'use strict'; const mquery = require('../'); const assert = require('assert'); describe('mquery', function() { let col; before(function(done) { // get the env specific collection interface require('./env').getCollection(function(err, collection) { assert.ifError(err); col = collection; done(); }); }); after(function(done) { require('./env').dropCollection(done); }); describe('mquery', function() { it('is a function', function() { assert.equal('function', typeof mquery); }); it('creates instances with the `new` keyword', function() { assert.ok(mquery() instanceof mquery); }); describe('defaults', function() { it('are set', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.strictEqual(undefined, m.op); assert.deepEqual({}, m.options); }); }); describe('criteria', function() { it('if collection-like is used as collection', function() { const m = mquery(col); assert.equal(col, m._collection.collection); }); it('non-collection-like is used as criteria', function() { const m = mquery({ works: true }); assert.ok(!m._collection); assert.deepEqual({ works: true }, m._conditions); }); }); describe('options', function() { it('are merged when passed', function() { let m; m = mquery(col, { w: 'majority' }); assert.deepEqual({ w: 'majority' }, m.options); m = mquery({ name: 'mquery' }, { w: 'majority' }); assert.deepEqual({ w: 'majority' }, m.options); }); }); }); describe('toConstructor', function() { it('creates subclasses of mquery', function() { const opts = { safe: { w: 'majority' }, readPreference: 'p' }; const match = { name: 'test', count: { $gt: 101 } }; const select = { name: 1, count: 0 }; const update = { $set: { x: true } }; const path = 'street'; const q = mquery().setOptions(opts); q.where(match); q.select(select); q.updateOne(update); q.where(path); q.find(); const M = q.toConstructor(); const m = M(); assert.ok(m instanceof mquery); assert.deepEqual(opts, m.options); assert.deepEqual(match, m._conditions); assert.deepEqual(select, m._fields); assert.deepEqual(update, m._update); assert.equal(path, m._path); assert.equal('find', m.op); }); }); describe('setOptions', function() { it('calls associated methods', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.equal(m._collection, null); m.setOptions({ collection: col }); assert.equal(m._collection.collection, col); }); it('directly sets option when no method exists', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.equal(m.options.woot, null); m.setOptions({ woot: 'yay' }); assert.equal(m.options.woot, 'yay'); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery(); let n; n = m.setOptions(); assert.equal(m, n); n = m.setOptions({ x: 1 }); assert.equal(m, n); }); }); describe('collection', function() { it('sets the _collection', function() { const m = mquery(); m.collection(col); assert.equal(m._collection.collection, col); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery(); const n = m.collection(col); assert.equal(m, n); }); }); describe('$where', function() { it('sets the $where condition', function() { const m = mquery(); function go() {} m.$where(go); assert.ok(go === m._conditions.$where); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery(); const n = m.$where('x'); assert.equal(m, n); }); }); describe('where', function() { it('without arguments', function() { const m = mquery(); m.where(); assert.deepEqual({}, m._conditions); }); it('with non-string/object argument', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.throws(function() { m.where([]); }, /path must be a string or object/); }); describe('with one argument', function() { it('that is an object', function() { const m = mquery(); m.where({ name: 'flawed' }); assert.strictEqual(m._conditions.name, 'flawed'); }); it('that is a query', function() { const m = mquery({ name: 'first' }); const n = mquery({ name: 'changed' }); m.where(n); assert.strictEqual(m._conditions.name, 'changed'); }); it('that is a string', function() { const m = mquery(); m.where('name'); assert.equal('name', m._path); assert.strictEqual(m._conditions.name, undefined); }); }); it('with two arguments', function() { const m = mquery(); m.where('name', 'The Great Pumpkin'); assert.equal('name', m._path); assert.strictEqual(m._conditions.name, 'The Great Pumpkin'); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery(); let n = m.where('x', 'y'); assert.equal(m, n); n = m.where(); assert.equal(m, n); }); }); describe('equals', function() { it('must be called after where()', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.throws(function() { m.equals(); }, /must be used after where/); }); it('sets value of path set with where()', function() { const m = mquery(); m.where('age').equals(1000); assert.deepEqual({ age: 1000 }, m._conditions); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery(); const n = m.where('x').equals(3); assert.equal(m, n); }); }); describe('eq', function() { it('is alias of equals', function() { const m = mquery(); m.where('age').eq(1000); assert.deepEqual({ age: 1000 }, m._conditions); }); }); describe('or', function() { it('pushes onto the internal $or condition', function() { const m = mquery(); m.or({ 'Nightmare Before Christmas': true }); assert.deepEqual([{ 'Nightmare Before Christmas': true }], m._conditions.$or); }); it('allows passing arrays', function() { const m = mquery(); const arg = [{ 'Nightmare Before Christmas': true }, { x: 1 }]; m.or(arg); assert.deepEqual(arg, m._conditions.$or); }); it('allows calling multiple times', function() { const m = mquery(); const arg = [{ looper: true }, { x: 1 }]; m.or(arg); m.or({ y: 1 }); m.or([{ w: 'oo' }, { z: 'oo' }]); assert.deepEqual([{ looper: true }, { x: 1 }, { y: 1 }, { w: 'oo' }, { z: 'oo' }], m._conditions.$or); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery(); m.or({ o: 'k' }).where('name', 'table'); assert.deepEqual({ name: 'table', $or: [{ o: 'k' }] }, m._conditions); }); }); describe('nor', function() { it('pushes onto the internal $nor condition', function() { const m = mquery(); m.nor({ 'Nightmare Before Christmas': true }); assert.deepEqual([{ 'Nightmare Before Christmas': true }], m._conditions.$nor); }); it('allows passing arrays', function() { const m = mquery(); const arg = [{ 'Nightmare Before Christmas': true }, { x: 1 }]; m.nor(arg); assert.deepEqual(arg, m._conditions.$nor); }); it('allows calling multiple times', function() { const m = mquery(); const arg = [{ looper: true }, { x: 1 }]; m.nor(arg); m.nor({ y: 1 }); m.nor([{ w: 'oo' }, { z: 'oo' }]); assert.deepEqual([{ looper: true }, { x: 1 }, { y: 1 }, { w: 'oo' }, { z: 'oo' }], m._conditions.$nor); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery(); m.nor({ o: 'k' }).where('name', 'table'); assert.deepEqual({ name: 'table', $nor: [{ o: 'k' }] }, m._conditions); }); }); describe('and', function() { it('pushes onto the internal $and condition', function() { const m = mquery(); m.and({ 'Nightmare Before Christmas': true }); assert.deepEqual([{ 'Nightmare Before Christmas': true }], m._conditions.$and); }); it('allows passing arrays', function() { const m = mquery(); const arg = [{ 'Nightmare Before Christmas': true }, { x: 1 }]; m.and(arg); assert.deepEqual(arg, m._conditions.$and); }); it('allows calling multiple times', function() { const m = mquery(); const arg = [{ looper: true }, { x: 1 }]; m.and(arg); m.and({ y: 1 }); m.and([{ w: 'oo' }, { z: 'oo' }]); assert.deepEqual([{ looper: true }, { x: 1 }, { y: 1 }, { w: 'oo' }, { z: 'oo' }], m._conditions.$and); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery(); m.and({ o: 'k' }).where('name', 'table'); assert.deepEqual({ name: 'table', $and: [{ o: 'k' }] }, m._conditions); }); }); function generalCondition(type) { return function() { it('accepts 2 args', function() { const m = mquery()[type]('count', 3); const check = {}; check['$' + type] = 3; assert.deepEqual(m._conditions.count, check); }); it('uses previously set `where` path if 1 arg passed', function() { const m = mquery().where('count')[type](3); const check = {}; check['$' + type] = 3; assert.deepEqual(m._conditions.count, check); }); it('throws if 1 arg was passed but no previous `where` was used', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery()[type](3); }, /must be used after where/); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery().where('count')[type](3).where('x', 8); const check = { x: 8, count: {} }; check.count['$' + type] = 3; assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, check); }); it('overwrites previous value', function() { const m = mquery().where('count')[type](3)[type](8); const check = {}; check['$' + type] = 8; assert.deepEqual(m._conditions.count, check); }); }; } 'gt gte lt lte ne in nin regex size maxDistance minDistance'.split(' ').forEach(function(type) { describe(type, generalCondition(type)); }); describe('mod', function() { describe('with 1 argument', function() { it('requires a previous where()', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().mod([30, 10]); }, /must be used after where/); }); it('works', function() { const m = mquery().where('madmen').mod([10, 20]); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, { madmen: { $mod: [10, 20] } }); }); }); describe('with 2 arguments and second is non-Array', function() { it('requires a previous where()', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().mod('x', 10); }, /must be used after where/); }); it('works', function() { const m = mquery().where('madmen').mod(10, 20); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, { madmen: { $mod: [10, 20] } }); }); }); it('with 2 arguments