// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`utils createIdentifierOrLiteral should create basic literal 1`] = `"'stringLiteral'"`; exports[`utils createIdentifierOrLiteral should create boolean 1`] = `"true"`; exports[`utils createLiteral should create basic literal 1`] = `"\\"stringLiteral\\""`; exports[`utils createLiteral should create boolean 1`] = `"true"`; exports[`utils createOrUpdatePluginByName should add an object as an argument 1`] = ` "[new Plugin({ foo: true })]" `; exports[`utils createOrUpdatePluginByName should create a new plugin with arguments 1`] = ` "{ plugins: [new Plugin({ foo: \\"bar\\" })] }" `; exports[`utils createOrUpdatePluginByName should create a new plugin without arguments 1`] = `"{ plugins: [new Plugin()] }"`; exports[`utils createOrUpdatePluginByName should merge options objects 1`] = ` "[new Plugin({ foo: true, bar: \\"baz\\", foo: false, baz-long: true })]" `; exports[`utils createProperty should create properties for Boolean 1`] = ` "{ foo: true }" `; exports[`utils createProperty should create properties for Number 1`] = ` "{ foo: -1 }" `; exports[`utils createProperty should create properties for String 1`] = ` "{ foo: \\"bar\\" }" `; exports[`utils createProperty should create properties for complex keys 1`] = ` "{ foo-bar: \\"bar\\" }" `; exports[`utils createProperty should create properties for non-literal keys 1`] = ` "{ 1: \\"bar\\" }" `; exports[`utils findPluginsArrayAndRemoveIfEmpty It should not remove plugins array, given an array with length greater than zero 1`] = ` " const a = { plugins: [ new MyCustomPlugin() ] } " `; exports[`utils findPluginsArrayAndRemoveIfEmpty should remove plugins property 1`] = ` " const a = {} " `; exports[`utils getRequire should create a require statement 1`] = `"const filesys = require(\\"fs\\");"`;