@@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ function promiseReducer(state={}, {type, status, payload, error, name}){
//под товаром сделать кнопку "купить"
//под товаром сделать кнопку "купить"
-const store = createStore(promiseReducer)
-const unsubscribe1 = store.subscribe(() => console.log(store.getState()))
const actionPending = name => ({type: 'PROMISE', status: 'PENDING', name})
const actionPending = name => ({type: 'PROMISE', status: 'PENDING', name})
const actionResolved = (name, payload) => ({type: 'PROMISE', status: 'RESOLVED', name, payload})
const actionResolved = (name, payload) => ({type: 'PROMISE', status: 'RESOLVED', name, payload})
@@ -58,158 +57,765 @@ const actionPromise = (name, promise) =>
-const getGQL = url =>
+ function cartReducer(state={},{type , count = 1, _id , name , price }) {
+ if(type === 'CART_ADD'){
+ return {
+ ...state ,
+ [_id]:{count:(state[_id]?.count || 0) + count, name , price}
+ }
+ }
+ if (type === 'CART_CHANGE' ) {
+ return {
+ ...state,
+ [_id]:{count:state[count] = count,price}
+ }
+ }
+ if(type === 'CART_REMOVE'){
+ let {[_id]:id , ...res} = state
+ return res
+ }
+ if (type === "CART_CLEAR"){
+ return {}
+ }
+ return state
+ }
+ // store.dispatch({type: 'CART_ADD', _id:id, count:num})
+ // store.dispatch({type: 'CART_CHANGE', _id:id, count:count})
+ // store.dispatch({type: 'CART_REMOVE', _id:id})
+ // store.dispatch({type: 'CART_CLEAR'})
+ let reducers = {
+ promise:promiseReducer,
+ cart:cartReducer,
+ auth:authReducer
+ }
+ function combineReducers(reducers){
+ function commonReducer(state = {} , action){
+ let commonState = {}
+ for(let reducerName in reducers){
+ const reducerState = reducers[reducerName](state[reducerName],action)
+ if (reducerState !== state[reducerName]){
+ commonState[reducerName] = reducerState
+ }
+ }
+ if (Object.keys(commonState).length == 0){
+ return state
+ }
+ return {...state,...commonState}
+ }
+ return commonReducer
+ }
+ const store = createStore(combineReducers(reducers))
+ const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => console.log(store.getState()))
+ // store.dispatch({type: 'CART_ADD', _id:'beer', count:2})
+ const getGQL = url =>
(query, variables={}) => fetch(url, {
(query, variables={}) => fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
method: 'POST',
headers: {
headers: {
- // Accept: "application/json",
+ // Accept: "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
...(localStorage.authToken ? {Authorization: "Bearer " + localStorage.authToken} : {})
...(localStorage.authToken ? {Authorization: "Bearer " + localStorage.authToken} : {})
body: JSON.stringify({query, variables})
body: JSON.stringify({query, variables})
}).then(res => res.json())
}).then(res => res.json())
+ let shopGQL = getGQL('http://shop-roles.asmer.fs.a-level.com.ua/graphql')
-let shopGQL = getGQL('http://shop-roles.asmer.fs.a-level.com.ua/graphql')
-const goodById = id => {
- let query = `query goodById($query:String) {
- GoodFindOne(query: $query ) {
- _id
- name
- description
- price
- images {
- url
+ function authReducer(state, action){ //....
