aria-valid-attr-value.json 626 B

  1. {
  2. "id": "aria-valid-attr-value",
  3. "evaluate": "aria-valid-attr-value-evaluate",
  4. "options": [],
  5. "metadata": {
  6. "impact": "critical",
  7. "messages": {
  8. "pass": "ARIA attribute values are valid",
  9. "fail": {
  10. "singular": "Invalid ARIA attribute value: ${data.values}",
  11. "plural": "Invalid ARIA attribute values: ${data.values}"
  12. },
  13. "incomplete": {
  14. "noId": "ARIA attribute element ID does not exist on the page: ${data.needsReview}",
  15. "ariaCurrent": "ARIA attribute value is invalid and will be treated as \"aria-current=true\": ${data.needsReview}"
  16. }
  17. }
  18. }
  19. }