haproxy.cfg 1.1 KB

  1. # Requires recent Haproxy to work with websockets (for example 1.4.16).
  2. defaults
  3. mode http
  4. # Set timeouts to your needs
  5. timeout client 5s
  6. timeout connect 5s
  7. timeout server 5s
  8. frontend all
  9. mode http
  10. timeout client 120s
  11. option forwardfor
  12. # Fake connection:close, required in this setup.
  13. option http-server-close
  14. option http-pretend-keepalive
  15. acl is_sockjs path_beg /echo /broadcast /close
  16. acl is_stats path_beg /stats
  17. use_backend sockjs if is_sockjs
  18. use_backend stats if is_stats
  19. default_backend static
  20. backend sockjs
  21. # Load-balance according to hash created from first two
  22. # directories in url path. For example requests going to /1/
  23. # should be handled by single server (assuming resource prefix is
  24. # one-level deep, like "/echo").
  25. balance uri depth 2
  26. timeout server 120s
  27. server srv_sockjs1
  28. # server srv_sockjs2
  29. backend static
  30. balance roundrobin
  31. server srv_static
  32. backend stats
  33. stats uri /stats
  34. stats enable