+ if (state === undefined){
+ if (!localStorage.authToken){
+ return {}
+ action.token = localStorage.authToken
+ action.type = 'LOGIN'
+ // добавить в action token из localStorage, и проимитировать LOGIN
- }`
- let variables = {
- query: JSON.stringify([{_id: id}])
- }
- let res = shopGQL(query,variables)
- return res
+ if (action.type === 'LOGIN'){
+ console.log('ЛОГИН')
+ localStorage.authToken = action.token
+ function jwt_decode (token) {
+ var start64Url = token.split('.')[1]
+ return JSON.parse(atob(start64Url))
+ }
+ return {token: action.token, payload: jwt_decode(action.token)}
+ }
+ if (action.type === 'LOGOUT'){
+ console.log('ЛОГАУТ')
+ localStorage.removeItem("authToken")
+ //вернуть пустой объект
+ return {}
+ }
+ return state
+ }
+ const actionAuthLogin = token => ({type:'LOGIN', token})
+ const actionAuthLogout = () => ({type:'LOGOUT'})
+ let reg = async(login,password) => {
+ let query = `mutation reg($l:String , $p:String) {
+ UserUpsert(user:{
+ login:$l ,
+ password:$p
+ }){
+ _id
+ }
+ }`
+ let qVariables = {
+ "l": login,
+ "p": password
+ }
+ let result = await shopGQL(query,qVariables)
+ return result
+ }
+ let log = async(login , password) => {
+ let query = ` query log($l:String , $p:String){
+ login(login:$l, password:$p)
+ }`
+ let qVariables = {
+ "l": login,
+ "p": password
+ }
+ let result = await shopGQL(query,qVariables)
+ return result
+ }
+ actionRegister = (login,password) => async dispatch => {
+ return await dispatch (actionPromise('register' , reg(login,password)))
+ }
+ const goodById = id => {
+ let query = `query goodById($query:String) {
+ GoodFindOne(query: $query ) {
+ _id
+ name
+ description
+ price
+ images {
+ url
+ }
+ }
+ }`
+ let variables = {
+ query: JSON.stringify([{_id: id}])
+ }
+ let res = shopGQL(query,variables)
+ return res
+ }
+ const actionGoodById = id =>
+ actionPromise('goodById', goodById(id))
+ const actionRootCategories = () =>
+ actionPromise('rootCategories', shopGQL(`
+ query cats($query:String){
+ CategoryFind(query:$query){
+ _id name
+ }
+ }
+ `, {query: JSON.stringify([{parent:null}])}))
+ const actionCategoryById = (_id) =>
+ actionPromise('catById', shopGQL(`query catById($query:String){
+ CategoryFindOne(query:$query){
+ _id name goods{
+ _id name price description images{
+ url
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }`, {query: JSON.stringify([{_id}])}))
+ store.dispatch(actionRootCategories())
+ actionCartAdd = (id , num=1, name, price) =>
+ ({type: 'CART_ADD', _id:id, count:num,name , price})
+ actionCartChange = (id,count,price) =>
+ ({type: 'CART_CHANGE', _id:id, count,price})
+ actionCartRemove = (id) =>
+ ({type: 'CART_REMOVE', _id:id})
+ actionCartClear = () =>
+ ({type: 'CART_CLEAR'})
+ window.onhashchange = () => {
+ let {1: route, 2:id} = location.hash.split('/')
+ if (route === 'categories'){
+ main.innerHTML = ''
+ store.dispatch(actionCategoryById(id))
+ }
+ if (route === 'good'){
+ main.innerHTML = ''
+ store.dispatch(actionGoodById(id))
+ }
+ if (route === 'cart'){
+ drawCart()
+ }
+ if (route === 'registration'){
+ drawReg()
+ }
+ if (route === 'login'){
+ drawLog()
+ }
+ // if (route === 'cabinet') {
+ // console.log('aaaa')
+ // }
+ }
+ function drawMainMenu(){
+ let cats = store.getState().promise.rootCategories.payload
+ if (cats){ //каждый раз дорисовываются в body
+ aside.innerText = ''
+ for (let {_id, name} of cats.data.CategoryFind){
+ let catA = document.createElement('a')
+ catA.href = `#/categories/${_id}`
+ catA.innerText = name