and second is an array', function() { const m = mquery().mod('madmen', [10, 20]); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, { madmen: { $mod: [10, 20] } }); }); it('with 3 arguments', function() { const m = mquery().mod('madmen', 10, 20); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, { madmen: { $mod: [10, 20] } }); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery().mod('madmen', 10, 20).where('x', 8); const check = { madmen: { $mod: [10, 20] }, x: 8 }; assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, check); }); }); describe('exists', function() { it('with 0 args', function() { it('throws if not used after where()', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().exists(); }, /must be used after where/); }); it('works', function() { const m = mquery().where('name').exists(); const check = { name: { $exists: true } }; assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, check); }); }); describe('with 1 arg', function() { describe('that is boolean', function() { it('throws if not used after where()', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().exists(); }, /must be used after where/); }); it('works', function() { const m = mquery().exists('name', false); const check = { name: { $exists: false } }; assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, check); }); }); describe('that is not boolean', function() { it('sets the value to `true`', function() { const m = mquery().where('name').exists('yummy'); const check = { yummy: { $exists: true } }; assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, check); }); }); }); describe('with 2 args', function() { it('works', function() { const m = mquery().exists('yummy', false); const check = { yummy: { $exists: false } }; assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, check); }); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery().where('name').exists().find({ x: 1 }); const check = { name: { $exists: true }, x: 1 }; assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, check); }); }); describe('elemMatch', function() { describe('with null/undefined first argument', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().elemMatch(); }, /Invalid argument/); assert.throws(function() { mquery().elemMatch(null); }, /Invalid argument/); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { mquery().elemMatch('', {}); }); }); describe('with 1 argument', function() { it('throws if not a function or object', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().elemMatch([]); }, /Invalid argument/); }); describe('that is an object', function() { it('throws if no previous `where` was used', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().elemMatch({}); }, /must be used after where/); }); it('works', function() { const m = mquery().where('comment').elemMatch({ author: 'joe', votes: { $gte: 3 } }); assert.deepEqual({ comment: { $elemMatch: { author: 'joe', votes: { $gte: 3 } } } }, m._conditions); }); }); describe('that is a function', function() { it('throws if no previous `where` was used', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().elemMatch(function() {}); }, /must be used after where/); }); it('works', function() { const m = mquery().where('comment').elemMatch(function(query) { query.where({ author: 'joe', votes: { $gte: 3 } }); }); assert.deepEqual({ comment: { $elemMatch: { author: 'joe', votes: { $gte: 3 } } } }, m._conditions); }); }); }); describe('with 2 arguments', function() { describe('and the 2nd is an object', function() { it('works', function() { const m = mquery().elemMatch('comment', { author: 'joe', votes: { $gte: 3 } }); assert.deepEqual({ comment: { $elemMatch: { author: 'joe', votes: { $gte: 3 } } } }, m._conditions); }); }); describe('and the 2nd is a function', function() { it('works', function() { const m = mquery().elemMatch('comment', function(query) { query.where({ author: 'joe', votes: { $gte: 3 } }); }); assert.deepEqual({ comment: { $elemMatch: { author: 'joe', votes: { $gte: 3 } } } }, m._conditions); }); }); it('and the 2nd is not a function or object', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().elemMatch('comment', []); }, /Invalid argument/); }); }); }); describe('within', function() { it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.equal(m.where('a').within(), m); }); describe('when called with arguments', function() { it('must follow where()', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().within([]); }, /must be used after where/); }); describe('of length 1', function() { it('throws if not a recognized shape', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().where('loc').within({}); }, /Invalid argument/); assert.throws(function() { mquery().where('loc').within(null); }, /Invalid argument/); }); it('delegates to circle when center exists', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').within({ center: [10, 10], radius: 3 }); assert.deepEqual({ $geoWithin: { $center: [[10, 10], 3] } }, m._conditions.loc); }); it('delegates to box when exists', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').within({ box: [[10, 10], [11, 14]] }); assert.deepEqual({ $geoWithin: { $box: [[10, 10], [11, 14]] } }, m._conditions.loc); }); it('delegates to polygon when exists', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').within({ polygon: [[10, 10], [11, 14], [10, 9]] }); assert.deepEqual({ $geoWithin: { $polygon: [[10, 10], [11, 14], [10, 9]] } }, m._conditions.loc); }); it('delegates to geometry when exists', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').within({ type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[10, 10], [11, 14], [10, 9]] }); assert.deepEqual({ $geoWithin: { $geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[10, 10], [11, 14], [10, 9]] } } }, m._conditions.loc); }); }); describe('of length 2', function() { it('delegates to box()', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').within([1, 2], [2, 5]); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions.loc, { $geoWithin: { $box: [[1, 2], [2, 5]] } }); }); }); describe('of length > 2', function() { it('delegates to polygon()', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').within([1, 2], [2, 5], [2, 4], [1, 3]); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions.loc, { $geoWithin: { $polygon: [[1, 2], [2, 5], [2, 4], [1, 3]] } }); }); }); }); }); describe('geoWithin', function() { before(function() { mquery.use$geoWithin = false; }); after(function() { mquery.use$geoWithin = true; }); describe('when called with arguments', function() { describe('of length 1', function() { it('delegates to circle when center exists', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').within({ center: [10, 10], radius: 3 }); assert.deepEqual({ $within: { $center: [[10, 10], 3] } }, m._conditions.loc); }); it('delegates to box when exists', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').within({ box: [[10, 10], [11, 14]] }); assert.deepEqual({ $within: { $box: [[10, 10], [11, 14]] } }, m._conditions.loc); }); it('delegates to polygon when exists', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').within({ polygon: [[10, 10], [11, 14], [10, 9]] }); assert.deepEqual({ $within: { $polygon: [[10, 10], [11, 14], [10, 9]] } }, m._conditions.loc); }); it('delegates to geometry when exists', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').within({ type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[10, 10], [11, 14], [10, 9]] }); assert.deepEqual({ $within: { $geometry: { type: 'Polygon', coordinates: [[10, 10], [11, 14], [10, 9]] } } }, m._conditions.loc); }); }); describe('of length 2', function() { it('delegates to box()', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').within([1, 2], [2, 5]); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions.loc, { $within: { $box: [[1, 2], [2, 5]] } }); }); }); describe('of length > 2', function() { it('delegates to polygon()', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').within([1, 2], [2, 5], [2, 4], [1, 3]); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions.loc, { $within: { $polygon: [[1, 2], [2, 5], [2, 4], [1, 3]] } }); }); }); }); }); describe('box', function() { describe('with 1 argument', function() { it('throws', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().box('sometihng'); }, /Invalid argument/); }); }); describe('with > 3 arguments', function() { it('throws', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().box(1, 2, 3, 4); }, /Invalid argument/); }); }); describe('with 2 arguments', function() { it('throws if not used after where()', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().box([], []); }, /must be used after where/); }); it('works', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').box([1, 2], [3, 4]); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions.loc, { $geoWithin: { $box: [[1, 2], [3, 4]] } }); }); }); describe('with 3 arguments', function() { it('works', function() { const m = mquery().box('loc', [1, 2], [3, 4]); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions.loc, { $geoWithin: { $box: [[1, 2], [3, 4]] } }); }); }); }); describe('polygon', function() { describe('when first argument is not a string', function() { it('throws if not used after where()', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().polygon({}); }, /must be used after where/); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { mquery().where('loc').polygon([1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 6]); }); }); it('assigns arguments to within polygon