123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359 |
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
- exports.TopologyDescription = void 0;
- const WIRE_CONSTANTS = require("../cmap/wire_protocol/constants");
- const error_1 = require("../error");
- const utils_1 = require("../utils");
- const common_1 = require("./common");
- const server_description_1 = require("./server_description");
- // constants related to compatibility checks
- const MONGOS_OR_UNKNOWN = new Set([common_1.ServerType.Mongos, common_1.ServerType.Unknown]);
- const MONGOS_OR_STANDALONE = new Set([common_1.ServerType.Mongos, common_1.ServerType.Standalone]);
- const NON_PRIMARY_RS_MEMBERS = new Set([
- common_1.ServerType.RSSecondary,
- common_1.ServerType.RSArbiter,
- common_1.ServerType.RSOther
- ]);
- /**
- * Representation of a deployment of servers
- * @public
- */
- class TopologyDescription {
- /**
- * Create a TopologyDescription
- */
- constructor(topologyType, serverDescriptions, setName, maxSetVersion, maxElectionId, commonWireVersion, options) {
- var _a, _b;
- options = options !== null && options !== void 0 ? options : {};
- // TODO: consider assigning all these values to a temporary value `s` which
- // we use `Object.freeze` on, ensuring the internal state of this type
- // is immutable.
- this.type = topologyType !== null && topologyType !== void 0 ? topologyType : common_1.TopologyType.Unknown;
- this.servers = serverDescriptions !== null && serverDescriptions !== void 0 ? serverDescriptions : new Map();
- this.stale = false;
- this.compatible = true;
- this.heartbeatFrequencyMS = (_a = options.heartbeatFrequencyMS) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0;
- this.localThresholdMS = (_b = options.localThresholdMS) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0;
- if (setName) {
- this.setName = setName;
- }
- if (maxSetVersion) {
- this.maxSetVersion = maxSetVersion;
- }
- if (maxElectionId) {
- this.maxElectionId = maxElectionId;
- }
- if (commonWireVersion) {
- this.commonWireVersion = commonWireVersion;
- }
- // determine server compatibility
- for (const serverDescription of this.servers.values()) {
- // Load balancer mode is always compatible.
- if (serverDescription.type === common_1.ServerType.Unknown ||
- serverDescription.type === common_1.ServerType.LoadBalancer) {
- continue;
- }
- if (serverDescription.minWireVersion > MAX_SUPPORTED_WIRE_VERSION) {
- this.compatible = false;
- this.compatibilityError = `Server at ${serverDescription.address} requires wire version ${serverDescription.minWireVersion}, but this version of the driver only supports up to ${MAX_SUPPORTED_WIRE_VERSION} (MongoDB ${MAX_SUPPORTED_SERVER_VERSION})`;
- }
- if (serverDescription.maxWireVersion < MIN_SUPPORTED_WIRE_VERSION) {
- this.compatible = false;
- this.compatibilityError = `Server at ${serverDescription.address} reports wire version ${serverDescription.maxWireVersion}, but this version of the driver requires at least ${MIN_SUPPORTED_WIRE_VERSION} (MongoDB ${MIN_SUPPORTED_SERVER_VERSION}).`;
- break;
- }
- }
- // Whenever a client updates the TopologyDescription from a hello response, it MUST set
- // TopologyDescription.logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes to the smallest logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes
- // value among ServerDescriptions of all data-bearing server types. If any have a null
- // logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes, then TopologyDescription.logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes MUST be
- // set to null.