+ aside.style.marginLeft = '20px'
+ aside.append(catA)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ store.subscribe(drawMainMenu)
+ let aBasket = document.createElement('a')
+ aBasket.href = "#/cart/"
+ aBasket.style.color = '#008B8B'
+ let imgBasket = document.createElement('img')
+ imgBasket.style.float = 'right'
+ let header = document.getElementById('header')
+ header.style.height = '70px'
+ let countBasket = document.createElement('p')
+ let h1 = document.getElementById('h1')
+ h1.style.float = 'left'
+ h1.style.marginTop = '30px'
+ countBasket.style.float = 'right'
+ countBasket.style.marginLeft = '20px'
+ countBasket.style.marginRight = '20px'
+ countBasket.style.marginTop = '20px'
+ countBasket.style.fontWeight = 'bold'
+ countBasket.innerHTML = "Товаров в корзине:" + " " + 0
+ imgBasket.src = "basket.png"
+ imgBasket.style.width = '50px'
+ imgBasket.style.marginLeft = '30px'
+ aBasket.append(countBasket)
+ aBasket.append(imgBasket)
+ header.append(aBasket)
+ const unsubscribe1 = store.subscribe(() => {
+ let cartState = store.getState().cart
+ var result = []
+ for (key in cartState){
+ result.push(cartState[key].count)
+ if (result.length > 0) {
+ countBasket.innerHTML ="Товаров в корзине:" + " " + result.reduce(function(a,b){
+ return a+b
+ })
+ }
+ else {
+ countBasket.innerHTML ="Товаров в корзине:" + " " + 0
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ let aRegBtn = document.createElement('a')
+ let regBtn = document.createElement('button')
+ let aLogBtn = document.createElement('a')
+ let logBtn = document.createElement('button')
+ aLogBtn.href = '#/login'
+ logBtn.innerHTML = 'Вход'
+ aRegBtn.style.marginTop = '30px'
+ aLogBtn.style.marginTop = '30px'
+ aLogBtn.style.marginLeft = '10px'
+ aRegBtn.href = '#/registration'
+ regBtn.innerHTML = "Регистрация"
+ aRegBtn.style.float = 'right'
+ aLogBtn.style.float = 'right'
+ aLogBtn.append(logBtn)
+ header.append(aLogBtn)
+ aRegBtn.append(regBtn)
+ header.append(aRegBtn)
+ let aCabinet = document.createElement('a')
+ aCabinet.href = '#/cabinet'
+ function drawReg() {
+ main.innerHTML = ""
+ let h = document.createElement('h1')
+ h.innerHTML = 'Регистрация'
+ main.append(h)
+function Password (parent , open) {
+ let passwordInput = document.createElement ('input')
+ let passwordCheckbox = document.createElement('input')
+ let passwordSpan = document.createElement('span')
+ let passwordContent = document.createElement('div')
+ parent.append(passwordContent)
+ passwordContent.append(passwordInput)
+ passwordContent.append(passwordCheckbox)
+ passwordContent.append(passwordSpan)
+ passwordContent.style.marginTop = "15px"
+ passwordContent.style.marginBottom = '20px'
+ passwordInput.placeholder = "Enter a password"
+ passwordCheckbox.type = 'checkbox'
+ passwordCheckbox.style.marginLeft = '10px'
+ passwordSpan.innerHTML = "Hide password"
+ passwordSpan.style.marginLeft = "10px"
+ passwordInput.onchange = () => {
+ if(typeof this.onChange === 'function'){
+ this.onChange(passwordInput.value)
+ }
+ }
+ function showOrHide() {
+ if (passwordCheckbox.checked) {
+ passwordInput.setAttribute('type' , 'password')
+ } else {
+ passwordInput.setAttribute('type','text')
+ }
+ }
+ passwordCheckbox.addEventListener('change' , showOrHide)
+ this.setValue = function (text) {
+ passwordInput.value = text
+ }
+ this.getValue = function () {
+ return passwordInput.value
+ }
+ this.setOpen = function (checker) {
+ showOrHide.call(this)
+ passwordCheckbox.checked = checker
+ }
+ passwordCheckbox.onclick = () => {
