/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ import chalk = require('chalk'); import { DiffOptionsColor } from 'jest-diff'; import type { MatchSnapshotConfig } from './types'; declare type Chalk = chalk.Chalk; export declare const getSnapshotColorForChalkInstance: (chalkInstance: Chalk) => DiffOptionsColor; export declare const getReceivedColorForChalkInstance: (chalkInstance: Chalk) => DiffOptionsColor; export declare const aSnapshotColor: DiffOptionsColor; export declare const bReceivedColor: DiffOptionsColor; export declare const noColor: (string: string) => string; export declare const HINT_ARG = "hint"; export declare const SNAPSHOT_ARG = "snapshot"; export declare const PROPERTIES_ARG = "properties"; export declare const matcherHintFromConfig: ({ context: { isNot, promise }, hint, inlineSnapshot, matcherName, properties, }: MatchSnapshotConfig, isUpdatable: boolean) => string; export declare const printExpected: (val: unknown) => string; export declare const printReceived: (val: unknown) => string; export declare const printPropertiesAndReceived: (properties: object, received: object, expand: boolean) => string; export declare const printSnapshotAndReceived: (a: string, b: string, received: unknown, expand: boolean) => string; export {};