const validateIdentifier = require("./validate-identifier"); function safeTraverse(obj, paths) { let val = obj; let idx = 0; while (idx < paths.length) { if (!val) { return null; } val = val[paths[idx]]; idx++; } return val; } // Convert nested MemberExpressions to strings like webpack.optimize.DedupePlugin function memberExpressionToPathString(path) { if (path && path.object) { return [memberExpressionToPathString(path.object),].join( "." ); } return; } // Convert Array like ['webpack', 'optimize', 'DedupePlugin'] to nested MemberExpressions function pathsToMemberExpression(j, paths) { if (!paths.length) { return null; } else if (paths.length === 1) { return j.identifier(paths[0]); } else { const first = paths.slice(0, 1); const rest = paths.slice(1); return j.memberExpression( pathsToMemberExpression(j, rest), pathsToMemberExpression(j, first) ); } } /** * * Find paths that match `new` for a * given array of plugin names * * @param {any} j — jscodeshift API * @param {Node} node - Node to start search from * @param {String[]} pluginNamesArray - Array of plugin names like `webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin` * @returns {Node} Node that has the pluginName */ function findPluginsByName(j, node, pluginNamesArray) { return node.find(j.NewExpression).filter(path => { return pluginNamesArray.some( plugin => memberExpressionToPathString(path.get("callee").value) === plugin ); }); } /** * It lookouts for the plugins property and, if the array is empty, it removes it from the AST * @param {any} j - jscodeshift API * @param {Node} rootNode - node to start search from * @returns {Node} rootNode modified AST. */ function findPluginsArrayAndRemoveIfEmpty(j, rootNode) { return rootNode.find(j.Identifier, { name: "plugins" }).forEach(node => { const elements = safeTraverse(node, [ "parent", "value", "value", "elements" ]); if (!elements.length) { j(node.parent).remove(); } }); } /** * * Finds the path to the `name: []` node * * @param {any} j — jscodeshift API * @param {Node} node - Node to start search from * @param {String} propName - property to search for * @returns {Node} found node and */ function findRootNodesByName(j, node, propName) { return node.find(j.Property, { key: { name: propName } }); } /** * * Creates an Object's property with a given key and value * * @param {any} j — jscodeshift API * @param {String | Number} key - Property key * @param {String | Number | Boolean} value - Property value * @returns {Node} */ function createProperty(j, key, value) { return "init", createIdentifierOrLiteral(j, key), createLiteral(j, value) ); } /** * * Creates an appropriate literal property * * @param {any} j — jscodeshift API * @param {String | Boolean | Number} val * @returns {Node} */ function createLiteral(j, val) { let literalVal = val; // We'll need String to native type conversions if (typeof val === "string") { // 'true' => true if (val === "true") literalVal = true; // 'false' => false if (val === "false") literalVal = false; // '1' => 1 if (!isNaN(Number(val))) literalVal = Number(val); } return j.literal(literalVal); } /** * * Creates an appropriate identifier or literal property * * @param {any} j — jscodeshift API * @param {String | Boolean | Number} val * @returns {Node} */ function createIdentifierOrLiteral(j, val) { // IPath | IPath doesn't work, find another way let literalVal = val; // We'll need String to native type conversions if (typeof val === "string" || val.__paths) { // 'true' => true if (val === "true") { literalVal = true; return j.literal(literalVal); } // 'false' => false if (val === "false") { literalVal = false; return j.literal(literalVal); } // '1' => 1 if (!isNaN(Number(val))) { literalVal = Number(val); return j.literal(literalVal); } if (val.__paths) { let regExpVal = val.__paths[0].value.program.body[0].expression; return j.literal(regExpVal.value); } else { // Use identifier instead if ( !validateIdentifier.isKeyword(literalVal) || !validateIdentifier.isIdentifierStart(literalVal) || !validateIdentifier.isIdentifierChar(literalVal) ) return j.identifier(literalVal); } } return j.literal(literalVal); } /** * * Adds or updates the value of a key within a root * webpack configuration property that's of type Object. * * @param {any} j — jscodeshift API * @param {Node} rootNode - node of root webpack configuration * @param {String} configProperty - key of an Object webpack configuration property * @param {String} key - key within the configuration object to update * @param {Object} value - the value to set for the key * @returns {Void} */ function addOrUpdateConfigObject(j, rootNode, configProperty, key, value) { const propertyExists = node => === configProperty ).length; if (propertyExists) { .filter(path => === configProperty) .forEach(path => { const newProperties = path => !