+ showOrHide()
+ this.onOpenChange("нажали чекбокс")
+ }
+ this.getOpen = function () {
+ return passwordCheckbox.checked
+ }
-const actionGoodById = id =>
- actionPromise('goodById', goodById(id))
+function LoginFormConstructor (parent , open) {
+let passwordForm = document.createElement('div')
+let loginForm = document.createElement('div')
+let btnForm = document.createElement('div')
+let loginInput = document.createElement('input')
+loginInput.type = 'text'
+loginInput.style.marginBottom = '10px'
+loginInput.placeholder = "Enter a login"
+let passwordInput = document.createElement('input')
+passwordInput.type = 'password'
+passwordInput.placeholder = "Enter a password"
+let checkbox = document.createElement('input')
+checkbox.type = 'checkbox'
+checkbox.style.marginLeft = '7px'
+let btn = document.createElement('button')
+btn.style.marginLeft = '130px'
+btn.style.marginTop = '10px'
+btn.innerHTML = 'Log in'
-const actionRootCategories = () =>
- actionPromise('rootCategories', shopGQL(`
- query cats($query:String){
- CategoryFind(query:$query){
- _id name
- }
+btn.onclick = () => {
+ store.dispatch(actionFullRegister((loginInput.value), (passwordInput.value)))
+function showOrHide() {
+ if (checkbox.checked) {
+ passwordInput.setAttribute('type' , 'text')
+ } else {
+ passwordInput.setAttribute('type','password')
+ }
+checkbox.addEventListener('change' , showOrHide)
+let lfc = new LoginFormConstructor(main, true)
+ }
+ function drawLog() {
+ main.innerHTML = ""
+ let h = document.createElement('h1')
+ h.innerHTML = 'Вход'
+ main.append(h)
+ function Password (parent , open) {
+ let passwordInput = document.createElement ('input')
+ let passwordCheckbox = document.createElement('input')
+ let passwordSpan = document.createElement('span')
+ let passwordContent = document.createElement('div')
+ parent.append(passwordContent)
+ passwordContent.append(passwordInput)
+ passwordContent.append(passwordCheckbox)
+ passwordContent.append(passwordSpan)
+ passwordContent.style.marginTop = "15px"
+ passwordContent.style.marginBottom = '20px'
+ passwordInput.placeholder = "Enter a password"
+ passwordCheckbox.type = 'checkbox'
+ passwordCheckbox.style.marginLeft = '10px'
+ passwordSpan.innerHTML = "Hide password"
+ passwordSpan.style.marginLeft = "10px"
+ passwordInput.onchange = () => {
+ if(typeof this.onChange === 'function'){
+ this.onChange(passwordInput.value)
- `, {query: JSON.stringify([{parent:null}])}))
+ }
+ function showOrHide() {
+ if (passwordCheckbox.checked) {
+ passwordInput.setAttribute('type' , 'password')
+ } else {
+ passwordInput.setAttribute('type','text')
+ }
+ }
+ passwordCheckbox.addEventListener('change' , showOrHide)
+ }
+ function LoginFormConstructor (parent , open) {
+ let passwordForm = document.createElement('div')
+ let loginForm = document.createElement('div')
+ let btnForm = document.createElement('div')
+ let loginInput = document.createElement('input')
+ loginInput.type = 'text'
+ loginInput.style.marginBottom = '10px'
+ loginInput.placeholder = "Enter a login"
+ let passwordInput = document.createElement('input')
+ passwordInput.type = 'password'
+ passwordInput.placeholder = "Enter a password"
+ let checkbox = document.createElement('input')
+ checkbox.type = 'checkbox'
+ checkbox.style.marginLeft = '7px'
+ let btn = document.createElement('button')
+ btn.style.marginLeft = '130px'
+ btn.style.marginTop = '10px'
+ btn.innerHTML = 'Log in'
+ parent.append(loginForm)
+ parent.append(passwordForm)
+ parent.append(btnForm)
+ loginForm.append(loginInput)