condition', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').polygon([1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 6]); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, { loc: { $geoWithin: { $polygon: [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 6]] } } }); }); }); describe('when first arg is a string', function() { it('assigns remaining arguments to within polygon condition', function() { const m = mquery().polygon('loc', [1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 6]); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, { loc: { $geoWithin: { $polygon: [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 6]] } } }); }); }); }); describe('circle', function() { describe('with one arg', function() { it('must follow where()', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().circle('x'); }, /must be used after where/); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { mquery().where('loc').circle({ center: [0, 0], radius: 3 }); }); }); it('works', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').circle({ center: [0, 0], radius: 3 }); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, { loc: { $geoWithin: { $center: [[0, 0], 3] } } }); }); }); describe('with 3 args', function() { it('throws', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().where('loc').circle(1, 2, 3); }, /Invalid argument/); }); }); describe('requires radius and center', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().circle('loc', { center: 1 }); }, /center and radius are required/); assert.throws(function() { mquery().circle('loc', { radius: 1 }); }, /center and radius are required/); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { mquery().circle('loc', { center: [1, 2], radius: 1 }); }); }); }); describe('geometry', function() { // within + intersects const point = { type: 'Point', coordinates: [[0, 0], [1, 1]] }; it('must be called after within or intersects', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().where('a').geometry(point); }, /must come after/); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { mquery().where('a').within().geometry(point); }); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { mquery().where('a').intersects().geometry(point); }); done(); }); describe('when called with one argument', function() { describe('after within()', function() { it('and arg quacks like geoJSON', function(done) { const m = mquery().where('a').within().geometry(point); assert.deepEqual({ a: { $geoWithin: { $geometry: point } } }, m._conditions); done(); }); }); describe('after intersects()', function() { it('and arg quacks like geoJSON', function(done) { const m = mquery().where('a').intersects().geometry(point); assert.deepEqual({ a: { $geoIntersects: { $geometry: point } } }, m._conditions); done(); }); }); it('and arg does not quack like geoJSON', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().where('b').within().geometry({ type: 1, coordinates: 2 }); }, /Invalid argument/); done(); }); }); describe('when called with zero arguments', function() { it('throws', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().where('a').within().geometry(); }, /Invalid argument/); done(); }); }); describe('when called with more than one arguments', function() { it('throws', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().where('a').within().geometry({ type: 'a', coordinates: [] }, 2); }, /Invalid argument/); done(); }); }); }); describe('intersects', function() { it('must be used after where()', function(done) { const m = mquery(); assert.throws(function() { m.intersects(); }, /must be used after where/); done(); }); it('sets geo comparison to "$intersects"', function(done) { const n = mquery().where('a').intersects(); assert.equal('$geoIntersects', n._geoComparison); done(); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.equal(m.where('a').intersects(), m); }); it('calls geometry if argument quacks like geojson', function(done) { const m = mquery(); const o = { type: 'LineString', coordinates: [[0, 1], [3, 40]] }; let ran = false; m.geometry = function(arg) { ran = true; assert.deepEqual(o, arg); }; m.where('a').intersects(o); assert.ok(ran); done(); }); it('throws if argument is not geometry-like', function(done) { const m = mquery().where('a'); assert.throws(function() { m.intersects(null); }, /Invalid argument/); assert.throws(function() { m.intersects(undefined); }, /Invalid argument/); assert.throws(function() { m.intersects(false); }, /Invalid argument/); assert.throws(function() { m.intersects({}); }, /Invalid argument/); assert.throws(function() { m.intersects([]); }, /Invalid argument/); assert.throws(function() { m.intersects(function() {}); }, /Invalid argument/); assert.throws(function() { m.intersects(NaN); }, /Invalid argument/); done(); }); }); describe('near', function() { // near nearSphere describe('with 0 args', function() { it('is compatible with geometry()', function(done) { const q = mquery().where('x').near().geometry({ type: 'Point', coordinates: [180, 11] }); assert.deepEqual({ $near: { $geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [180, 11] } } }, q._conditions.x); done(); }); }); describe('with 1 arg', function() { it('throws if not used after where()', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().near(1); }, /must be used after where/); }); it('does not throw if used after where()', function() { assert.doesNotThrow(function() { mquery().where('loc').near({ center: [1, 1] }); }); }); }); describe('with > 2 args', function() { it('throws', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().near(1, 2, 3); }, /Invalid argument/); }); }); it('creates $geometry args for GeoJSON', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').near({ center: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [10, 10] } }); assert.deepEqual({ $near: { $geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [10, 10] } } }, m._conditions.loc); }); it('expects `center`', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().near('loc', { maxDistance: 3 }); }, /center is required/); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { mquery().near('loc', { center: [3, 4] }); }); }); it('accepts spherical conditions', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').near({ center: [1, 2], spherical: true }); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, { loc: { $nearSphere: [1, 2] } }); }); it('is non-spherical by default', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').near({ center: [1, 2] }); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, { loc: { $near: [1, 2] } }); }); it('supports maxDistance', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').near({ center: [1, 2], maxDistance: 4 }); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, { loc: { $near: [1, 2], $maxDistance: 4 } }); }); it('supports minDistance', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').near({ center: [1, 2], minDistance: 4 }); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, { loc: { $near: [1, 2], $minDistance: 4 } }); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').near({ center: [1, 2], maxDistance: 4 }).find({ x: 1 }); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, { loc: { $near: [1, 2], $maxDistance: 4 }, x: 1 }); }); describe('supports passing GeoJSON, gh-13', function() { it('with center', function() { const m = mquery().where('loc').near({ center: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [1, 1] }, maxDistance: 2 }); const expect = { loc: { $near: { $geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [1, 1] }, $maxDistance: 2 } } }; assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, expect); }); }); }); // fields describe('select', function() { describe('with 0 args', function() { it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.equal(m, m.select()); }); }); it('accepts an object', function() { const o = { x: 1, y: 1 }; const m = mquery().select(o); assert.deepEqual(m._fields, o); }); it('accepts a string', function() { const o = 'x -y'; const m = mquery().select(o); assert.deepEqual(m._fields, { x: 1, y: 0 }); }); it('does accept an array', function() { const o = ['x', '-y']; const m = mquery().select(o); assert.deepEqual(m._fields, { x: 1, y: 0 }); }); it('merges previous arguments', function() { const o = { x: 1, y: 0, a: 1 }; const m = mquery().select(o); m.select('z -u w').select({ x: 0 }); assert.deepEqual(m._fields, { x: 0, y: 0, z: 1, u: 0, w: 1, a: 1 }); }); it('rejects non-string, object, arrays', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().select(function() {}); }, /Invalid select\(\) argument/); }); it('accepts arguments objects', function() { const m = mquery(); function t() { m.select(arguments); assert.deepEqual(m._fields, { x: 1, y: 0 }); } t('x', '-y'); }); noDistinct('select'); }); describe('selected', function() { it('returns true when fields have been selected', function(done) { let m; m = mquery().select({ name: 1 }); assert.ok(m.selected()); m = mquery().select('name'); assert.ok(m.selected()); done(); }); it('returns false when no fields have been selected', function(done) { const m = mquery(); assert.strictEqual(false, m.selected()); done(); }); }); describe('selectedInclusively', function() { describe('returns false', function() { it('when no fields have been selected', function(done) { assert.strictEqual(false, mquery().selectedInclusively()); assert.equal(false, mquery().select({}).selectedInclusively()); done(); }); it('when any fields have been