import implicitHtmlRoles from '../standards/implicit-html-roles';
import { getNodeFromTree } from '../../core/utils';
import getElementSpec from '../standards/get-element-spec';
import AbstractVirtuaNode from '../../core/base/virtual-node/abstract-virtual-node';
* Get the implicit role for a given node
* @method implicitRole
* @memberof axe.commons.aria
* @instance
* @param {HTMLElement|VirtualNode} node The node to test
* @return {Mixed} Either the role or `null` if there is none
function implicitRole(node, { chromium } = {}) {
const vNode =
node instanceof AbstractVirtuaNode ? node : getNodeFromTree(node);
node = vNode.actualNode;
// this error is only thrown if the virtual tree is not a
// complete tree, which only happens in linting and if a
// user used `getFlattenedTree` manually on a subset of the
// DOM tree
if (!vNode) {
throw new ReferenceError(
'Cannot get implicit role of a node outside the current scope.'
const nodeName = vNode.props.nodeName;
const role = implicitHtmlRoles[nodeName];
if (!role && chromium) {
const { chromiumRole } = getElementSpec(vNode);
return chromiumRole || null;
if (typeof role === 'function') {
return role(vNode);
return role || null;
export default implicitRole;