+ passwordForm.append(passwordInput)
+ passwordForm.append(checkbox)
+ btnForm.append(btn)
-const actionCategoryById = (_id) =>
- actionPromise('catById', shopGQL(`query catById($query:String){
- CategoryFindOne(query:$query){
- _id name goods{
- _id name price description images{
- url
- }
- }
- }
- }`, {query: JSON.stringify([{_id}])}))
-window.onhashchange = () => {
- let {1: route, 2:id} = location.hash.split('/')
- if (route === 'categories'){
- store.dispatch(actionCategoryById(id))
+ btn.onclick = () => {
+ store.dispatch(actionFullLogin((loginInput.value),(passwordInput.value)))
+ }
+ function showOrHide() {
+ if (checkbox.checked) {
+ passwordInput.setAttribute('type' , 'text')
+ } else {
+ passwordInput.setAttribute('type','password')
+ }
+ }
+ checkbox.addEventListener('change' , showOrHide)
+ }
+ let lfc = new LoginFormConstructor(main, true)
+const actionFullLogin = (login , password) => async dispatch => {
+ let result = await dispatch(actionPromise("login",log(login,password)))
+ if (result.data.login !== null){
+ dispatch(actionAuthLogin(result.data.login))
+ logBtn.hidden = true
+ regBtn.hidden = true
+ main.innerHTML = ''
+ let hLog = document.createElement('h1')
+ hLog.innerHTML = "Вы успешно войшли в свой кабинет"
+ hLog.style.textAlign = 'center'
+ main.append(hLog)
+ else {
+ alert ('Такого пользователя не существует или вы не правильно указали логин/пароль')
+ }
+actionFullRegister = (login,password) => async dispatch => {
+ let result = await dispatch (actionRegister(login,password))
+ console.log(result)
+ if (result.errors === undefined) {
+ await dispatch (actionFullLogin(login,password))
+ logBtn.hidden = true
+ regBtn.hidden = true
+ main.innerHTML = ""
+ let hReg = document.createElement('h1')
+ hReg.innerHTML = "Вы успешно зарегестрированы"
+ hReg.style.textAlign = 'center'
+ main.append(hReg)
+ }
+ else {
+ alert("Такой пользователь уже есть")
- if (route === 'good'){
- store.dispatch(actionGoodById(id))
-function drawMainMenu(){
- let cats = store.getState().rootCategories.payload
- if (cats){ //каждый раз дорисовываются в body
- aside.innerText = ''
- for (let {_id, name} of cats.data.CategoryFind){
- let catA = document.createElement('a')
- catA.href = `#/categories/${_id}`
- catA.innerText = name
- aside.append(catA)
+if (localStorage.authToken) {
+ regBtn.hidden = true
+ logBtn.hidden = true
+let newOrder = async(obj) => {
+ let option = Object.entries(obj)
+ let orderGoods = []
+ for (let key of option) {
+ let iteration = {
+ "count": key[1].count,
+ "good":{"_id":key[0]}
+ orderGoods.push(iteration)
+ let query = `mutation newOrder($order:OrderInput) {
+ OrderUpsert(order:$order){
+ _id
+ }
+ }`
+ let qVariables = {
+ "order": {
+ "orderGoods": orderGoods}
+ }
+ let result = await shopGQL(query,qVariables)
+ console.log(result)
+ return result
-store.subscribe(() => {
- const {1: route, 2:id} = location.hash.split('/')
- if (route === 'categories'){
- const catById = store.getState().catById?.payload
- if (catById){
- main.innerText = ''
- let h = document.createElement('h2')
- h.style.fontSize = '30px'
- h.style.marginTop = 0
- h.innerHTML = catById.data.CategoryFindOne.name
- h.style.textAlign = 'center'
- main.append(h)
- //вывести циклом товары со ссылками вида #/good/АЙДИШНИК
- let goods = document.createElement('div')
- goods.className = 'goods'
- for (let key in catById.data.CategoryFindOne.goods) {
- let box = document.createElement('div')
- box.style.border = '3px solid #008B8B'
- box.style.padding = '10px'