excluded', function(done) { assert.strictEqual(false, mquery().select('-name').selectedInclusively()); assert.strictEqual(false, mquery().select({ name: 0 }).selectedInclusively()); assert.strictEqual(false, mquery().select('name bio -_id').selectedInclusively()); assert.strictEqual(false, mquery().select({ name: 1, _id: 0 }).selectedInclusively()); done(); }); it('when using $meta', function(done) { assert.strictEqual(false, mquery().select({ name: { $meta: 'textScore' } }).selectedInclusively()); done(); }); }); describe('returns true', function() { it('when fields have been included', function(done) { assert.equal(true, mquery().select('name').selectedInclusively()); assert.equal(true, mquery().select({ name: 1 }).selectedInclusively()); done(); }); }); }); describe('selectedExclusively', function() { describe('returns false', function() { it('when no fields have been selected', function(done) { assert.equal(false, mquery().selectedExclusively()); assert.equal(false, mquery().select({}).selectedExclusively()); done(); }); it('when fields have only been included', function(done) { assert.equal(false, mquery().select('name').selectedExclusively()); assert.equal(false, mquery().select({ name: 1 }).selectedExclusively()); done(); }); }); describe('returns true', function() { it('when any field has been excluded', function(done) { assert.equal(true, mquery().select('-name').selectedExclusively()); assert.equal(true, mquery().select({ name: 0 }).selectedExclusively()); assert.equal(true, mquery().select('-_id').selectedExclusively()); assert.strictEqual(true, mquery().select('name bio -_id').selectedExclusively()); assert.strictEqual(true, mquery().select({ name: 1, _id: 0 }).selectedExclusively()); done(); }); }); }); describe('slice', function() { describe('with 0 args', function() { it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.equal(m, m.slice()); }); it('is a noop', function() { const m = mquery().slice(); assert.deepEqual(m._fields, undefined); }); }); describe('with 1 arg', function() { it('throws if not called after where()', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().slice(1); }, /must be used after where/); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { mquery().where('a').slice(1); }); }); it('that is a number', function() { const query = mquery(); query.where('collection').slice(5); assert.deepEqual(query._fields, { collection: { $slice: 5 } }); }); it('that is an array', function() { const query = mquery(); query.where('collection').slice([5, 10]); assert.deepEqual(query._fields, { collection: { $slice: [5, 10] } }); }); it('that is an object', function() { const query = mquery(); query.slice({ collection: [5, 10] }); assert.deepEqual(query._fields, { collection: { $slice: [5, 10] } }); }); }); describe('with 2 args', function() { describe('and first is a number', function() { it('throws if not called after where', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().slice(2, 3); }, /must be used after where/); }); it('does not throw if used after where', function() { const query = mquery(); query.where('collection').slice(2, 3); assert.deepEqual(query._fields, { collection: { $slice: [2, 3] } }); }); }); it('and first is not a number', function() { const query = mquery().slice('collection', [-5, 2]); assert.deepEqual(query._fields, { collection: { $slice: [-5, 2] } }); }); }); describe('with 3 args', function() { it('works', function() { const query = mquery(); query.slice('collection', 14, 10); assert.deepEqual(query._fields, { collection: { $slice: [14, 10] } }); }); }); noDistinct('slice'); no('count', 'slice'); }); // options describe('sort', function() { describe('with 0 args', function() { it('chains', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.equal(m, m.sort()); }); it('has no affect', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.equal(m.options.sort, undefined); }); }); it('works', function() { let query = mquery(); query.sort('a -c b'); assert.deepEqual(query.options.sort, { a: 1, b: 1, c: -1 }); query = mquery(); query.sort({ a: 1, c: -1, b: 'asc', e: 'descending', f: 'ascending' }); assert.deepEqual(query.options.sort, { a: 1, c: -1, b: 1, e: -1, f: 1 }); query = mquery(); query.sort([['a', -1], ['c', 1], ['b', 'desc'], ['e', 'ascending'], ['f', 'descending']]); assert.deepEqual(query.options.sort, [['a', -1], ['c', 1], ['b', -1], ['e', 1], ['f', -1]]); query = mquery(); let e = undefined; try { query.sort([['a', 1], { b: 5 }]); } catch (err) { e = err; } assert.ok(e, 'uh oh. no error was thrown'); assert.equal(e.message, 'Invalid sort() argument, must be array of arrays'); query = mquery(); e = undefined; try { query.sort('a', 1, 'c', -1, 'b', 1); } catch (err) { e = err; } assert.ok(e, 'uh oh. no error was thrown'); assert.equal(e.message, 'Invalid sort() argument. Must be a string, object, or array.'); }); it('handles $meta sort options', function() { const query = mquery(); query.sort({ score: { $meta: 'textScore' } }); assert.deepEqual(query.options.sort, { score: { $meta: 'textScore' } }); }); it('array syntax', function() { const query = mquery(); query.sort([['field', 1], ['test', -1]]); assert.deepEqual(query.options.sort, [['field', 1], ['test', -1]]); }); it('throws with mixed array/object syntax', function() { const query = mquery(); assert.throws(function() { query.sort({ field: 1 }).sort([['test', -1]]); }, /Can't mix sort syntaxes/); assert.throws(function() { query.sort([['field', 1]]).sort({ test: 1 }); }, /Can't mix sort syntaxes/); }); it('works with maps', function() { if (typeof Map === 'undefined') { return this.skip(); } const query = mquery(); query.sort(new Map().set('field', 1).set('test', -1)); assert.deepEqual(query.options.sort, new Map().set('field', 1).set('test', -1)); }); }); function simpleOption(type, options) { describe(type, function() { it('sets the ' + type + ' option', function() { const m = mquery()[type](2); const optionName = options.name || type; assert.equal(2, m.options[optionName]); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.equal(m[type](3), m); }); if (!options.distinct) noDistinct(type); if (!options.count) no('count', type); }); } const negated = { limit: { distinct: false, count: true }, skip: { distinct: false, count: true }, maxScan: { distinct: false, count: false }, batchSize: { distinct: false, count: false }, maxTime: { distinct: true, count: true, name: 'maxTimeMS' }, comment: { distinct: false, count: false } }; Object.keys(negated).forEach(function(key) { simpleOption(key, negated[key]); }); describe('snapshot', function() { it('works', function() { let query; query = mquery(); query.snapshot(); assert.equal(true, query.options.snapshot); query = mquery(); query.snapshot(true); assert.equal(true, query.options.snapshot); query = mquery(); query.snapshot(false); assert.equal(false, query.options.snapshot); }); noDistinct('snapshot'); no('count', 'snapshot'); }); describe('hint', function() { it('accepts an object', function() { const query2 = mquery(); query2.hint({ a: 1, b: -1 }); assert.deepEqual(query2.options.hint, { a: 1, b: -1 }); }); it('accepts a string', function() { const query2 = mquery(); query2.hint('a'); assert.deepEqual(query2.options.hint, 'a'); }); it('rejects everything else', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().hint(['c']); }, /Invalid hint./); assert.throws(function() { mquery().hint(1); }, /Invalid hint./); }); describe('does not have side affects', function() { it('on invalid arg', function() { const m = mquery(); try { m.hint(1); } catch (err) { // ignore } assert.equal(undefined, m.options.hint); }); it('on missing arg', function() { const m = mquery().hint(); assert.equal(undefined, m.options.hint); }); }); noDistinct('hint'); }); describe('j', function() { it('works', function() { const m = mquery().j(true); assert.equal(true, m.options.j); }); }); describe('slaveOk', function() { it('works', function() { let query; query = mquery(); query.slaveOk(); assert.equal(true, query.options.slaveOk); query = mquery(); query.slaveOk(true); assert.equal(true, query.options.slaveOk); query = mquery(); query.slaveOk(false); assert.equal(false, query.options.slaveOk); }); }); describe('read', function() { it('sets associated readPreference option', function() { const m = mquery(); m.read('p'); assert.equal('primary', m.options.readPreference); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.equal(m, m.read('sp')); }); }); describe('readConcern', function() { it('sets associated readConcern option', function() { let m; m = mquery(); m.readConcern('s'); assert.deepEqual({ level: 'snapshot' }, m.options.readConcern); m = mquery(); m.r('local'); assert.deepEqual({ level: 'local' }, m.options.readConcern); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.equal(m, m.readConcern('lz')); }); }); describe('tailable', function() { it('works', function() { let query; query = mquery(); query.tailable(); assert.equal(true, query.options.tailable); query = mquery(); query.tailable(true); assert.equal(true, query.options.tailable); query = mquery(); query.tailable(false); assert.equal(false, query.options.tailable); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.equal(m, m.tailable()); }); noDistinct('tailable'); no('count', 'tailable'); }); describe('writeConcern', function() { it('sets associated writeConcern option', function() { let m; m = mquery(); m.writeConcern('majority'); assert.equal('majority', m.options.w); m = mquery(); m.writeConcern('m'); // m is alias of majority assert.equal('majority', m.options.w); m = mquery(); m.writeConcern(1); assert.equal(1, m.options.w); }); it('accepts