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If you are living with a varicose vein or are just a newcomer, don't worry. These are Minimally invasive procedures that are performed to treat your varicose veins. With these procedures, your varicose veins can be treated. Varicose vein ablation is brought by an interventional radiologist, phlebologist, dermatologist, or vascular surgeon – all specialist doctors.
When to see a Vascular Doctor? When you are suffering from vein disease, or if you notice swelling, pain, or discomfort in your legs, the most occupied area of vein disease is the legs, ankles, and feet. This is because when the blood does not travel back to the heart due to weak walls of the veins and forms blood clotting. Due to the blood clot, the veins appear to bulge on the skin's surface. They can also cause infection, blood clots, and rashes if left untreated.
Varicose veins moderately affect about 25% of adults. These veins help keep moving blood back up toward the heart.
Vein ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that requires time for your legs to heal completely. Typically, you can expect to make a full recovery in about four weeks. Relief from painful, protruding veins. Is Vein Ablation Painful? Pain is minimal after a vein ablation process. In this procedure, your doctor will place a laser inside the affected vein with an eye-on ultrasound that gives the direction. Then the laser energy is directed into the walls of the veins fracking them to fade. This generates an inflammatory reaction and closes the veins.
And with time, the vein is reabsorbed by the body and the blood routes to healthier veins. This treatment does not cause pain because your doctor performs it under local anesthesia.
About Venous Ablation Aftercare?
1. Take time to rest
After the vein ablation takes some time to rest, it is not a painful method; even though you need to rest, your body will need some time to recover.
2. Ease back into regular activity
Take baby steps towards your activity at first; slowly, you can return to all activities. Running and doing strenuous activities can tire you and flow the blood back to the treated veins, and this can fail the treatment process.
4. Use ice packs
If you have slight swelling and bruising on your legs, you can use ice packs for the affected leg area. Wrap the ice in a towel, apply it on your leg, and do it regularly twice a day.
10. Avoid sitting down too much or too little
You should only sit or stand for a short period after your ablation. Take special care of this for at least the first 2 months after your procedure.
In Conclusion:
A vein ablation is a good option if you have varicose veins due to chronic venous insufficiency. A vein ablation can help your legs to relieve your painful symptoms. Talk to your vein specialists and discuss your treatment options. Visit your doctor for more details.
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