module.exports = self = convert: (obj) -> self._arrayToChildren obj _arrayToChildren: (a, parent = null) -> children = [] prev = null for v in a if typeof v is 'string' node = self._getTextNodeFor v else node = self._objectToNode v, parent node.prev = null = null node.parent = parent if prev? node.prev = prev = node prev = node children.push node children _objectToNode: (o) -> i = 0 for own k, v of o if i > 0 throw Error "_objectToNode() only accepts an object with one key/value" key = k val = v i++ node = {} if typeof key isnt 'string' throw Error "_objectToNode()'s key must be a string of tag name and classes" if typeof val is 'string' children = [self._getTextNodeFor(val)] else if Array.isArray val children = self._arrayToChildren val, node else inspect o throw Error "_objectToNode()'s key's value must only be a string or an array" node.type = 'tag' {name, attribs} = self._parseTag key = name node.attribs = attribs node.children = children node _getTextNodeFor: (s) -> {type: 'text', data: s} _nameRx: /^[a-zA-Z\-\_]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]*$/ _parseTag: (k) -> # validate if not k.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9\#\-\_\.\[\]\"\'\=\,\s]+$/) or k.match(/^[0-9]+/) throw Error "cannot parse tag `#{k}`" attribs = {} parts = name: '' attribs: attribs # tag name if m = k.match /^([^\.#]+)/ name = m[1] unless name.match self._nameRx throw Error "tag name `#{name}` is not valid" = name k = k.substr name.length, k.length # tag id if m = k.match /^#([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)/ id = m[1] unless id.match self._nameRx throw Error "tag id `#{id}` is not valid" = id k = k.substr id.length + 1, k.length classes = [] # the class attrib while m = k.match /\.([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+)/ cls = m[1] unless cls.match self._nameRx throw Error "tag class `#{cls}` is not valid" classes.push cls k = k.replace '.' + cls, '' if classes.length attribs.class = classes.join " " # TODO: match attributes like [a=b] parts