object', function() { let m; m = mquery().writeConcern({ w: 'm', j: true, wtimeout: 1000 }); assert.equal('m', m.options.w); // check it does not convert m to majority assert.equal(true, m.options.j); assert.equal(1000, m.options.wtimeout); m = mquery().w('m').w({ j: false, wtimeout: 0 }); assert.equal('majority', m.options.w); assert.strictEqual(false, m.options.j); assert.strictEqual(0, m.options.wtimeout); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.equal(m, m.writeConcern('majority')); }); }); // query utilities describe('merge', function() { describe('with falsy arg', function() { it('returns itself', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.equal(m, m.merge()); assert.equal(m, m.merge(null)); assert.equal(m, m.merge(0)); }); }); describe('with an argument', function() { describe('that is not a query or plain object', function() { it('throws', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().merge([]); }, /Invalid argument/); assert.throws(function() { mquery().merge('merge'); }, /Invalid argument/); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { mquery().merge({}); }, /Invalid argument/); }); }); describe('that is a query', function() { it('merges conditions, field selection, and options', function() { const m = mquery({ x: 'hi' }, { select: 'x y', another: true }); const n = mquery().merge(m); assert.deepEqual(n._conditions, m._conditions); assert.deepEqual(n._fields, m._fields); assert.deepEqual(n.options, m.options); }); it('clones update arguments', function(done) { const original = { $set: { iTerm: true } }; const m = mquery().updateOne(original); const n = mquery().merge(m); m.updateOne({ $set: { x: 2 } }); assert.notDeepEqual(m._update, n._update); done(); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery({ x: 'hi' }); const n = mquery(); assert.equal(n, n.merge(m)); }); }); describe('that is an object', function() { it('merges', function() { const m = { x: 'hi' }; const n = mquery().merge(m); assert.deepEqual(n._conditions, { x: 'hi' }); }); it('clones update arguments', function(done) { const original = { $set: { iTerm: true } }; const m = mquery().updateOne(original); const n = mquery().merge(original); m.updateOne({ $set: { x: 2 } }); assert.notDeepEqual(m._update, n._update); done(); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = { x: 'hi' }; const n = mquery(); assert.equal(n, n.merge(m)); }); }); }); }); // queries describe('find', function() { describe('with no callback', function() { it('does not execute', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { m.find(); }); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { m.find({ x: 1 }); }); }); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery().find({ x: 1 }).find().find({ y: 2 }); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, { x: 1, y: 2 }); }); it('merges other queries', function() { const m = mquery({ name: 'mquery' }); m.tailable(); m.select('_id'); const a = mquery().find(m); assert.deepEqual(a._conditions, m._conditions); assert.deepEqual(a.options, m.options); assert.deepEqual(a._fields, m._fields); }); describe('executes', function() { before(function(done) { col.insertOne({ name: 'mquery' }, done); }); after(function(done) { col.remove({ name: 'mquery' }, done); }); it('when criteria is passed with a callback', function(done) { mquery(col).find({ name: 'mquery' }, function(err, docs) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(1, docs.length); done(); }); }); it('when Query is passed with a callback', function(done) { const m = mquery({ name: 'mquery' }); mquery(col).find(m, function(err, docs) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(1, docs.length); done(); }); }); it('when just a callback is passed', function(done) { mquery({ name: 'mquery' }).collection(col).find(function(err, docs) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(1, docs.length); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('findOne', function() { describe('with no callback', function() { it('does not execute', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { m.findOne(); }); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { m.findOne({ x: 1 }); }); }); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery(); const n = m.findOne({ x: 1 }).findOne().findOne({ y: 2 }); assert.equal(m, n); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, { x: 1, y: 2 }); assert.equal('findOne', m.op); }); it('merges other queries', function() { const m = mquery({ name: 'mquery' }); m.read('nearest'); m.select('_id'); const a = mquery().findOne(m); assert.deepEqual(a._conditions, m._conditions); assert.deepEqual(a.options, m.options); assert.deepEqual(a._fields, m._fields); }); describe('executes', function() { before(function(done) { col.insertOne({ name: 'mquery findone' }, done); }); after(function(done) { col.remove({ name: 'mquery findone' }, done); }); it('when criteria is passed with a callback', function(done) { mquery(col).findOne({ name: 'mquery findone' }, function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(doc); assert.equal('mquery findone', doc.name); done(); }); }); it('when Query is passed with a callback', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).where({ name: 'mquery findone' }); mquery(col).findOne(m, function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(doc); assert.equal('mquery findone', doc.name); done(); }); }); it('when just a callback is passed', function(done) { mquery({ name: 'mquery findone' }).collection(col).findOne(function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(doc); assert.equal('mquery findone', doc.name); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('count', function() { describe('with no callback', function() { it('does not execute', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { m.count(); }); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { m.count({ x: 1 }); }); }); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery(); const n = m.count({ x: 1 }).count().count({ y: 2 }); assert.equal(m, n); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, { x: 1, y: 2 }); assert.equal('count', m.op); }); it('merges other queries', function() { const m = mquery({ name: 'mquery' }); m.read('nearest'); m.select('_id'); const a = mquery().count(m); assert.deepEqual(a._conditions, m._conditions); assert.deepEqual(a.options, m.options); assert.deepEqual(a._fields, m._fields); }); describe('executes', function() { before(function(done) { col.insertOne({ name: 'mquery count' }, done); }); after(function(done) { col.remove({ name: 'mquery count' }, done); }); it('when criteria is passed with a callback', function(done) { mquery(col).count({ name: 'mquery count' }, function(err, count) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(count); assert.ok(1 === count); done(); }); }); it('when Query is passed with a callback', function(done) { const m = mquery({ name: 'mquery count' }); mquery(col).count(m, function(err, count) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(count); assert.ok(1 === count); done(); }); }); it('when just a callback is passed', function(done) { mquery({ name: 'mquery count' }).collection(col).count(function(err, count) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(1 === count); done(); }); }); }); describe('validates its option', function() { it('sort', function(done) { assert.doesNotThrow(function() { mquery().sort('x').count(); }); done(); }); it('select', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().select('x').count(); }, /field selection and slice cannot be used with count/); done(); }); it('slice', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().where('x').slice(-3).count(); }, /field selection and slice cannot be used with count/); done(); }); it('limit', function(done) { assert.doesNotThrow(function() { mquery().limit(3).count(); }); done(); }); it('skip', function(done) { assert.doesNotThrow(function() { mquery().skip(3).count(); }); done(); }); it('batchSize', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery({}, { batchSize: 3 }).count(); }, /batchSize cannot be used with count/); done(); }); it('comment', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().comment('mquery').count(); }, /comment cannot be used with count/); done(); }); it('maxScan', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().maxScan(300).count(); }, /maxScan cannot be used with count/); done(); }); it('snapshot', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().snapshot().count(); }, /snapshot cannot be used with count/); done(); }); it('tailable', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().tailable().count(); }, /tailable cannot be used with count/); done(); }); }); }); describe('distinct', function() { describe('with no callback', function() { it('does not execute', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { m.distinct(); }); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { m.distinct('name'); }); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { m.distinct({ name: 'mquery distinct' }); }); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { m.distinct({ name: 'mquery distinct' }, 'name'); }); }); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery({ x: 1 }).distinct('name'); const n = m.distinct({ y: 2 }); assert.equal(m, n); assert.deepEqual(n._conditions, { x: 1, y: 2 }); assert.equal('name', n._distinct); assert.equal('distinct', n.op); }); it('overwrites field', function() { const m = mquery({ name: 'mquery' }).distinct('name'); m.distinct('rename'); assert.equal(m._distinct, 