- box.style.margin = '20px'
- let img = document.createElement('img')
- let productName = document.createElement('h3')
- let a = document.createElement('a')
- let price = document.createElement('p')
- let description = document.createElement('p')
- let btnBuy = document.createElement('button')
- btnBuy.innerHTML = "Купить"
- btnBuy.style.backgroundColor = '#ADFF2F'
- btnBuy.style.display = 'block'
- btnBuy.style.marginLeft = 'auto'
- btnBuy.style.marginRight = 'auto'
- btnBuy.style.marginBottom = '10px'
- let btnAdd = document.createElement('button')
- btnAdd.innerHTML = "Добавить в корзину"
- btnAdd.style.backgroundColor = '#3CB371'
- btnAdd.style.display = 'block'
- btnAdd.style.marginLeft = 'auto'
- btnAdd.style.marginRight = 'auto'
- let btnMore = document.createElement('button')
- btnMore.innerHTML = "Подробнее"
- btnMore.style.backgroundColor = '#DCDCDC'
- btnMore.style.display = 'block'
- btnMore.style.marginLeft = 'auto'
- btnMore.style.marginRight = 'auto'
- btnMore.style.marginTop = '20px'
- img.src = 'http://shop-roles.asmer.fs.a-level.com.ua/' + catById.data.CategoryFindOne.goods[key].images[0].url
- img.style.width = '300px'
- img.style.display = 'block'
- img.style.marginLeft = 'auto'
- img.style.marginRight = 'auto'
- a.href = '#/good/' + catById.data.CategoryFindOne.goods[key]._id
- productName.innerHTML = catById.data.CategoryFindOne.goods[key].name + '<br/>'
- price.innerHTML = "Цена:" + " " + catById.data.CategoryFindOne.goods[key].price + ' ' + 'uah'
- a.style.textDecoration = 'none'
- a.style.color = 'black'
- description.innerHTML = catById.data.CategoryFindOne.goods[key].description
- description.style.textAlign = 'center'
- a.append(btnMore)
- box.append(productName)
- box.append(price)
- box.append(img)
- box.append(description)
- box.append(btnBuy)
- box.append(btnAdd)
- box.append(a)
- goods.append(box)
+actionOrder = (obj) => async dispatch => {
+ return await dispatch (actionPromise ('order' , newOrder(obj)))
+ function drawCart () {
+ const cart = store.getState().cart
+ if (cart) {
+ main.innerHTML = ""
+ let cartState = store.getState().cart
+ for (key in cartState){
+ let good = document.createElement('div')
+ let goodName = document.createElement('h4')
+ let goodImg = document.createElement('img')
+ let btnPlus = document.createElement('button')
+ let btnMinus = document.createElement('button')
+ let countPriceGood = document.createElement('p')
+ let goodA = document.createElement('a')
+ let goodPrice = document.createElement('p')
+ let goodCount = document.createElement('p')
+ let btnDel = document.createElement('button')
+ let input = document.createElement('input')
+ input.placeholder = "Нужное количество товара"
+ input.style.marginLeft = '10px'
+ let btnInput = document.createElement('button')
+ btnInput.innerHTML = 'Подтвердить'
+ btnInput.style.marginLeft = '10px'
+ btnInput.onclick = () => {
+ if (input.value > 1){
+ store.dispatch(actionCartChange(key , +input.value,cartState[key].price))
+ }
+ }
+ good.style.overflow = 'hidden'
+ btnDel.style.float = 'right'
+ goodImg.style.width = '100px'
+ btnPlus.innerHTML = "+"
+ btnPlus.style.marginLeft = '10px'
+ btnPlus.onclick = () =>{
+ store.dispatch(actionCartChange(key,+(cartState[key].count) + 1,cartState[key].price))
+ }
+ btnMinus.innerHTML = "-"
+ btnMinus.onclick = () => {
+ if (cartState[key].count > 1){
+ store.dispatch(actionCartChange(key , +(cartState[key].count) - 1,cartState[key].price))
+ }
+ else {
+ let question = confirm("Вы хотите удалить товар?")
