'use strict'; const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const os = require('os'); const EventEmitter = require('events'); const assert = require('assert'); const _ = require('lodash'); const findUp = require('find-up'); const readPkgUp = require('read-pkg-up'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const makeDir = require('make-dir'); const minimist = require('minimist'); const runAsync = require('run-async'); const through = require('through2'); const FileEditor = require('mem-fs-editor'); const debug = require('debug')('yeoman:generator'); const Conflicter = require('./util/conflicter'); const Storage = require('./util/storage'); const promptSuggestion = require('./util/prompt-suggestion'); const EMPTY = '@@_YEOMAN_EMPTY_MARKER_@@'; /** * The `Generator` class provides the common API shared by all generators. * It define options, arguments, file, prompt, log, API, etc. * * It mixes into its prototype all the methods found in the `actions/` mixins. * * Every generator should extend this base class. * * @constructor * @mixes actions/help * @mixes actions/install * @mixes actions/spawn-command * @mixes actions/user * @mixes nodejs/EventEmitter * * @param {String|Array} args * @param {Object} options * * @property {Object} env - the current Environment being run * @property {Object} args - Provide arguments at initialization * @property {String} resolved - the path to the current generator * @property {String} description - Used in `--help` output * @property {String} appname - The application name * @property {Storage} config - `.yo-rc` config file manager * @property {Object} fs - An instance of {@link https://github.com/SBoudrias/mem-fs-editor Mem-fs-editor} * @property {Function} log - Output content through Interface Adapter * * @example * const Generator = require('yeoman-generator'); * module.exports = class extends Generator { * writing() { * this.fs.write(this.destinationPath('index.js'), 'const foo = 1;'); * } * }; */ class Generator extends EventEmitter { constructor(args, options) { super(); if (!Array.isArray(args)) { options = args; args = []; } this.options = options || {}; this._initOptions = _.clone(options); this._args = args || []; this._options = {}; this._arguments = []; this._composedWith = []; this._transformStreams = []; this.option('help', { type: Boolean, alias: 'h', description: 'Print the generator\'s options and usage' }); this.option('skip-cache', { type: Boolean, description: 'Do not remember prompt answers', default: false }); this.option('skip-install', { type: Boolean, description: 'Do not automatically install dependencies', default: false }); // Checks required parameters assert(this.options.env, 'You must provide the environment object. Use env#create() to create a new generator.'); assert(this.options.resolved, 'You must provide the resolved path value. Use env#create() to create a new generator.'); this.env = this.options.env; this.resolved = this.options.resolved; // Ensure the environment support features this yeoman-generator version require. require('yeoman-environment').enforceUpdate(this.env); this.description = this.description || ''; this.async = () => () => {}; this.fs = FileEditor.create(this.env.sharedFs); this.conflicter = new Conflicter(this.env.adapter, this.options.force); // Mirror the adapter log method on the generator. // // example: // this.log('foo'); // this.log.error('bar'); this.log = this.env.adapter.log; // Determine the app root this.contextRoot = this.env.cwd; let rootPath = findUp.sync('.yo-rc.json', { cwd: this.env.cwd }); rootPath = rootPath ? path.dirname(rootPath) : this.env.cwd; if (rootPath !== this.env.cwd) { this.log([ '', 'Just found a `.yo-rc.json` in a parent directory.', 'Setting the project root at: ' + rootPath ].join('\n')); this.destinationRoot(rootPath); } this.appname = this.determineAppname(); this.config = this._getStorage(); this._globalConfig = this._getGlobalStorage(); // Ensure source/destination path, can be configured from subclasses this.sourceRoot(path.join(path.dirname(this.resolved), 'templates')); } /* * Prompt user to answer questions. The signature of this method is the same as {@link https://github.com/SBoudrias/Inquirer.js Inquirer.js} * * On top of the Inquirer.js API, you can provide a `{cache: true}` property for * every question descriptor. When set to true, Yeoman will store/fetch the * user's answers as