'rename'); m.distinct({ x: 1 }, 'renamed'); assert.equal(m._distinct, 'renamed'); }); it('merges other queries', function() { const m = mquery().distinct({ name: 'mquery' }, 'age'); m.read('nearest'); const a = mquery().distinct(m); assert.deepEqual(a._conditions, m._conditions); assert.deepEqual(a.options, m.options); assert.deepEqual(a._fields, m._fields); assert.deepEqual(a._distinct, m._distinct); }); describe('executes', function() { before(function(done) { col.insertOne({ name: 'mquery distinct', age: 1 }, done); }); after(function(done) { col.remove({ name: 'mquery distinct' }, done); }); it('when distinct arg is passed with a callback', function(done) { mquery(col).distinct('distinct', function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(doc); done(); }); }); describe('when criteria is passed with a callback', function() { it('if distinct arg was declared', function(done) { mquery(col).distinct('age').distinct({ name: 'mquery distinct' }, function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(doc); done(); }); }); it('but not if distinct arg was not declared', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery(col).distinct({ name: 'mquery distinct' }, function() {}); }, /No value for `distinct`/); }); }); describe('when Query is passed with a callback', function() { const m = mquery({ name: 'mquery distinct' }); it('if distinct arg was declared', function(done) { mquery(col).distinct('age').distinct(m, function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(doc); done(); }); }); it('but not if distinct arg was not declared', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery(col).distinct(m, function() {}); }, /No value for `distinct`/); }); }); describe('when just a callback is passed', function() { it('if distinct arg was declared', function(done) { const m = mquery({ name: 'mquery distinct' }); m.collection(col); m.distinct('age'); m.distinct(function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(doc); done(); }); }); it('but not if no distinct arg was declared', function() { const m = mquery(); m.collection(col); assert.throws(function() { m.distinct(function() {}); }, /No value for `distinct`/); }); }); }); describe('validates its option', function() { it('sort', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().sort('x').distinct(); }, /sort cannot be used with distinct/); done(); }); it('select', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().select('x').distinct(); }, /field selection and slice cannot be used with distinct/); done(); }); it('slice', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().where('x').slice(-3).distinct(); }, /field selection and slice cannot be used with distinct/); done(); }); it('limit', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().limit(3).distinct(); }, /limit cannot be used with distinct/); done(); }); it('skip', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().skip(3).distinct(); }, /skip cannot be used with distinct/); done(); }); it('batchSize', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery({}, { batchSize: 3 }).distinct(); }, /batchSize cannot be used with distinct/); done(); }); it('comment', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().comment('mquery').distinct(); }, /comment cannot be used with distinct/); done(); }); it('maxScan', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().maxScan(300).distinct(); }, /maxScan cannot be used with distinct/); done(); }); it('snapshot', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().snapshot().distinct(); }, /snapshot cannot be used with distinct/); done(); }); it('hint', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().hint({ x: 1 }).distinct(); }, /hint cannot be used with distinct/); done(); }); it('tailable', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().tailable().distinct(); }, /tailable cannot be used with distinct/); done(); }); }); }); describe('update', function() { describe('with no callback', function() { it('does not execute', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { m.updateOne({ name: 'old' }, { name: 'updated' }, { multi: true }); }); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { m.updateOne({ name: 'old' }, { name: 'updated' }); }); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { m.updateOne({ name: 'updated' }); }); assert.doesNotThrow(function() { m.updateOne(); }); }); }); it('is chainable', function() { const m = mquery({ x: 1 }).updateOne({ y: 2 }); const n = m.where({ y: 2 }); assert.equal(m, n); assert.deepEqual(n._conditions, { x: 1, y: 2 }); assert.deepEqual({ y: 2 }, n._update); assert.equal('updateOne', n.op); }); it('merges update doc arg', function() { const a = [1, 2]; const m = mquery().where({ name: 'mquery' }).updateOne({ x: 'stuff', a: a }); m.updateOne({ z: 'stuff' }); assert.deepEqual(m._update, { z: 'stuff', x: 'stuff', a: a }); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, { name: 'mquery' }); assert.ok(!m.options.overwrite); m.updateOne({}, { z: 'renamed' }, { overwrite: true }); assert.ok(m.options.overwrite === true); assert.deepEqual(m._conditions, { name: 'mquery' }); assert.deepEqual(m._update, { z: 'renamed', x: 'stuff', a: a }); a.push(3); assert.notDeepEqual(m._update, { z: 'renamed', x: 'stuff', a: a }); }); describe('executes', function() { let id; before(function(done) { col.insertOne({ name: 'mquery update', age: 1 }, function(err, res) { id = res.insertedId; done(); }); }); after(function(done) { col.remove({ _id: id }, done); }); describe('when conds + doc + opts + callback passed', function() { it('works', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).where({ _id: id }); m.updateOne({}, { name: 'Sparky' }, {}, function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(res.modifiedCount, 1); m.findOne(function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(doc.name, 'Sparky'); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('when conds + doc + callback passed', function() { it('works', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).updateOne({ _id: id }, { name: 'fairgrounds' }, function(err, num) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(1, num); m.findOne(function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(doc.name, 'fairgrounds'); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('when doc + callback passed', function() { it('works', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).where({ _id: id }).updateOne({ name: 'changed' }, function(err, num) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(1, num); m.findOne(function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(doc.name, 'changed'); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('when just callback passed', function() { it('works', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).where({ _id: id }); m.updateOne({ name: 'Frankenweenie' }); m.updateOne(function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(res.modifiedCount, 1); m.findOne(function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(doc.name, 'Frankenweenie'); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('without a callback', function() { it('when forced by exec()', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).where({ _id: id }); m.setOptions({ w: 'majority' }); m.updateOne({ name: 'forced' }); const update = m._collection.update; m._collection.updateOne = function(conds, doc, opts) { m._collection.update = update; assert.equal(opts.w, 'majority'); assert.equal('forced', doc.$set.name); done(); }; m.exec(); }); }); describe('except when update doc is empty and missing overwrite flag', function() { it('works', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).where({ _id: id }); m.updateOne({}, function(err, num) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(0 === num); setTimeout(function() { m.findOne(function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(3, mquery.utils.keys(doc).length); assert.equal(id, doc._id.toString()); assert.equal('Frankenweenie', doc.name); done(); }); }, 300); }); }); }); describe('when boolean (true) - exec()', function() { it('works', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).where({ _id: id }); m.updateOne({ name: 'bool' }).updateOne(true); setTimeout(function() { m.findOne(function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(doc); assert.equal('bool', doc.name); done(); }); }, 300); }); }); }); }); describe('remove', function() { describe('with 0 args', function() { const name = 'remove: no args test'; before(function(done) { col.insertOne({ name: name }, done); }); after(function(done) { col.remove({ name: name }, done); }); it('does not execute', function(done) { const remove = col.remove; col.remove = function() { col.remove = remove; done(new Error('remove executed!')); }; mquery(col).where({ name: name }).remove(); setTimeout(function() { col.remove = remove; done(); }, 10); }); it('chains', function() { const m = mquery(); assert.equal(m, m.remove()); }); }); describe('with 1 argument', function() { const name = 'remove: 1 arg test'; before(function(done) { col.insertOne({ name: name }, done); }); after(function(done) { col.remove({ name: name }, done); }); describe('that is a', function() { it('plain object', function() { const m = mquery(col).remove({ name: 'Whiskers' }); m.remove({ color: '#fff' }); assert.deepEqual({ name: 'Whiskers', color: '#fff' }, m._conditions); }); it('query', function() { const q = mquery({ color: '#fff' }); const m = mquery(col).remove({ name: 