- this.logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes = undefined;
- for (const [, server] of this.servers) {
- if (server.isReadable) {
- if (server.logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes == null) {
- // If any of the servers have a null logicalSessionsTimeout, then the whole topology does
- this.logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes = undefined;
- break;
- }
- if (this.logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes == null) {
- // First server with a non null logicalSessionsTimeout
- this.logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes = server.logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes;
- continue;
- }
- // Always select the smaller of the:
- // current server logicalSessionsTimeout and the topologies logicalSessionsTimeout
- this.logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes = Math.min(this.logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes, server.logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns a new TopologyDescription based on the SrvPollingEvent
- * @internal
- */
- updateFromSrvPollingEvent(ev, srvMaxHosts = 0) {
- /** The SRV addresses defines the set of addresses we should be using */
- const incomingHostnames = ev.hostnames();
- const currentHostnames = new Set(this.servers.keys());
- const hostnamesToAdd = new Set(incomingHostnames);
- const hostnamesToRemove = new Set();
- for (const hostname of currentHostnames) {
- // filter hostnamesToAdd (made from incomingHostnames) down to what is *not* present in currentHostnames
- hostnamesToAdd.delete(hostname);
- if (!incomingHostnames.has(hostname)) {
- // If the SRV Records no longer include this hostname
- // we have to stop using it
- hostnamesToRemove.add(hostname);
- }
- }
- if (hostnamesToAdd.size === 0 && hostnamesToRemove.size === 0) {
- // No new hosts to add and none to remove
- return this;
- }
- const serverDescriptions = new Map(this.servers);
- for (const removedHost of hostnamesToRemove) {
- serverDescriptions.delete(removedHost);
- }
- if (hostnamesToAdd.size > 0) {
- if (srvMaxHosts === 0) {
- // Add all!
- for (const hostToAdd of hostnamesToAdd) {
- serverDescriptions.set(hostToAdd, new server_description_1.ServerDescription(hostToAdd));
- }
- }
- else if (serverDescriptions.size < srvMaxHosts) {
- // Add only the amount needed to get us back to srvMaxHosts
- const selectedHosts = (0, utils_1.shuffle)(hostnamesToAdd, srvMaxHosts - serverDescriptions.size);
- for (const selectedHostToAdd of selectedHosts) {
- serverDescriptions.set(selectedHostToAdd, new server_description_1.ServerDescription(selectedHostToAdd));
- }
- }
- }
- return new TopologyDescription(this.type, serverDescriptions, this.setName, this.maxSetVersion, this.maxElectionId, this.commonWireVersion, { heartbeatFrequencyMS: this.heartbeatFrequencyMS, localThresholdMS: this.localThresholdMS });
- }
- /**
- * Returns a copy of this description updated with a given ServerDescription
- * @internal
- */
- update(serverDescription) {
- const address = serverDescription.address;
- // potentially mutated values
- let { type: topologyType, setName, maxSetVersion, maxElectionId, commonWireVersion } = this;
- if (serverDescription.setName && setName && serverDescription.setName !== setName) {
- serverDescription = new server_description_1.ServerDescription(address, undefined);
- }
- const serverType = serverDescription.type;
- const serverDescriptions = new Map(this.servers);
- // update common wire version
- if (serverDescription.maxWireVersion !== 0) {
- if (commonWireVersion == null) {
- commonWireVersion = serverDescription.maxWireVersion;
- }
- else {
- commonWireVersion = Math.min(commonWireVersion, serverDescription.maxWireVersion);
- }
- }
- // update the actual server description
- serverDescriptions.set(address, serverDescription);
- if (topologyType === common_1.TopologyType.Single) {
- // once we are defined as single, that never changes