defaults. * * @param {array} questions Array of question descriptor objects. See {@link https://github.com/SBoudrias/Inquirer.js/blob/master/README.md Documentation} * @return {Promise} */ prompt(questions) { questions = promptSuggestion.prefillQuestions(this._globalConfig, questions); questions = promptSuggestion.prefillQuestions(this.config, questions); return this.env.adapter.prompt(questions).then(answers => { if (!this.options['skip-cache']) { promptSuggestion.storeAnswers(this._globalConfig, questions, answers, false); promptSuggestion.storeAnswers(this.config, questions, answers, true); } return answers; }); } /** * Adds an option to the set of generator expected options, only used to * generate generator usage. By default, generators get all the cli options * parsed by nopt as a `this.options` hash object. * * ### Options: * * - `description` Description for the option * - `type` Either Boolean, String or Number * - `alias` Option name alias (example `-h` and --help`) * - `default` Default value * - `hide` Boolean whether to hide from help * * @param {String} name * @param {Object} config */ option(name, config) { config = config || {}; // Alias default to defaults for backward compatibility. if ('defaults' in config) { config.default = config.defaults; } config.description = config.description || config.desc; _.defaults(config, { name, description: 'Description for ' + name, type: Boolean, hide: false }); // Check whether boolean option is invalid (starts with no-) const boolOptionRegex = /^no-/; if (config.type === Boolean && name.match(boolOptionRegex)) { const simpleName = name.replace(boolOptionRegex, ''); return this.emit('error', new Error([ `Option name ${chalk.yellow(name)} cannot start with ${chalk.red('no-')}\n`, `Option name prefixed by ${chalk.yellow('--no')} are parsed as implicit`, ` boolean. To use ${chalk.yellow('--' + name)} as an option, use\n`, chalk.cyan(` this.option('${simpleName}', {type: Boolean})`) ].join(''))); } if (this._options[name] === null || this._options[name] === undefined) { this._options[name] = config; } this.parseOptions(); return this; } /** * Adds an argument to the class and creates an attribute getter for it. * * Arguments are different from options in several aspects. The first one * is how they are parsed from the command line, arguments are retrieved * based on their position. * * Besides, arguments are used inside your code as a property (`this.argument`), * while options are all kept in a hash (`this.options`). * * ### Options: * * - `description` Description for the argument * - `required` Boolean whether it is required * - `optional` Boolean whether it is optional * - `type` String, Number, Array, or Object * - `default` Default value for this argument * * @param {String} name * @param {Object} config */ argument(name, config) { config = config || {}; // Alias default to defaults for backward compatibility. if ('defaults' in config) { config.default = config.defaults; } config.description = config.description || config.desc; _.defaults(config, { name, required: config.default === null || config.default === undefined, type: String }); this._arguments.push(config); this.parseOptions(); return this; } parseOptions() { const minimistDef = { string: [], boolean: [], alias: {}, default: {} }; _.each(this._options, option => { if (option.type === Boolean) { minimistDef.boolean.push(option.name); if (!('default' in option) && !option.required) { minimistDef.default[option.name] = EMPTY; } } else { minimistDef.string.push(option.name); } if (option.alias) { minimistDef.alias[option.alias] = option.name; } // Only apply default values if we don't already have a value injected from // the runner if (option.name in this._initOptions) { minimistDef.default[option.name] = this._initOptions[option.name]; } else if (option.alias && option.alias in this._initOptions) { minimistDef.default[option.name] = this._initOptions[option.alias]; } else if ('default' in option) { minimistDef.default[option.name] = option.default; } }); const parsedOpts = minimist(this._args, minimistDef); // Parse options to the desired type _.each(parsedOpts, (option, name) => { // Manually set value as undefined if it should be. if (option === EMPTY) { parsedOpts[name] = undefined; return; } if (this._options[name] && option !