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- # Requires recent Haproxy to work with websockets (for example 1.4.16).
- defaults
- mode http
- # Set timeouts to your needs
- timeout client 5s
- timeout connect 5s
- timeout server 5s
- frontend all
- mode http
- timeout client 120s
- option forwardfor
- # Fake connection:close, required in this setup.
- option http-server-close
- option http-pretend-keepalive
- acl is_sockjs path_beg /echo /broadcast /close
- acl is_stats path_beg /stats
- use_backend sockjs if is_sockjs
- use_backend stats if is_stats
- default_backend static
- backend sockjs
- # Load-balance according to hash created from first two
- # directories in url path. For example requests going to /1/
- # should be handled by single server (assuming resource prefix is
- # one-level deep, like "/echo").
- balance uri depth 2
- timeout server 120s
- server srv_sockjs1
- # server srv_sockjs2
- backend static
- balance roundrobin
- server srv_static
- backend stats
- stats uri /stats
- stats enable