'Whiskers' }); m.remove(q); assert.deepEqual({ name: 'Whiskers', color: '#fff' }, m._conditions); }); it('function', function(done) { mquery(col).where({ name: name }).remove(function(err) { assert.ifError(err); mquery(col).findOne({ name: name }, function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(null, doc); done(); }); }); }); it('boolean (true) - execute', function(done) { col.insertOne({ name: name }, function(err) { assert.ifError(err); mquery(col).findOne({ name: name }, function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(doc); mquery(col).remove(true); setTimeout(function() { mquery(col).find(function(err, docs) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(docs); assert.equal(0, docs.length); done(); }); }, 300); }); }); }); }); }); describe('with 2 arguments', function() { const name = 'remove: 2 arg test'; beforeEach(function(done) { col.remove({}, function(err) { assert.ifError(err); col.insertMany([{ name: 'shelly' }, { name: name }], function(err) { assert.ifError(err); mquery(col).find(function(err, docs) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(2, docs.length); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('plain object + callback', function() { it('works', function(done) { mquery(col).remove({ name: name }, function(err) { assert.ifError(err); mquery(col).find(function(err, docs) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(docs); assert.equal(1, docs.length); assert.equal('shelly', docs[0].name); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('mquery + callback', function() { it('works', function(done) { const m = mquery({ name: name }); mquery(col).remove(m, function(err) { assert.ifError(err); mquery(col).find(function(err, docs) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(docs); assert.equal(1, docs.length); assert.equal('shelly', docs[0].name); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); function validateFindAndModifyOptions(method) { describe('validates its option', function() { it('sort', function(done) { assert.doesNotThrow(function() { mquery().sort('x')[method](); }); done(); }); it('select', function(done) { assert.doesNotThrow(function() { mquery().select('x')[method](); }); done(); }); it('limit', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().limit(3)[method](); }, new RegExp('limit cannot be used with ' + method)); done(); }); it('skip', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().skip(3)[method](); }, new RegExp('skip cannot be used with ' + method)); done(); }); it('batchSize', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery({}, { batchSize: 3 })[method](); }, new RegExp('batchSize cannot be used with ' + method)); done(); }); it('maxScan', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().maxScan(300)[method](); }, new RegExp('maxScan cannot be used with ' + method)); done(); }); it('snapshot', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().snapshot()[method](); }, new RegExp('snapshot cannot be used with ' + method)); done(); }); it('hint', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().hint({ x: 1 })[method](); }, new RegExp('hint cannot be used with ' + method)); done(); }); it('tailable', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().tailable()[method](); }, new RegExp('tailable cannot be used with ' + method)); done(); }); it('comment', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().comment('mquery')[method](); }, new RegExp('comment cannot be used with ' + method)); done(); }); }); } describe('findOneAndUpdate', function() { let name = 'findOneAndUpdate + fn'; validateFindAndModifyOptions('findOneAndUpdate'); describe('with 0 args', function() { it('makes no changes', function() { const m = mquery(); const n = m.findOneAndUpdate(); assert.deepEqual(m, n); }); }); describe('with 1 arg', function() { describe('that is an object', function() { it('updates the doc', function() { const m = mquery(); const n = m.findOneAndUpdate({ $set: { name: '1 arg' } }); assert.deepEqual(n._update, { $set: { name: '1 arg' } }); }); }); describe('that is a query', function() { it('updates the doc', function() { const m = mquery({ name: name }).updateOne({ x: 1 }); const n = mquery().findOneAndUpdate(m); assert.deepEqual(n._update, { x: 1 }); }); }); it('that is a function', function(done) { col.insertOne({ name: name }, function(err) { assert.ifError(err); const m = mquery({ name: name }).collection(col); name = '1 arg'; const n = m.updateOne({ $set: { name: name } }).setOptions({ returnDocument: 'after' }); n.findOneAndUpdate(function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(res.value); assert.equal(res.value.name, name); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('with 2 args', function() { it('conditions + update', function() { const m = mquery(col); m.findOneAndUpdate({ name: name }, { age: 100 }); assert.deepEqual({ name: name }, m._conditions); assert.deepEqual({ age: 100 }, m._update); }); it('query + update', function() { const n = mquery({ name: name }); const m = mquery(col); m.findOneAndUpdate(n, { age: 100 }); assert.deepEqual({ name: name }, m._conditions); assert.deepEqual({ age: 100 }, m._update); }); it('update + callback', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).where({ name: name }); m.findOneAndUpdate({}, { $inc: { age: 10 } }, { returnDocument: 'after' }, function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(10, res.value.age); done(); }); }); }); describe('with 3 args', function() { it('conditions + update + options', function() { const m = mquery(); const n = m.findOneAndUpdate({ name: name }, { works: true }, { returnDocument: 'before' }); assert.deepEqual({ name: name }, n._conditions); assert.deepEqual({ works: true }, n._update); assert.deepEqual({ returnDocument: 'before' }, n.options); }); it('conditions + update + callback', function(done) { const m = mquery(col); m.findOneAndUpdate({ name: name }, { works: true }, { returnDocument: 'after' }, function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(res.value); assert.equal(name, res.value.name); assert.ok(true === res.value.works); done(); }); }); }); describe('with 4 args', function() { it('conditions + update + options + callback', function(done) { const m = mquery(col); m.findOneAndUpdate({ name: name }, { works: false }, {}, function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(res.value); assert.equal(name, res.value.name); assert.ok(true === res.value.works); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('findOneAndRemove', function() { let name = 'findOneAndRemove'; validateFindAndModifyOptions('findOneAndRemove'); describe('with 0 args', function() { it('makes no changes', function() { const m = mquery(); const n = m.findOneAndRemove(); assert.deepEqual(m, n); }); }); describe('with 1 arg', function() { describe('that is an object', function() { it('updates the doc', function() { const m = mquery(); const n = m.findOneAndRemove({ name: '1 arg' }); assert.deepEqual(n._conditions, { name: '1 arg' }); }); }); describe('that is a query', function() { it('updates the doc', function() { const m = mquery({ name: name }); const n = m.findOneAndRemove(m); assert.deepEqual(n._conditions, { name: name }); }); }); it('that is a function', function(done) { col.insertOne({ name: name }, function(err) { assert.ifError(err); const m = mquery({ name: name }).collection(col); m.findOneAndRemove(function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(res.value); assert.equal(name, res.value.name); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('with 2 args', function() { it('conditions + options', function() { const m = mquery(col); m.findOneAndRemove({ name: name }, { returnDocument: 'after' }); assert.deepEqual({ name: name }, m._conditions); assert.deepEqual({ returnDocument: 'after' }, m.options); }); it('query + options', function() { const n = mquery({ name: name }); const m = mquery(col); m.findOneAndRemove(n, { sort: { x: 1 } }); assert.deepEqual({ name: name }, m._conditions); assert.deepEqual({ sort: { x: 1 } }, m.options); }); it('conditions + callback', function(done) { col.insertOne({ name: name }, function(err) { assert.ifError(err); const m = mquery(col); m.findOneAndRemove({ name: name }, function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(name, res.value.name); done(); }); }); }); it('query + callback', function(done) { col.insertOne({ name: name }, function(err) { assert.ifError(err); const n = mquery({ name: name }); const m = mquery(col); m.findOneAndRemove(n, function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(name, res.value.name); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('with 3 args', function() { it('conditions + options + callback', function(done) { name = 'findOneAndRemove + conds + options + cb'; col.insertMany([{ name: name }, { name: 'a' }], function(err) { assert.ifError(err); const m = mquery(col); m.findOneAndRemove({ name: name }, { sort: { name: 1 } }, function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(res.value); assert.equal(name, res.value.name); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('exec', function() { beforeEach(function(done) { col.insertMany([{ name: 'exec', age: 1 }, { name: 'exec', age: 2 }], done); }); afterEach(function(done) { mquery(col).remove(done); }); it('requires an op', function() { assert.throws(function() { mquery().exec(); }, /Missing query type/); }); describe('find', function() { it('works', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).find({ name: 'exec' }); m.exec(function(err, docs) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(2, docs.length); done(); }); }); it('works with readPreferences', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).find({ name: 'exec' }); try { const ReadPreference = require('mongodb').ReadPreference; const rp = new ReadPreference('primary'); m.read(rp); } catch (e) { done(e.