- return new TopologyDescription(common_1.TopologyType.Single, serverDescriptions, setName, maxSetVersion, maxElectionId, commonWireVersion, { heartbeatFrequencyMS: this.heartbeatFrequencyMS, localThresholdMS: this.localThresholdMS });
- }
- if (topologyType === common_1.TopologyType.Unknown) {
- if (serverType === common_1.ServerType.Standalone && this.servers.size !== 1) {
- serverDescriptions.delete(address);
- }
- else {
- topologyType = topologyTypeForServerType(serverType);
- }
- }
- if (topologyType === common_1.TopologyType.Sharded) {
- if (!MONGOS_OR_UNKNOWN.has(serverType)) {
- serverDescriptions.delete(address);
- }
- }
- if (topologyType === common_1.TopologyType.ReplicaSetNoPrimary) {
- if (MONGOS_OR_STANDALONE.has(serverType)) {
- serverDescriptions.delete(address);
- }
- if (serverType === common_1.ServerType.RSPrimary) {
- const result = updateRsFromPrimary(serverDescriptions, serverDescription, setName, maxSetVersion, maxElectionId);
- topologyType = result[0];
- setName = result[1];
- maxSetVersion = result[2];
- maxElectionId = result[3];
- }
- else if (NON_PRIMARY_RS_MEMBERS.has(serverType)) {
- const result = updateRsNoPrimaryFromMember(serverDescriptions, serverDescription, setName);
- topologyType = result[0];
- setName = result[1];
- }
- }
- if (topologyType === common_1.TopologyType.ReplicaSetWithPrimary) {
- if (MONGOS_OR_STANDALONE.has(serverType)) {
- serverDescriptions.delete(address);
- topologyType = checkHasPrimary(serverDescriptions);
- }
- else if (serverType === common_1.ServerType.RSPrimary) {
- const result = updateRsFromPrimary(serverDescriptions, serverDescription, setName, maxSetVersion, maxElectionId);
- topologyType = result[0];
- setName = result[1];
- maxSetVersion = result[2];
- maxElectionId = result[3];
- }
- else if (NON_PRIMARY_RS_MEMBERS.has(serverType)) {
- topologyType = updateRsWithPrimaryFromMember(serverDescriptions, serverDescription, setName);
- }
- else {
- topologyType = checkHasPrimary(serverDescriptions);
- }
- }
- return new TopologyDescription(topologyType, serverDescriptions, setName, maxSetVersion, maxElectionId, commonWireVersion, { heartbeatFrequencyMS: this.heartbeatFrequencyMS, localThresholdMS: this.localThresholdMS });
- }
- get error() {
- const descriptionsWithError = Array.from(this.servers.values()).filter((sd) => sd.error);
- if (descriptionsWithError.length > 0) {
- return descriptionsWithError[0].error;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Determines if the topology description has any known servers
- */
- get hasKnownServers() {
- return Array.from(this.servers.values()).some((sd) => sd.type !== common_1.ServerType.Unknown);
- }
- /**
- * Determines if this topology description has a data-bearing server available.
- */
- get hasDataBearingServers() {
- return Array.from(this.servers.values()).some((sd) => sd.isDataBearing);
- }
- /**
- * Determines if the topology has a definition for the provided address
- * @internal
- */
- hasServer(address) {
- return this.servers.has(address);
- }
- }
- exports.TopologyDescription = TopologyDescription;
- function topologyTypeForServerType(serverType) {
- switch (serverType) {
- case common_1.ServerType.Standalone:
- return common_1.TopologyType.Single;
- case common_1.ServerType.Mongos:
- return common_1.TopologyType.Sharded;
- case common_1.ServerType.RSPrimary:
- return common_1.TopologyType.ReplicaSetWithPrimary;
- case common_1.ServerType.RSOther:
- case common_1.ServerType.RSSecondary:
- return common_1.TopologyType.ReplicaSetNoPrimary;
- default:
- return common_1.TopologyType.Unknown;
- }
- }
- // TODO: improve these docs when ObjectId is properly typed
- function compareObjectId(oid1, oid2) {
- if (oid1 == null) {
- return -1;
- }
- if (oid2 == null) {
- return 1;
- }
- if (oid1.id instanceof Buffer && oid2.id instanceof Buffer) {
- const oid1Buffer = oid1.id;
- const oid2Buffer = oid2.id;
