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- "email": "ben@benlesh.com"
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- "email": "paul.e.taylor@me.com"
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- "name": "Jeff Cross",
- "email": "crossj@google.com"
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- "name": "Matthew Podwysocki",
- "email": "matthewp@microsoft.com"
- },
- {
- "name": "OJ Kwon",
- "email": "kwon.ohjoong@gmail.com"
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- "name": "Andre Staltz",
- "email": "andre@staltz.com"
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- "ES2015",
- "ES6",
- "Observable",
- "Observables",
- "ReactiveExtensions",
- "ReactiveX",
- "Rx",
- "RxJS",
- "Stream",
- "Streams"
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- "eslint --fix",
- "git add"
- ],
- "*.@(ts)": [
- "git add",
- "tslint --fix"
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- "build_cjs": "Build CJS package with clean up existing build",
- "build_closure_core": "Minify Global core build using closure compiler",
- "build_cover": "Run lint to current code, build CJS & test spec, execute test coverage",
- "build_docs": "Build ESM2015 & global package, create documentation using it",
- "build_esm2015": "Build ESM/ES2015 package with clean up existing build",
- "build_esm5": "Build ESM/ES5 package with clean up existing build",
- "build_global": "Build Global package, then minify build",
- "build_perf": "Build CJS & Global build, run macro performance test",
- "build_spec": "Build test specs",
- "build_test": "Build CJS package & test spec, execute mocha test runner",
- "check_circular_dependencies": "Check codebase has circular dependencies",
- "clean_dist_cjs": "Clean up existing CJS package output",
- "clean_dist_esm2015": "Clean up existing ESM/ES2015 package output",
- "clean_dist_esm5": "Clean up existing ESM/ES5 package output",
- "clean_dist_global": "Clean up existing Global package output",
- "clean_spec": "Clean up existing test spec build output",
- "commit": "Run git commit wizard",
- "compile_dist_cjs": "Compile codebase into CJS module",
- "compile_dist_esm2015": "Compile codebase into ESM/ES2015",
- "compile_module_esm5": "Compile codebase into ESM/ES5",
- "cover": "Execute test coverage",
- "info": "List available script",
- "lint": "Run lint against everything",
- "lint_perf": "Run lint against performance test suite",
- "lint_spec": "Run lint against test spec",
- "lint_src": "Run lint against source",
- "perf": "Run macro performance benchmark",
- "perf_micro": "Run micro performance benchmark",
- "test": "Clean up existing test spec build, build test spec and execute mocha test runner",
- "test_browser": "Execute mocha test runner on browser against existing test spec build",
- "test_mocha": "Execute mocha test runner against existing test spec build",
- "tests2png": "Generate marble diagram image from test spec",
- "watch": "Watch codebase, trigger compile when source code changes"
- },
- "typings": "./Rx.d.ts",
- "version": "5.5.11"
- }