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' ? null : e); return; } m.exec(function(err, docs) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(2, docs.length); done(); }); }); it('works with hint', function(done) { mquery(col).hint({ _id: 1 }).find({ name: 'exec' }).exec(function(err, docs) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(2, docs.length); mquery(col).hint('_id_').find({ age: 1 }).exec(function(err, docs) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(1, docs.length); done(); }); }); }); it('works with readConcern', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).find({ name: 'exec' }); m.readConcern('l'); m.exec(function(err, docs) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(2, docs.length); done(); }); }); it('works with collation', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).find({ name: 'EXEC' }); m.collation({ locale: 'en_US', strength: 1 }); m.exec(function(err, docs) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(2, docs.length); done(); }); }); }); it('findOne', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).findOne({ age: 2 }); m.exec(function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(2, doc.age); done(); }); }); it('count', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).count({ name: 'exec' }); m.exec(function(err, count) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(2, count); done(); }); }); it('distinct', function(done) { const m = mquery({ name: 'exec' }); m.collection(col); m.distinct('age'); m.exec(function(err, array) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(Array.isArray(array)); assert.equal(2, array.length); assert(~array.indexOf(1)); assert(~array.indexOf(2)); done(); }); }); describe('update', function() { describe('updateMany', function() { it('works', function(done) { mquery(col).updateMany({ name: 'exec' }, { name: 'test' }). exec(function(error) { assert.ifError(error); mquery(col).count({ name: 'test' }).exec(function(error, res) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(res, 2); done(); }); }); }); it('works with write concern', function(done) { mquery(col).updateMany({ name: 'exec' }, { name: 'test' }) .w(1).j(true).wtimeout(1000) .exec(function(error) { assert.ifError(error); mquery(col).count({ name: 'test' }).exec(function(error, res) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(res, 2); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('updateOne', function() { it('works', function(done) { mquery(col).updateOne({ name: 'exec' }, { name: 'test' }). exec(function(error) { assert.ifError(error); mquery(col).count({ name: 'test' }).exec(function(error, res) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(res, 1); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('replaceOne', function() { it('works', function(done) { mquery(col).replaceOne({ name: 'exec' }, { name: 'test' }). exec(function(error) { assert.ifError(error); mquery(col).findOne({ name: 'test' }).exec(function(error, res) { assert.ifError(error); assert.equal(res.name, 'test'); assert.ok(res.age == null); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('remove', function() { it('with a callback', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).where({ age: 2 }).remove(); m.exec(function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(1, res.deletedCount); done(); }); }); it('without a callback', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).where({ age: 1 }).remove(); m.exec(); setTimeout(function() { mquery(col).where('name', 'exec').count(function(err, num) { assert.equal(1, num); done(); }); }, 200); }); }); describe('deleteOne', function() { it('with a callback', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).where({ age: { $gte: 0 } }).deleteOne(); m.exec(function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(res.deletedCount, 1); done(); }); }); it('with justOne set', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).where({ age: { $gte: 0 } }). // Should ignore `justOne` setOptions({ justOne: false }). deleteOne(); m.exec(function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(res.deletedCount, 1); done(); }); }); }); describe('deleteMany', function() { it('with a callback', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).where({ age: { $gte: 0 } }).deleteMany(); m.exec(function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(res.deletedCount, 2); done(); }); }); }); describe('findOneAndUpdate', function() { it('with a callback', function(done) { const m = mquery(col); m.findOneAndUpdate({ name: 'exec', age: 1 }, { $set: { name: 'findOneAndUpdate' } }, { returnDocument: 'after' }); m.exec(function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal('findOneAndUpdate', res.value.name); done(); }); }); }); describe('findOneAndRemove', function() { it('with a callback', function(done) { const m = mquery(col); m.findOneAndRemove({ name: 'exec', age: 2 }); m.exec(function(err, res) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal('exec', res.value.name); assert.equal(2, res.value.age); mquery(col).count({ name: 'exec' }, function(err, num) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(1, num); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('setTraceFunction', function() { beforeEach(function(done) { col.insertMany([{ name: 'trace', age: 93 }], done); }); it('calls trace function when executing query', function(done) { const m = mquery(col); let resultTraceCalled; m.setTraceFunction(function(method, queryInfo) { try { assert.equal('findOne', method); assert.equal('trace', queryInfo.conditions.name); } catch (e) { done(e); } return function(err, result, millis) { try { assert.equal(93, result.age); assert.ok(typeof millis === 'number'); } catch (e) { done(e); } resultTraceCalled = true; }; }); m.findOne({ name: 'trace' }, function(err, doc) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(resultTraceCalled, true); assert.equal(93, doc.age); done(); }); }); it('inherits trace function when calling toConstructor', function(done) { function traceFunction() { return function() {}; } const tracedQuery = mquery().setTraceFunction(traceFunction).toConstructor(); const query = tracedQuery(); assert.equal(traceFunction, query._traceFunction); done(); }); }); describe('thunk', function() { it('returns a function', function(done) { assert.equal('function', typeof mquery().thunk()); done(); }); it('passes the fn arg to `exec`', function(done) { function cb() {} const m = mquery(); m.exec = function testing(fn) { assert.equal(this, m); assert.equal(cb, fn); done(); }; m.thunk()(cb); }); }); describe('then', function() { before(function(done) { col.insertMany([{ name: 'then', age: 1 }, { name: 'then', age: 2 }], done); }); after(function(done) { mquery(col).remove({ name: 'then' }).exec(done); }); it('returns a promise A+ compat object', function(done) { const m = mquery(col).find(); assert.equal('function', typeof m.then); done(); }); it('creates a promise that is resolved on success', function(done) { const promise = mquery(col).count({ name: 'then' }).then(); promise.then(function(count) { assert.equal(2, count); done(); }, done); }); it('supports exec() cb being called synchronously #66', function(done) { const query = mquery(col).count({ name: 'then' }); query.exec = function(cb) { cb(null, 66); }; query.then(success, done); function success(count) { assert.equal(66, count); done(); } }); }); describe('stream', function() { before(function(done) { col.insertMany([{ name: 'stream', age: 1 }, { name: 'stream', age: 2 }], done); }); after(function(done) { mquery(col).remove({ name: 'stream' }).exec(done); }); describe('throws', function() { describe('if used with non-find operations', function() { const ops = ['update', 'findOneAndUpdate', 'remove', 'count', 'distinct']; ops.forEach(function(op) { assert.throws(function() { mquery(col)[op]().stream(); }); }); }); }); it('returns a stream', function(done) { const stream = mquery(col).find({ name: 'stream' }).cursor().stream(); let count = 0; let err; stream.on('data', function(doc) { assert.equal('stream', doc.name); ++count; }); stream.on('error', function(er) { err = er; }); stream.on('end', function() { if (err) return done(err); assert.equal(2, count); done(); }); }); }); function noDistinct(type) { it('cannot be used with distinct()', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery().distinct('name')[type](4); }, new RegExp(type + ' cannot be used with distinct')); done(); }); } function no(method, type) { it('cannot be used with ' + method + '()', function(done) { assert.throws(function() { mquery()[method]()[type](4); }, new RegExp(type + ' cannot be used with ' + method)); done(); }); } // query internal describe('_updateForExec', function() { it('returns a clone of the update object with same key order #19', function(done) { const update = {}; update.$push = { n: { $each: [{ x: 10 }], $slice: -1, $sort: { x: 1 } } }; const q = mquery().updateOne({ x: 1 }, update); // capture original key order const order = []; let key; for (key in q._update.$push.n) { order.push(key); } // compare output const doc = q._updateForExec(); let i = 0; for (key in doc.$push.n) { assert.equal(key, order[i]); i++; } done(); }); }); });