const chalk = require("chalk"); const utils = require("../../utils/ast-utils"); /** * * Find deprecated plugins and remove them from the `plugins` array, if possible. * Otherwise, warn the user about removing deprecated plugins manually. * * @param {Object} j - jscodeshift top-level import * @param {Node} ast - jscodeshift ast to transform * @returns {Node} ast - jscodeshift ast */ module.exports = function(j, ast, source) { // List of deprecated plugins to remove // each item refers to webpack.optimize.[NAME] construct const deprecatedPlugingsList = [ "webpack.optimize.OccurrenceOrderPlugin", "webpack.optimize.DedupePlugin" ]; return utils .findPluginsByName(j, ast, deprecatedPlugingsList) .forEach(path => { // For now we only support the case where plugins are defined in an Array const arrayPath = utils.safeTraverse(path, ["parent", "value"]); if (arrayPath && utils.isType(arrayPath, "ArrayExpression")) { // Check how many plugins are defined and // if there is only last plugin left remove `plugins: []` node const arrayElementsPath = utils.safeTraverse(arrayPath, ["elements"]); if (arrayElementsPath && arrayElementsPath.length === 1) { j(path.parent.parent).remove(); } else { j(path).remove(); } } else { console.log(` ${"Please remove deprecated plugins manually. ")} See ${chalk.underline( "" )} for more information.`); } }); };