- return oid1Buffer.compare(oid2Buffer);
- }
- const oid1String = oid1.toString();
- const oid2String = oid2.toString();
- return oid1String.localeCompare(oid2String);
- }
- function updateRsFromPrimary(serverDescriptions, serverDescription, setName, maxSetVersion, maxElectionId) {
- setName = setName || serverDescription.setName;
- if (setName !== serverDescription.setName) {
- serverDescriptions.delete(serverDescription.address);
- return [checkHasPrimary(serverDescriptions), setName, maxSetVersion, maxElectionId];
- }
- const electionId = serverDescription.electionId ? serverDescription.electionId : null;
- if (serverDescription.setVersion && electionId) {
- if (maxSetVersion && maxElectionId) {
- if (maxSetVersion > serverDescription.setVersion ||
- compareObjectId(maxElectionId, electionId) > 0) {
- // this primary is stale, we must remove it
- serverDescriptions.set(serverDescription.address, new server_description_1.ServerDescription(serverDescription.address));
- return [checkHasPrimary(serverDescriptions), setName, maxSetVersion, maxElectionId];
- }
- }
- maxElectionId = serverDescription.electionId;
- }
- if (serverDescription.setVersion != null &&
- (maxSetVersion == null || serverDescription.setVersion > maxSetVersion)) {
- maxSetVersion = serverDescription.setVersion;
- }
- // We've heard from the primary. Is it the same primary as before?
- for (const [address, server] of serverDescriptions) {
- if (server.type === common_1.ServerType.RSPrimary && server.address !== serverDescription.address) {
- // Reset old primary's type to Unknown.
- serverDescriptions.set(address, new server_description_1.ServerDescription(server.address));
- // There can only be one primary
- break;
- }
- }
- // Discover new hosts from this primary's response.
- serverDescription.allHosts.forEach((address) => {
- if (!serverDescriptions.has(address)) {
- serverDescriptions.set(address, new server_description_1.ServerDescription(address));
- }
- });
- // Remove hosts not in the response.
- const currentAddresses = Array.from(serverDescriptions.keys());
- const responseAddresses = serverDescription.allHosts;
- currentAddresses
- .filter((addr) => responseAddresses.indexOf(addr) === -1)
- .forEach((address) => {
- serverDescriptions.delete(address);
- });
- return [checkHasPrimary(serverDescriptions), setName, maxSetVersion, maxElectionId];
- }
- function updateRsWithPrimaryFromMember(serverDescriptions, serverDescription, setName) {
- if (setName == null) {
- // TODO(NODE-3483): should be an appropriate runtime error
- throw new error_1.MongoRuntimeError('Argument "setName" is required if connected to a replica set');
- }
- if (setName !== serverDescription.setName ||
- (serverDescription.me && serverDescription.address !== serverDescription.me)) {
- serverDescriptions.delete(serverDescription.address);
- }
- return checkHasPrimary(serverDescriptions);
- }
- function updateRsNoPrimaryFromMember(serverDescriptions, serverDescription, setName) {
- const topologyType = common_1.TopologyType.ReplicaSetNoPrimary;
- setName = setName || serverDescription.setName;
- if (setName !== serverDescription.setName) {
- serverDescriptions.delete(serverDescription.address);
- return [topologyType, setName];
- }
- serverDescription.allHosts.forEach((address) => {
- if (!serverDescriptions.has(address)) {
- serverDescriptions.set(address, new server_description_1.ServerDescription(address));
- }
- });
- if (serverDescription.me && serverDescription.address !== serverDescription.me) {
- serverDescriptions.delete(serverDescription.address);
- }
- return [topologyType, setName];
- }
- function checkHasPrimary(serverDescriptions) {
- for (const serverDescription of serverDescriptions.values()) {
- if (serverDescription.type === common_1.ServerType.RSPrimary) {
- return common_1.TopologyType.ReplicaSetWithPrimary;
- }
- }
- return common_1.TopologyType.ReplicaSetNoPrimary;
- }
- //# sourceMappingURL=topology_description.js.map