"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = loadPrivatePartialConfig; exports.loadPartialConfig = void 0; function _path() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("path")); _path = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _gensync() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("gensync")); _gensync = function () { return data; }; return data; } var _plugin = _interopRequireDefault(require("./plugin")); var _util = require("./util"); var _item = require("./item"); var _configChain = require("./config-chain"); var _environment = require("./helpers/environment"); var _options = require("./validation/options"); var _files = require("./files"); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; } function* resolveRootMode(rootDir, rootMode) { switch (rootMode) { case "root": return rootDir; case "upward-optional": { const upwardRootDir = yield* (0, _files.findConfigUpwards)(rootDir); return upwardRootDir === null ? rootDir : upwardRootDir; } case "upward": { const upwardRootDir = yield* (0, _files.findConfigUpwards)(rootDir); if (upwardRootDir !== null) return upwardRootDir; throw Object.assign(new Error(`Babel was run with rootMode:"upward" but a root could not ` + `be found when searching upward from "${rootDir}".\n` + `One of the following config files must be in the directory tree: ` + `"${_files.ROOT_CONFIG_FILENAMES.join(", ")}".`), { code: "BABEL_ROOT_NOT_FOUND", dirname: rootDir }); } default: throw new Error(`Assertion failure - unknown rootMode value.`); } } function* loadPrivatePartialConfig(inputOpts) { if (inputOpts != null && (typeof inputOpts !== "object" || Array.isArray(inputOpts))) { throw new Error("Babel options must be an object, null, or undefined"); } const args = inputOpts ? (0, _options.validate)("arguments", inputOpts) : {}; const { envName = (0, _environment.getEnv)(), cwd = ".", root: rootDir = ".", rootMode = "root", caller, cloneInputAst = true } = args; const absoluteCwd = _path().default.resolve(cwd); const absoluteRootDir = yield* resolveRootMode(_path().default.resolve(absoluteCwd, rootDir), rootMode); const filename = typeof args.filename === "string" ? _path().default.resolve(cwd, args.filename) : undefined; const showConfigPath = yield* (0, _files.resolveShowConfigPath)(absoluteCwd); const context = { filename, cwd: absoluteCwd, root: absoluteRootDir, envName, caller, showConfig: showConfigPath === filename }; const configChain = yield* (0, _configChain.buildRootChain)(args, context); if (!configChain) return null; const options = {}; configChain.options.forEach(opts => { (0, _util.mergeOptions)(options, opts); }); options.cloneInputAst = cloneInputAst; options.babelrc = false; options.configFile = false; options.passPerPreset = false; options.envName = context.envName; options.cwd = context.cwd; options.root = context.root; options.filename = typeof context.filename === "string" ? context.filename : undefined; options.plugins = configChain.plugins.map(descriptor => (0, _item.createItemFromDescriptor)(descriptor)); options.presets = configChain.presets.map(descriptor => (0, _item.createItemFromDescriptor)(descriptor)); return { options, context, fileHandling: configChain.fileHandling, ignore: configChain.ignore, babelrc: configChain.babelrc, config: configChain.config, files: configChain.files }; } const loadPartialConfig = (0, _gensync().default)(function* (opts) { let showIgnoredFiles = false; if (typeof opts === "object" && opts !== null && !Array.isArray(opts)) { var _opts = opts; ({ showIgnoredFiles } = _opts); opts = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_opts, ["showIgnoredFiles"]); _opts; } const result = yield* loadPrivatePartialConfig(opts); if (!result) return null; const { options, babelrc, ignore, config, fileHandling, files } = result; if (fileHandling === "ignored" && !showIgnoredFiles) { return null; } (options.plugins || []).forEach(item => { if (item.value instanceof _plugin.default) { throw new Error("Passing cached plugin instances is not supported in " + "babel.loadPartialConfig()"); } }); return new PartialConfig(options, babelrc ? babelrc.filepath : undefined, ignore ? ignore.filepath : undefined, config ? config.filepath : undefined, fileHandling, files); }); exports.loadPartialConfig = loadPartialConfig; class PartialConfig { constructor(options, babelrc, ignore, config, fileHandling, files) { this.options = void 0; this.babelrc = void 0; this.babelignore = void 0; this.config = void 0; this.fileHandling = void 0; this.files = void 0; this.options = options; this.babelignore = ignore; this.babelrc = babelrc; this.config = config; this.fileHandling = fileHandling; this.files = files; Object.freeze(this); } hasFilesystemConfig() { return this.babelrc !== undefined || this.config !== undefined; } } Object.freeze(PartialConfig.prototype);