const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); const axeCore = require('axe-core'); const { parse: parseURL } = require('url'); const assert = require('assert'); // Cheap URL validation const isValidURL = input => { const u = parseURL(input); return u.protocol &&; }; // node axe-puppeteer.js const url = process.argv[2]; assert(isValidURL(url), 'Invalid URL'); const main = async url => { let browser; let results; try { // Setup Puppeteer browser = await puppeteer.launch(); // Get new page const page = await browser.newPage(); await page.goto(url); // Inject and run axe-core const handle = await page.evaluateHandle(` // Inject axe source code ${axeCore.source} // Run axe `); // Get the results from ``. results = await handle.jsonValue(); // Destroy the handle & return axe results. await handle.dispose(); } catch (err) { // Ensure we close the puppeteer connection when possible if (browser) { await browser.close(); } // Re-throw throw err; } await browser.close(); return results; }; main(url) .then(results => { console.log(results); }) .catch(err => { console.error('Error running axe-core:', err.message); process.exit(1); });