import getRootNode from './get-root-node'; import isOffscreen from './is-offscreen'; import findUp from './find-up'; import { getScroll, getNodeFromTree, querySelectorAll, escapeSelector } from '../../core/utils'; const clipRegex = /rect\s*\(([0-9]+)px,?\s*([0-9]+)px,?\s*([0-9]+)px,?\s*([0-9]+)px\s*\)/; const clipPathRegex = /(\w+)\((\d+)/; /** * Determines if an element is hidden with a clip or clip-path technique * @method isClipped * @memberof axe.commons.dom * @private * @param {CSSStyleDeclaration} style Computed style * @return {Boolean} */ function isClipped(style) { const matchesClip = style.getPropertyValue('clip').match(clipRegex); const matchesClipPath = style .getPropertyValue('clip-path') .match(clipPathRegex); if (matchesClip && matchesClip.length === 5) { return ( matchesClip[3] - matchesClip[1] <= 0 && matchesClip[2] - matchesClip[4] <= 0 ); } if (matchesClipPath) { const type = matchesClipPath[1]; const value = parseInt(matchesClipPath[2], 10); switch (type) { case 'inset': return value >= 50; case 'circle': return value === 0; default: } } return false; } /** * Check `AREA` element is visible * - validate if it is a child of `map` * - ensure `map` is referred by `img` using the `usemap` attribute * @param {Element} areaEl `AREA` element * @retruns {Boolean} */ function isAreaVisible(el, screenReader, recursed) { /** * Note: * - Verified that `map` element cannot refer to `area` elements across different document trees * - Verified that `map` element does not get affected by altering `display` property */ const mapEl = findUp(el, 'map'); if (!mapEl) { return false; } const mapElName = mapEl.getAttribute('name'); if (!mapElName) { return false; } /** * `map` element has to be in light DOM */ const mapElRootNode = getRootNode(el); if (!mapElRootNode || mapElRootNode.nodeType !== 9) { return false; } const refs = querySelectorAll( // TODO: es-module-_tree axe._tree, `img[usemap="#${escapeSelector(mapElName)}"]` ); if (!refs || !refs.length) { return false; } return refs.some(({ actualNode }) => isVisible(actualNode, screenReader, recursed) ); } /** * Determine whether an element is visible * @method isVisible * @memberof axe.commons.dom * @instance * @param {HTMLElement} el The HTMLElement * @param {Boolean} screenReader When provided, will evaluate visibility from the perspective of a screen reader * @param {Boolean} recursed * @return {Boolean} The element's visibilty status */ function isVisible(el, screenReader, recursed) { if (!el) { throw new TypeError( 'Cannot determine if element is visible for non-DOM nodes' ); } const vNode = getNodeFromTree(el); const cacheName = '_isVisible' + (screenReader ? 'ScreenReader' : ''); // 9 === Node.DOCUMENT if (el.nodeType === 9) { return true; } // 11 === Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE if (el.nodeType === 11) { el =; // grab the host Node } if (vNode && typeof vNode[cacheName] !== 'undefined') { return vNode[cacheName]; } const style = window.getComputedStyle(el, null); if (style === null) { return false; } const nodeName = el.nodeName.toUpperCase(); /** * check visibility of `AREA` * Note: * Firefox's user-agent always sets `AREA` element to `display:none` * hence excluding the edge case, for visibility computation */ if (nodeName === 'AREA') { return isAreaVisible(el, screenReader, recursed); } // always hidden if ( style.getPropertyValue('display') === 'none' || ['STYLE', 'SCRIPT', 'NOSCRIPT', 'TEMPLATE'].includes(nodeName) ) { return false; } // hidden from screen readers if (screenReader && el.getAttribute('aria-hidden') === 'true') { return false; } // hidden from visual users if ( !screenReader && (isClipped(style) || style.getPropertyValue('opacity') === '0' || (getScroll(el) && parseInt(style.getPropertyValue('height')) === 0)) ) { return false; } // visibility is only accurate on the first element and // position does not matter if it was already calculated if ( !recursed && (style.getPropertyValue('visibility') === 'hidden' || (!screenReader && isOffscreen(el))) ) { return false; } const parent = el.assignedSlot ? el.assignedSlot : el.parentNode; let visible = false; if (parent) { visible = isVisible(parent, screenReader, true); } if (vNode) { vNode[cacheName] = visible; } return visible; } export default isVisible;