import { Objectish, AnyObject, AnyMap, AnySet, ImmerState } from "../internal"; /** Returns true if the given value is an Immer draft */ export declare function isDraft(value: any): boolean; /** Returns true if the given value can be drafted by Immer */ export declare function isDraftable(value: any): boolean; export declare function isPlainObject(value: any): boolean; /** Get the underlying object that is represented by the given draft */ export declare function original(value: T): T | undefined; export declare const ownKeys: (target: AnyObject) => PropertyKey[]; export declare const getOwnPropertyDescriptors: (o: T) => { [P in keyof T]: TypedPropertyDescriptor; } & { [x: string]: PropertyDescriptor; }; export declare function each(obj: T, iter: (key: string | number, value: any, source: T) => void, enumerableOnly?: boolean): void; export declare function getArchtype(thing: any): 0 | 1 | 2 | 3; export declare function has(thing: any, prop: PropertyKey): boolean; export declare function get(thing: AnyMap | AnyObject, prop: PropertyKey): any; export declare function set(thing: any, propOrOldValue: PropertyKey, value: any): void; export declare function is(x: any, y: any): boolean; export declare function isMap(target: any): target is AnyMap; export declare function isSet(target: any): target is AnySet; export declare function latest(state: ImmerState): any; export declare function shallowCopy(base: any): any; /** * Freezes draftable objects. Returns the original object. * By default freezes shallowly, but if the second argument is `true` it will freeze recursively. * * @param obj * @param deep */ export declare function freeze(obj: T, deep?: boolean): T; export declare function isFrozen(obj: any): boolean; //#