@@ -53,5 +53,214 @@ persons[3] = {
// }
// }
+var personsJson = JSON.stringify(persons)
+console.log(typeof personsJson)
+var alesha = JSON.parse('{"name": "Alex", "surname": "Alekseev", "fathername": "Alekseevich", "age": 33, "sex": male}')
+var table = "";
+table += '<table border = 1>'
+table += '\n\t<tr>'
+table += `\n\t\t<th>\n\t\t\tSurame\n\t\t</th>`
+table += `\n\t\t<th>\n\t\t\tName\n\t\t</th>`
+table += '</tr>'
+for (let i=0; i < persons.length; i++){
+ table += '\n\t<tr>'
+ table += `\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t${persons[i]["surname"]}\n\t\t</td>`
+ table += `\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t${persons[i]["name"]}\n\t\t</td>`
+ table += '</tr>'
+table += '</table>'
+var table = "";
+table += '<table border = 1>'
+for (let i=0; i < persons.length; i++){
+ table += '\n\t<tr>'
+ for (let key in persons[i]) {
+ table += `\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t${persons[i][key]}\n\t\t</td>`
+ }
+ table += '</tr>'
+table += '</table>'
+var table = "";
+table += '<table border = 1>'
+for (let i=0; i < persons.length; i++){
+ if (i%2) {
+ table += '\n\t<tr bgcolor="lightgrey">'
+ }
+ else {table += '\n\t<tr>'}
+ for (let key in persons[i]) {
+ table += `\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t${persons[i][key]}\n\t\t</td>`
+ }
+ table += '</tr>'
+table += '</table>'
+var table = "";
+table += '<table border = 1>'
+table += '\n\t<tr bgcolor="#90ee90">'
+for (let key in personsKeys){
+ table += `\n\t\t<th>\n\t\t\t${personsKeys[key]}\n\t\t</th>`
+table += '</tr>'
+for (let i=0; i < persons.length; i++){
+ if (i%2) {
+ table += '\n\t<tr bgcolor="lightgrey">'
+ }
+ else {table += '\n\t<tr>'}
+ for (let key in personsKeys) {
+ if (personsKeys[key] in persons[i]) {
+ table += `\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t${persons[i][personsKeys[key]]}\n\t\t</td>`
+ }
+ else {
+ table += `\n\t\t<td></td>`
+ }
+ }
+ table += '</tr>'
+table += '</table>'
+var someTree = {
+ tagName: "table",
+ subTags: [ //vlozhennie tegi
+ {
+ tagName: "tr",
+ subTags: [
+ {
+ tagName: "td",
+ text: "some text",
+ },
+ {
+ tagName: "td",
+ text: "some text 2",
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ attrs:
+ {
+ border: 1,
+ },
+const createHtmlTree = function (objectHtml, tag, attr, content, children) { //object and standart names of keys
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+ strHtmlTree += `<${objectHtml[tag]}`
+ if (attr in objectHtml) {
+ for (let key in objectHtml[attr]) {
+ strHtmlTree += ` ${key} = "${objectHtml[attr][key]}"`
+ }
+ }
+ strHtmlTree += `>`
+ if (content in objectHtml) {
+ strHtmlTree += objectHtml[content]
+ }
+ if (children in objectHtml) {
+ for (let i=0; i < objectHtml[children].length; i++) {
+ strHtmlTree += createHtmlTree(objectHtml[children][i], tag, attr, content, children)
+ }
+ }
+ if (undefined !== objectHtml[content] || objectHtml[children].length > 0) {
+ strHtmlTree += `</${objectHtml[tag]}>`
+ }
+ return strHtmlTree;
+document.write(createHtmlTree(someTree, "tagName", "attrs", "text", "subTags"))
+var body = {
+ name: 'body',
+ atr: {},
+ children: [
+ {
+ name: 'div',
+ atr: {},
+ children: [
+ {
+ name: 'span',
+ atr: {},
+ children: [],
+ content: "Enter a data please:"
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'br',
+ atr: {},
+ children: [],
+ },
+ {
+ name: "input",
+ atr: {
+ id: "name",
+ type: "text"
+ },
+ children: []
+ },
+ {
+ name: "input",
+ atr: {
+ id: "surname",
+ type: "text"
+ },
+ children: []
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'div',
+ atr: {},
+ children: [
+ {
+ name: "button",
+ atr: {
+ id: "ok"
+ },
+ children: [],
+ content: "OK"
+ },
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+ name: "button",
+ atr: {
+ id: "cancel"
+ },
+ children: [],
+ content: "Cancel"
+ }
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+ }
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+//black poyas
+var userHistory = "1111";
+var predictObject = {};
+for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+ predictObject[i.toString(2)] = Math.floor(Math.random()*2);
+do {
+ var answer = (confirm("Хочешь поиграть в 'какой руке монета'? "))
+ let prediction = ((1 === predictObject[userHistory]) ? "монета в правой" : "монета в левой")
+ console.log(prediction)
+ userHistory += (predictObject[userHistory] = Number(confirm("Вы выбрали?")))
+ userHistory = userHistory.substring(1)
+ alert (`Ваша ${prediction} руке`)
+ var agree = confirm ("Я угадал")
+} while (agree !== true )