== key ); newProperties.push(j.objectProperty(j.identifier(key), value)); = newProperties; }); } else { j.objectProperty( j.identifier(configProperty), j.objectExpression([j.objectProperty(j.identifier(key), value)]) ) ); } } /** * * Finds and removes a node for a given plugin name. If the plugin * is the last in the plugins array, the array is also removed. * * @param {any} j — jscodeshift API * @param {Node} node - node to start search from * @param {String} pluginName - name of the plugin to remove * @returns {Node | Void} - path to the root webpack configuration object if plugin is found */ function findAndRemovePluginByName(j, node, pluginName) { let rootPath; findPluginsByName(j, node, [pluginName]) .filter(path => safeTraverse(path, ["parent", "value"])) .forEach(path => { rootPath = safeTraverse(path, ["parent", "parent", "parent", "value"]); const arrayPath = path.parent.value; if (arrayPath.elements && arrayPath.elements.length === 1) { j(path.parent.parent).remove(); } else { j(path).remove(); } }); return rootPath; } /** * * Finds or creates a node for a given plugin name string with options object * If plugin declaration already exist, options are merged. * * @param {any} j — jscodeshift API * @param {Node} rootNodePath - `plugins: []` NodePath where plugin should be added. See * @param {String} pluginName - ex. `webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin` * @param {Object} options - plugin options * @returns {Void} */ function createOrUpdatePluginByName(j, rootNodePath, pluginName, options) { const pluginInstancePath = findPluginsByName(j, j(rootNodePath), [ pluginName ]); let optionsProps; if (options) { optionsProps = Object.keys(options).map(key => { return createProperty(j, key, options[key]); }); } // If plugin declaration already exist if (pluginInstancePath.size()) { pluginInstancePath.forEach(path => { // There are options we want to pass as argument if (optionsProps) { const args = path.value.arguments; if (args.length) { // Plugin is called with object as arguments // we will merge those objects let currentProps = j(path) .find(j.ObjectExpression) .get("properties"); optionsProps.forEach(opt => { // Search for same keys in the existing object const existingProps = j(currentProps) .find(j.Identifier) .filter(path => opt.key.value ===; if (existingProps.size()) { // Replacing values for the same key existingProps.forEach(path => { j(path.parent).replaceWith(opt); }); } else { // Adding new key:values currentProps.value.push(opt); } }); } else { // Plugin is called without arguments args.push(j.objectExpression(optionsProps)); } } }); } else { let argumentsArray = []; if (optionsProps) { argumentsArray = [j.objectExpression(optionsProps)]; } const loaderPluginInstance = j.newExpression( pathsToMemberExpression(j, pluginName.split(".").reverse()), argumentsArray ); rootNodePath.value.elements.push(loaderPluginInstance); } } /** * * Finds the variable to which a third party plugin is assigned to * * @param {any} j — jscodeshift API * @param {Node} rootNode - `plugins: []` Root Node. See * @param {String} pluginPackageName - ex. `extract-text-plugin` * @returns {String} variable name - ex. 'const s = require(s) gives "s"` */ function findVariableToPlugin(j, rootNode, pluginPackageName) { const moduleVarNames = rootNode .find(j.VariableDeclarator) .filter(j.filters.VariableDeclarator.requiresModule(pluginPackageName)) .nodes(); if (moduleVarNames.length === 0) return null; return moduleVarNames.pop(); } /** * * Returns true if type is given type * @param {Node} path - pathNode * @param {String} type - node type * @returns {Boolean} */ function isType(path, type) { return path.type === type; } function findObjWithOneOfKeys(p, keyNames) { return, prop) => { const name =; return keyNames.indexOf(name) > -1 || predicate; }, false); } /** * * Returns constructed require symbol * @param {any} j — jscodeshift API * @param {String} constName - Name of require * @param {String} packagePath - path of required package * @returns {Node} - the created ast */ function getRequire(j, constName, packagePath) { return j.variableDeclaration("const", [ j.variableDeclarator( j.identifier(constName), j.callExpression(j.identifier("require"), [j.literal(packagePath)]) ) ]); } /** * * Recursively adds an object/property to a node * @param {any} j — jscodeshift API * @param {Node} p - AST node * @param {String} key - key of a key/val object * @param {Any} value - Any type of object * @returns {Node} - the created ast */ function addProperty(j, p, key, value) { let valForNode; if (!p) { return; } if (Array.isArray(value)) { const arr = j.arrayExpression([]); value.filter(val => val).forEach(val => { addProperty(j, arr, null, val); }); valForNode = arr; } else if ( typeof value === "object" && !(value.__paths || value instanceof RegExp) ) { // object -> loop through it let objectExp = j.objectExpression([]); Object.keys(value).forEach(prop => { addProperty(j, objectExp, prop, value[prop]); }); valForNode = objectExp; } else { valForNode = createIdentifierOrLiteral(j, value); } let pushVal; if (key) { pushVal ="init", j.identifier(key), valForNode); } else { pushVal = valForNode; } if ( {; return p; } if (p.value && {; return p; } if (p.elements) { p.elements.push(pushVal); return p; } return; } module.exports = { safeTraverse, createProperty, findPluginsByName, findRootNodesByName, addOrUpdateConfigObject, findAndRemovePluginByName, createOrUpdatePluginByName, findVariableToPlugin, findPluginsArrayAndRemoveIfEmpty, isType, createLiteral, createIdentifierOrLiteral, findObjWithOneOfKeys, getRequire, addProperty };