this; return function() { // Ensure this function can only be called once if (called) { return; } called = true; // Make sure to clear the stack so try/catch doesn't catch errors // in subsequent middleware return nextTick(() => fn.apply(_this, arguments)); }; } const nextTick = typeof process === 'object' && process !== null && process.nextTick || function nextTick(cb) { setTimeout(cb, 0); }; module.exports = Kareem;