var assert = require('assert'); var Kareem = require('../'); describe('wrap()', function() { var hooks; beforeEach(function() { hooks = new Kareem(); }); it('handles pre errors', function(done) { hooks.pre('cook', function(done) { done('error!'); });'cook', function(obj) { obj.tofu = 'no'; }); var obj = { bacon: 0, eggs: 0 }; var args = [obj]; args.push(function(error, result) { assert.equal('error!', error); assert.ok(!result); assert.equal(undefined, obj.tofu); done(); }); hooks.wrap( 'cook', function(o, callback) { // Should never get called assert.ok(false); callback(null, o); }, obj, args); }); it('handles pre errors when no callback defined', function(done) { hooks.pre('cook', function(done) { done('error!'); });'cook', function(obj) { obj.tofu = 'no'; }); var obj = { bacon: 0, eggs: 0 }; var args = [obj]; hooks.wrap( 'cook', function(o, callback) { // Should never get called assert.ok(false); callback(null, o); }, obj, args); setTimeout( function() { done(); }, 25); }); it('handles errors in wrapped function', function(done) { hooks.pre('cook', function(done) { done(); });'cook', function(obj) { obj.tofu = 'no'; }); var obj = { bacon: 0, eggs: 0 }; var args = [obj]; args.push(function(error, result) { assert.equal('error!', error); assert.ok(!result); assert.equal(undefined, obj.tofu); done(); }); hooks.wrap( 'cook', function(o, callback) { callback('error!'); }, obj, args); }); it('handles errors in post', function(done) { hooks.pre('cook', function(done) { done(); });'cook', function(obj, callback) { obj.tofu = 'no'; callback('error!'); }); var obj = { bacon: 0, eggs: 0 }; var args = [obj]; args.push(function(error, result) { assert.equal('error!', error); assert.ok(!result); assert.equal('no', obj.tofu); done(); }); hooks.wrap( 'cook', function(o, callback) { callback(null, o); }, obj, args); }); it('defers errors to post hooks if enabled', function(done) { hooks.pre('cook', function(done) { done(new Error('fail')); });'cook', function(error, res, callback) { callback(new Error('another error occurred')); }); var args = []; args.push(function(error) { assert.equal(error.message, 'another error occurred'); done(); }); hooks.wrap( 'cook', function(callback) { assert.ok(false); callback(); }, null, args, { useErrorHandlers: true, numCallbackParams: 1 }); }); it('error handlers with no callback', function(done) { hooks.pre('cook', function(done) { done(new Error('fail')); });'cook', function(error, callback) { assert.equal(error.message, 'fail'); done(); }); var args = []; hooks.wrap( 'cook', function(callback) { assert.ok(false); callback(); }, null, args, { useErrorHandlers: true }); }); it('error handlers with no error', function(done) {'cook', function(error, callback) { callback(new Error('another error occurred')); }); var args = []; args.push(function(error) { assert.ifError(error); done(); }); hooks.wrap( 'cook', function(callback) { callback(); }, null, args, { useErrorHandlers: true }); }); it('works with no args', function(done) { hooks.pre('cook', function(done) { done(); });'cook', function(callback) { obj.tofu = 'no'; callback(); }); var obj = { bacon: 0, eggs: 0 }; var args = []; hooks.wrap( 'cook', function(callback) { callback(null); }, obj, args); setTimeout( function() { assert.equal('no', obj.tofu); done(); }, 25); }); it('handles pre errors with no args', function(done) { hooks.pre('cook', function(done) { done('error!'); });'cook', function(callback) { obj.tofu = 'no'; callback(); }); var obj = { bacon: 0, eggs: 0 }; var args = []; hooks.wrap( 'cook', function(callback) { callback(null); }, obj, args); setTimeout( function() { assert.equal(undefined, obj.tofu); done(); }, 25); }); it('handles wrapped function errors with no args', function(done) { hooks.pre('cook', function(done) { obj.waffles = false; done(); });'cook', function(callback) { obj.tofu = 'no'; callback(); }); var obj = { bacon: 0, eggs: 0 }; var args = []; hooks.wrap( 'cook', function(callback) { callback('error!'); }, obj, args); setTimeout( function() { assert.equal(false, obj.waffles); assert.equal(undefined, obj.tofu); done(); }, 25); }); it('handles post errors with no args', function(done) { hooks.pre('cook', function(done) { obj.waffles = false; done(); });'cook', function(callback) { obj.tofu = 'no'; callback('error!'); }); var obj = { bacon: 0, eggs: 0 }; var args = []; hooks.wrap( 'cook', function(callback) { callback(); }, obj, args); setTimeout( function() { assert.equal(false, obj.waffles); assert.equal('no', obj.tofu); done(); }, 25); }); it('catches sync errors', function(done) { hooks.pre('cook', function(done) { done(); });'cook', function(callback) { callback(); }); var args = []; args.push(function(error) { assert.equal(error.message, 'oops!'); done(); }); hooks.wrap( 'cook', function() { throw new Error('oops!'); }, null, args); }); it('sync wrappers', function() { var calledPre = 0; var calledFn = 0; var calledPost = 0; hooks.pre('cook', function() { ++calledPre; });'cook', function() { ++calledPost; }); var wrapper = hooks.createWrapperSync('cook', function() { ++calledFn; }); wrapper(); assert.equal(calledPre, 1); assert.equal(calledFn, 1); assert.equal(calledPost, 1); }); });