import { isVisible } from '../../commons/dom'; import { getElementUnallowedRoles } from '../../commons/aria'; /** * Check if an element is allowed to have its explicit role value. * * Allowed ARIA roles are taken from the `htmlElms` standards object from the elements `allowedRoles` property. * * @memberof checks * @param {Boolean} [options.allowImplicit=true] Allow the explicit role to match the implicit role of the element. * @param {String[]} [options.ignoredTags=[]] Do not check for allowed roles in the provided HTML elements list. * @data {String[]} List of all unallowed roles. * @return {Boolean} True if the role is allowed on the element. False otherwise. */ function ariaAllowedRoledEvaluate(node, options = {}) { /** * Implements allowed roles defined at: * * */ const { allowImplicit = true, ignoredTags = [] } = options; const tagName = node.nodeName.toUpperCase(); // check if the element should be ignored, by an user setting if ( => t.toUpperCase()).includes(tagName)) { return true; } const unallowedRoles = getElementUnallowedRoles(node, allowImplicit); if (unallowedRoles.length) {; if (!isVisible(node, true)) { // flag hidden elements for review return undefined; } return false; } return true; } export default ariaAllowedRoledEvaluate;