+ if (question){
+ store.dispatch(actionCartRemove(key))
+ countBasket.innerHTML ="Товаров в корзине:" + " " + 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ countPriceGood.style.fontWeight = 'bold'
+ countPriceGood.hidden = true
+ countPriceGood.style.marginTop = '20px'
+ countPriceGood.style.textAlign = 'center'
+ countPriceGood.style.float = 'right'
+ btnDel.innerHTML = "Удалить товар"
+ btnDel.onclick = () => {
+ let question = confirm("Вы хотите удалить товар?")
+ if (question){
+ store.dispatch(actionCartRemove(key))
+ }
+ }
+ goodA.append(goodImg)
+ goodA.href = '#/good/' + key
+ if (cartState[key].count > 1) {
+ countPriceGood.removeAttribute('hidden' , 'hidden')
+ goodById(key).then(res => countPriceGood.innerHTML = "Общая цена товара:" + " " + (cartState[key].count) * res.data.GoodFindOne.price + "uah")
+ }
+ good.style.width = "50%"
+ good.style.border = '2px solid black'
+ good.style.marginTop = '20px'
+ good.style.padding = '30px'
+ goodById(key).then(res=> goodName.innerHTML = res.data.GoodFindOne.name)
+ goodById(key).then(res=> goodImg.src = 'http://shop-roles.asmer.fs.a-level.com.ua/' + res.data.GoodFindOne.images[0].url)
+ goodById(key).then(res=>goodPrice.innerHTML = "Цена:" + " " + res.data.GoodFindOne.price + 'uah')
+ goodCount.innerHTML = "Количество товара:" + " " + cartState[key].count
+ goodById(key).then()
+ good.style.marginLeft = '100px'
+ good.append(goodName,goodA,goodPrice,goodCount,btnMinus,input,btnInput,btnPlus,btnDel)
+ good.append(countPriceGood)
+ var result = []
+ result.push(cartState[key].count)
+ var resId = []
+ resId.push(cartState[key])
+ let orderPrice = document.createElement("h5")
+ orderPrice.style.float = 'right'
+ main.append(good)
+ main.append(orderPrice)
+ }
+ if (Object.keys(cartState).length > 0){
+ let orderPrice = document.createElement('h5')
+ let res = []
+ for (good in cartState) {
+ res.push((((cartState[good].price) * (cartState[good].count))))
+ }
+ orderPrice.innerHTML = "Цена заказа:" + " " + res.reduce(function(a,b){
+ return a + b
+ }) + 'uah'
+ orderPrice.style.fontSize = '20px'
+ orderPrice.style.float = 'right'
+ orderPrice.style.marginRight = '500px'
+ let btnBuy = document.createElement('button')
+ btnBuy.innerHTML = 'Купить'
+ btnBuy.style.float = 'right'
+ btnBuy.style.marginRight = '500px'
+ btnBuy.style.marginTop = '10px'
+ btnBuy.onclick = () => {
+ let obj = store.getState().cart
+ for (key in obj){
+ store.dispatch(actionOrder(obj))
+ }
+ store.dispatch({type: 'CART_CLEAR'})
+ countBasket.innerHTML ="Товаров в корзине:" + " " + 0
+ }
+ main.append(orderPrice)
+ main.append(btnBuy)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ store.subscribe(() => {
+ const {1: route, 2:id} = location.hash.split('/')
+ if (route === 'categories'){
+ const catById = store.getState().promise.catById?.payload
+ if (catById){
+ main.innerText = ''
+ let h = document.createElement('h2')
+ h.style.fontSize = '30px'
+ h.style.marginTop = 0
+ h.innerHTML = catById.data.CategoryFindOne.name
+ h.style.textAlign = 'center'
+ main.append(h)
+ //вывести циклом товары со ссылками вида #/good/АЙДИШНИК
+ let goods = document.createElement('div')
+ goods.className = 'goods'