== undefined) { parsedOpts[name] = this._options[name].type(option); } }); // Parse positional arguments to valid options this._arguments.forEach((config, index) => { let value; if (index >= parsedOpts._.length) { if (config.name in this._initOptions) { value = this._initOptions[config.name]; } else if ('default' in config) { value = config.default; } else { return; } } else if (config.type === Array) { value = parsedOpts._.slice(index, parsedOpts._.length); } else { value = config.type(parsedOpts._[index]); } parsedOpts[config.name] = value; }); // Make the parsed options available to the instance Object.assign(this.options, parsedOpts); this.args = parsedOpts._; this.arguments = parsedOpts._; // Make sure required args are all present this.checkRequiredArgs(); } checkRequiredArgs() { // If the help option was provided, we don't want to check for required // arguments, since we're only going to print the help message anyway. if (this.options.help) { return; } // Bail early if it's not possible to have a missing required arg if (this.args.length > this._arguments.length) { return; } this._arguments.forEach((config, position) => { // If the help option was not provided, check whether the argument was // required, and whether a value was provided. if (config.required && position >= this.args.length) { return this.emit('error', new Error(`Did not provide required argument ${chalk.bold(config.name)}!`)); } }); } /** * Runs the generator, scheduling prototype methods on a run queue. Method names * will determine the order each method is run. Methods without special names * will run in the default queue. * * Any method named `constructor` and any methods prefixed by a `_` won't be scheduled. * * You can also supply the arguments for the method to be invoked. If none are * provided, the same values used to initialize the invoker are used to * initialize the invoked. * * @param {Function} [cb] */ run(cb) { cb = cb || (() => {}); const self = this; this._running = true; this.emit('run'); const methods = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(this)); const validMethods = methods.filter(methodIsValid); assert(validMethods.length, 'This Generator is empty. Add at least one method for it to run.'); this.env.runLoop.once('end', () => { this.emit('end'); cb(); }); // Ensure a prototype method is a candidate run by default function methodIsValid(name) { return name.charAt(0) !== '_' && name !== 'constructor'; } function addMethod(method, methodName, queueName) { queueName = queueName || 'default'; debug(`Queueing ${methodName} in ${queueName}`); self.env.runLoop.add(queueName, completed => { debug(`Running ${methodName}`); self.emit(`method:${methodName}`); runAsync(function () { self.async = () => this.async(); return method.apply(self, self.args); })().then(completed).catch(err => { debug(`An error occured while running ${methodName}`, err); // Ensure we emit the error event outside the promise context so it won't be // swallowed when there's no listeners. setImmediate(() => { self.emit('error', err); cb(err); }); }); }); } function addInQueue(name) { const item = Object.getPrototypeOf(self)[name]; const queueName = self.env.runLoop.queueNames.indexOf(name) === -1 ? null : name; // Name points to a function; run it! if (typeof item === 'function') { return addMethod(item, name, queueName); } // Not a queue hash; stop if (!queueName) { return; } // Run each queue items _.each(item, (method, methodName) => { if (!_.isFunction(method) || !methodIsValid(methodName)) { return; } addMethod(method, methodName, queueName); }); } validMethods.forEach(addInQueue); const writeFiles = () => { this.env.runLoop.add('conflicts', this._writeFiles.bind(this), { once: 'write memory fs to disk' }); }; this.env.sharedFs.on('change', writeFiles); writeFiles(); // Add the default conflicts handling this.env.runLoop.add('conflicts', done => { this.conflicter.resolve(err => { if (err) { this.emit('error', err); } done(); }); }); _.invokeMap(this._composedWith, 'run'); return this; } /** * Compose this generator with another one. * @param {String} namespace The generator namespace to compose with * @param {Object} options The options passed to the Generator * @param {Object} [settings] Settings hash on the composition relation * @param {string} [settings.local] Path to a locally stored generator * @param {String} [settings.link="weak"] If "strong", the composition will occured * even when the composition is initialized by * the end user * @return {this} * * @example