import { PacketType } from ""; import { on } from "./on.js"; import { Emitter, } from ""; /** * Internal events. * These events can't be emitted by the user. */ const RESERVED_EVENTS = Object.freeze({ connect: 1, connect_error: 1, disconnect: 1, disconnecting: 1, // EventEmitter reserved events: newListener: 1, removeListener: 1, }); export class Socket extends Emitter { /** * `Socket` constructor. * * @public */ constructor(io, nsp, opts) { super(); this.connected = false; this.disconnected = true; this.receiveBuffer = []; this.sendBuffer = []; this.ids = 0; this.acks = {}; this.flags = {}; = io; this.nsp = nsp; if (opts && opts.auth) { this.auth = opts.auth; } if (; } /** * Subscribe to open, close and packet events * * @private */ subEvents() { if (this.subs) return; const io =; this.subs = [ on(io, "open", this.onopen.bind(this)), on(io, "packet", this.onpacket.bind(this)), on(io, "error", this.onerror.bind(this)), on(io, "close", this.onclose.bind(this)), ]; } /** * Whether the Socket will try to reconnect when its Manager connects or reconnects */ get active() { return !!this.subs; } /** * "Opens" the socket. * * @public */ connect() { if (this.connected) return this; this.subEvents(); if (!["_reconnecting"]); // ensure open if ("open" === this.onopen(); return this; } /** * Alias for connect() */ open() { return this.connect(); } /** * Sends a `message` event. * * @return self * @public */ send(...args) { args.unshift("message"); this.emit.apply(this, args); return this; } /** * Override `emit`. * If the event is in `events`, it's emitted normally. * * @return self * @public */ emit(ev, ...args) { if (RESERVED_EVENTS.hasOwnProperty(ev)) { throw new Error('"' + ev + '" is a reserved event name'); } args.unshift(ev); const packet = { type: PacketType.EVENT, data: args, }; packet.options = {}; packet.options.compress = this.flags.compress !== false; // event ack callback if ("function" === typeof args[args.length - 1]) { const id = this.ids++; const ack = args.pop(); this._registerAckCallback(id, ack); = id; } const isTransportWritable = && &&; const discardPacket = this.flags.volatile && (!isTransportWritable || !this.connected); if (discardPacket) { } else if (this.connected) { this.packet(packet); } else { this.sendBuffer.push(packet); } this.flags = {}; return this; } /** * @private */ _registerAckCallback(id, ack) { const timeout = this.flags.timeout; if (timeout === undefined) { this.acks[id] = ack; return; } // @ts-ignore const timer = => { delete this.acks[id]; for (let i = 0; i < this.sendBuffer.length; i++) { if (this.sendBuffer[i].id === id) { this.sendBuffer.splice(i, 1); } }, new Error("operation has timed out")); }, timeout); this.acks[id] = (...args) => { // @ts-ignore; ack.apply(this, [null, ...args]); }; } /** * Sends a packet. * * @param packet * @private */ packet(packet) { packet.nsp = this.nsp;; } /** * Called upon engine `open`. * * @private */ onopen() { if (typeof this.auth == "function") { this.auth((data) => { this.packet({ type: PacketType.CONNECT, data }); }); } else { this.packet({ type: PacketType.CONNECT, data: this.auth }); } } /** * Called upon engine or manager `error`. * * @param err * @private */ onerror(err) { if (!this.connected) { this.emitReserved("connect_error", err); } } /** * Called upon engine `close`. * * @param reason * @private */ onclose(reason) { this.connected = false; this.disconnected = true; delete; this.emitReserved("disconnect", reason); } /** * Called with socket packet. * * @param packet * @private */ onpacket(packet) { const sameNamespace = packet.nsp === this.nsp; if (!sameNamespace) return; switch (packet.type) { case PacketType.CONNECT: if ( && { const id =; this.onconnect(id); } else { this.emitReserved("connect_error", new Error("It seems you are trying to reach a Socket.IO server in v2.x with a v3.x client, but they are not compatible (more information here:")); } break; case PacketType.EVENT: this.onevent(packet); break; case PacketType.BINARY_EVENT: this.onevent(packet); break; case PacketType.ACK: this.onack(packet); break; case PacketType.BINARY_ACK: this.onack(packet); break; case PacketType.DISCONNECT: this.ondisconnect(); break; case PacketType.CONNECT_ERROR: this.destroy(); const err = new Error(; // @ts-ignore =; this.emitReserved("connect_error", err); break; } } /** * Called