+ for (let key in catById.data.CategoryFindOne.goods) {
+ let box = document.createElement('div')
+ box.style.border = '3px solid #008B8B'
+ box.style.padding = '10px'
+ box.style.margin = '20px'
+ let img = document.createElement('img')
+ let productName = document.createElement('h3')
+ let a = document.createElement('a')
+ let price = document.createElement('p')
+ let description = document.createElement('p')
+ let btnMore = document.createElement('button')
+ btnMore.innerHTML = "Подробнее"
+ btnMore.style.backgroundColor = '#DCDCDC'
+ btnMore.style.display = 'block'
+ btnMore.style.marginLeft = 'auto'
+ btnMore.style.marginRight = 'auto'
+ btnMore.style.marginTop = '20px'
+ img.src = 'http://shop-roles.asmer.fs.a-level.com.ua/' + catById.data.CategoryFindOne.goods[key].images[0].url
+ img.style.width = '300px'
+ img.style.display = 'block'
+ img.style.marginLeft = 'auto'
+ img.style.marginRight = 'auto'
+ a.href = '#/good/' + catById.data.CategoryFindOne.goods[key]._id
+ productName.innerHTML = catById.data.CategoryFindOne.goods[key].name + '<br/>'
+ price.innerHTML = "Цена:" + " " + catById.data.CategoryFindOne.goods[key].price + ' ' + 'uah'
+ price.style.fontWeight = 'bold'
+ a.style.textDecoration = 'none'
+ a.style.color = 'black'
+ description.innerHTML = catById.data.CategoryFindOne.goods[key].description
+ description.style.textAlign = 'center'
+ a.append(btnMore)
+ box.append(productName)
+ box.append(price)
+ box.append(img)
+ box.append(description)
+ box.append(a)
+ goods.append(box)
@@ -217,10 +823,10 @@ store.subscribe(() => {
if (route === 'good'){
if (route === 'good'){
- const goodById = store.getState().goodById?.payload
+ const goodById = store.getState().promise.goodById?.payload
if (goodById){ //вывести в main страницу товара
if (goodById){ //вывести в main страницу товара
main.innerText = " "
main.innerText = " "
- let source = goodById.data.GoodFindOne
+ let source = goodById.data.GoodFindOne
let product = document.createElement('div')
let product = document.createElement('div')
let page = document.createElement('div')
let page = document.createElement('div')
let h = document.createElement('h1')
let h = document.createElement('h1')
@@ -238,6 +844,7 @@ store.subscribe(() => {
let price = document.createElement('p')
let price = document.createElement('p')
price.innerHTML = 'Цена:' + " " + source.price + 'uah'
price.innerHTML = 'Цена:' + " " + source.price + 'uah'
price.textAlign = 'center'
price.textAlign = 'center'
+ price.style.fontWeight = 'bold'
let btnBuy = document.createElement('button')
let btnBuy = document.createElement('button')
btnBuy.innerHTML = "Купить"
btnBuy.innerHTML = "Купить"
btnBuy.style.backgroundColor = '#ADFF2F'
btnBuy.style.backgroundColor = '#ADFF2F'
@@ -256,6 +863,9 @@ store.subscribe(() => {
btnAdd.style.marginRight = 'auto'
btnAdd.style.marginRight = 'auto'
btnAdd.style.width = '300px'
btnAdd.style.width = '300px'
btnAdd.style.fontSize = '20px'
btnAdd.style.fontSize = '20px'
+ btnAdd.onclick = () => {
+ store.dispatch(actionCartAdd(source._id,1 , source.name , source.price))
+ }
@@ -264,6 +874,11 @@ store.subscribe(() => {
+ // console.log(actionCartAdd.count)
+ if (route === 'cart')
+ drawCart()