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- 'use strict';
- var path = require('path'),
- fs = require('fs');
- var getContextDirectory = require('./get-context-directory');
- /**
- * Infer the compilation output directory from options.
- * Relative paths are resolved against the compilation context (or process.cwd() where not specified).
- * @this {{options: object}} A loader or compilation
- * @returns {undefined|string} The output path string, where defined
- */
- function getOutputDirectory() {
- /* jshint validthis:true */
- var base = this.options && this.options.output ? this.options.output.directory : null,
- absBase = !!base && path.resolve(getContextDirectory.call(this), base),
- isValid = !!absBase && fs.existsSync(absBase) && fs.statSync(absBase).isDirectory();
- return isValid ? absBase : undefined;
- }
- module.exports = getOutputDirectory;