upon a server event. * * @param packet * @private */ onevent(packet) { const args = || []; if (null != { args.push(this.ack(; } if (this.connected) { this.emitEvent(args); } else { this.receiveBuffer.push(Object.freeze(args)); } } emitEvent(args) { if (this._anyListeners && this._anyListeners.length) { const listeners = this._anyListeners.slice(); for (const listener of listeners) { listener.apply(this, args); } } super.emit.apply(this, args); } /** * Produces an ack callback to emit with an event. * * @private */ ack(id) { const self = this; let sent = false; return function (...args) { // prevent double callbacks if (sent) return; sent = true; self.packet({ type: PacketType.ACK, id: id, data: args, }); }; } /** * Called upon a server acknowlegement. * * @param packet * @private */ onack(packet) { const ack = this.acks[]; if ("function" === typeof ack) { ack.apply(this,; delete this.acks[]; } else { } } /** * Called upon server connect. * * @private */ onconnect(id) { = id; this.connected = true; this.disconnected = false; this.emitBuffered(); this.emitReserved("connect"); } /** * Emit buffered events (received and emitted). * * @private */ emitBuffered() { this.receiveBuffer.forEach((args) => this.emitEvent(args)); this.receiveBuffer = []; this.sendBuffer.forEach((packet) => this.packet(packet)); this.sendBuffer = []; } /** * Called upon server disconnect. * * @private */ ondisconnect() { this.destroy(); this.onclose("io server disconnect"); } /** * Called upon forced client/server side disconnections, * this method ensures the manager stops tracking us and * that reconnections don't get triggered for this. * * @private */ destroy() { if (this.subs) { // clean subscriptions to avoid reconnections this.subs.forEach((subDestroy) => subDestroy()); this.subs = undefined; }["_destroy"](this); } /** * Disconnects the socket manually. * * @return self * @public */ disconnect() { if (this.connected) { this.packet({ type: PacketType.DISCONNECT }); } // remove socket from pool this.destroy(); if (this.connected) { // fire events this.onclose("io client disconnect"); } return this; } /** * Alias for disconnect() * * @return self * @public */ close() { return this.disconnect(); } /** * Sets the compress flag. * * @param compress - if `true`, compresses the sending data * @return self * @public */ compress(compress) { this.flags.compress = compress; return this; } /** * Sets a modifier for a subsequent event emission that the event message will be dropped when this socket is not * ready to send messages. * * @returns self * @public */ get volatile() { this.flags.volatile = true; return this; } /** * Sets a modifier for a subsequent event emission that the callback will be called with an error when the * given number of milliseconds have elapsed without an acknowledgement from the server: * * ``` * socket.timeout(5000).emit("my-event", (err) => { * if (err) { * // the server did not acknowledge the event in the given delay * } * }); * ``` * * @returns self * @public */ timeout(timeout) { this.flags.timeout = timeout; return this; } /** * Adds a listener that will be fired when any event is emitted. The event name is passed as the first argument to the * callback. * * @param listener * @public */ onAny(listener) { this._anyListeners = this._anyListeners || []; this._anyListeners.push(listener); return this; } /** * Adds a listener that will be fired when any event is emitted. The event name is passed as the first argument to the * callback. The listener is added to the beginning of the listeners array. * * @param listener * @public */ prependAny(listener) { this._anyListeners = this._anyListeners || []; this._anyListeners.unshift(listener); return this; } /** * Removes the listener that will be fired when any event is emitted. * * @param listener * @public */ offAny(listener) { if (!this._anyListeners) { return this; } if (listener) { const listeners = this._anyListeners; for (let i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { if (listener === listeners[i]) { listeners.splice(i, 1); return this; } } } else { this._anyListeners = []; } return this; } /** * Returns an array of listeners that are listening for any event that is specified. This array can be manipulated, * e.g. to remove listeners. * * @public */ listenersAny() { return this._anyListeners || []; } }