Irina Glushko 2389e7160b HW1 done 3 năm trước cách đây
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ARIA Query

Programmatic access to the WAI-ARIA 1.1 Roles Model.

Building the src/etc files.

The files under src/etc are generated by the breakUpAriaJSON script.

To change them, edit the file scripts/roles.json then run:

$ node ./scripts/breakUpAriaJSON.js
$ git add scripts/roles.json src/etc

It should work with Node version 6.11.2 or later.



import { roles } from 'aria-query';

A Map of role names to the role definition. For example:

let alertRole = roles.get('alert');
 * Value of alertRole
 * {
 *   "requiredProps": {},
 *   "props": {
 *     "aria-atomic": "true",
 *     "aria-busy": null,
 *     "aria-controls": null,
 *     "aria-current": null,
 *     "aria-describedby": null,
 *     "aria-details": null,
 *     "aria-disabled": null,
 *     "aria-dropeffect": null,
 *     "aria-errormessage": null,
 *     "aria-expanded": null,
 *     "aria-flowto": null,
 *     "aria-grabbed": null,
 *     "aria-haspopup": null,
 *     "aria-hidden": null,
 *     "aria-invalid": null,
 *     "aria-keyshortcuts": null,
 *     "aria-label": null,
 *     "aria-labelledby": null,
 *     "aria-live": "assertive",
 *     "aria-owns": null,
 *     "aria-relevant": null,
 *     "aria-roledescription": null
 *   },
 *   "abstract": false,
 *   "childrenPresentational": false,
 *   "baseConcepts": [],
 *   "relatedConcepts": [ {
 *     "module": "XForms",
 *     "concept": {
 *       "name": "alert"
 *     }
 *   }],
 *   "superClass": [["roletype", "structure", "section"]]
 * }

Elements to Roles

import { elementRoles } from 'aria-query';

HTML Elements with inherent roles are mapped to those roles. In the case of an element like <input>, the element often requires a type attribute to map to an ARIA role.

Map {
  '{"name": "article"}' => Set { 'article' },
  '{"name": "button"}' => Set { 'button' },
  '{"name": "td"}' => Set { 'cell', 'gridcell' },
  '{"name": "input", "attributes": [ {"name": "type", "value": "checkbox"}] }' => Set { 'checkbox' },
  '{"name": "th"}' => Set { 'columnheader' },
  '{"name": "select"}' => Set { 'combobox', 'listbox' },
  '{"name": "menuitem"}' => Set { 'command', 'menuitem' },
  '{"name": "dd"}' => Set { 'definition' },
  '{"name": "dfn"}' => Set { 'definition' },
  '{"name": "figure"}' => Set { 'figure' },
  '{"name": "form"}' => Set { 'form' },
  '{"name": "table"}' => Set { 'grid', 'table' },
  '{"name": "fieldset"}' => Set { 'group' },
  '{"name": "h1"}' => Set { 'heading' },
  '{"name": "h2"}' => Set { 'heading' },
  '{"name": "h3"}' => Set { 'heading' },
  '{"name": "h4"}' => Set { 'heading' },
  '{"name": "h5"}' => Set { 'heading' },
  '{"name": "h6"}' => Set { 'heading' },
  '{"name": "img"}' => Set { 'img' },
  '{"name": "a"}' => Set { 'link' },
  '{"name": "link"}' => Set { 'link' },
  '{"name": "ol"}' => Set { 'list' },
  '{"name": "ul"}' => Set { 'list' },
  '{"name": "li"}' => Set { 'listitem' },
  '{"name": "nav"}' => Set { 'navigation' },
  '{"name": "option"}' => Set { 'option' },
  '{"name": "input", "attributes": [ {"name": "type", "value": "radio"}] }' => Set { 'radio' },
  '{"name": "frame"}' => Set { 'region' },
  '{"name": "rel"}' => Set { 'roletype' },
  '{"name": "tr"}' => Set { 'row' },
  '{"name": "tbody"}' => Set { 'rowgroup' },
  '{"name": "tfoot"}' => Set { 'rowgroup' },
  '{"name": "thead"}' => Set { 'rowgroup' },
  '{"name": "th", "attributes": [ {"name": "scope", "value": "row"}] }' => Set { 'rowheader' },
  '{"name": "input", "attributes": [ {"name": "type", "value": "search"}] }' => Set { 'searchbox' },
  '{"name": "hr"}' => Set { 'separator' },
  '{"name": "dt"}' => Set { 'term' },
  '{"name": "textarea"}' => Set { 'textbox' },
  '{"name": "input", "attributes": [ {"name": "type", "value": "text"}] }' => Set { 'textbox' }

The map of elements to roles is keyed by an HTML concept. An HTML concept corresponds to the baseConcepts and relatedConcepts of an ARIA role. Concepts exist in the context of a module: HTML, XForms, Dublin Core, for example. The concept representation is an object literal with a name property (the element name) and an optional attributes array.

The roles are provided in a Set.

Role to element

import { roleElements } from 'aria-query';

ARIA roles are mapped to the HTML Elements with the same inherent role. Some roles, such as columnheader are only mapped to an HMTL element that expresses specific attributes. In the case of <input>, the element often requires a type attribute to map to an ARIA role.

Map {
  'article' => Set { '{"name": "article"}' },
  'button' => Set { '{"name": "button"}' },
  'cell' => Set { '{"name": "td"}' },
  'checkbox' => Set { '{"name": "input", "attributes": [ {"name": "type", "value": "checkbox"}] }' },
  'columnheader' => Set { '{"name": "th"}' },
  'combobox' => Set { '{"name": "select"}' },
  'command' => Set { '{"name": "menuitem"}' },
  'definition' => Set { '{"name": "dd"}', '{"name": "dfn"}' },
  'figure' => Set { '{"name": "figure"}' },
  'form' => Set { '{"name": "form"}' },
  'grid' => Set { '{"name": "table"}' },
  'gridcell' => Set { '{"name": "td"}' },
  'group' => Set { '{"name": "fieldset"}' },
  'heading' => Set { '{"name": "h1"}', '{"name": "h2"}', '{"name": "h3"}', '{"name": "h4"}',  '{"name": "h5"}', '{"name": "h6"}' },
  'img' => Set { '{"name": "img"}' },
  'link' => Set { '{"name": "a"}', '{"name": "link"}' },
  'list' => Set { '{"name": "ol"}', '{"name": "ul"}' },
  'listbox' => Set { '{"name": "select"}' },
  'listitem' => Set { '{"name": "li"}' },
  'menuitem' => Set { '{"name": "menuitem"}' },
  'navigation' => Set { '{"name": "nav"}' },
  'option' => Set { '{"name": "option"}' },
  'radio' => Set { '{"name": "input", "attributes": [ {"name": "type", "value": "radio"}] }' },
  'region' => Set { '{"name": "frame"}' },
  'roletype' => Set { '{"name": "rel"}' },
  'row' => Set { '{"name": "tr"}' },
  'rowgroup' => Set { '{"name": "tbody"}', '{"name": "tfoot"}', '{"name": "thead"}' },
  'rowheader' => Set { '{"name": "th", "attributes": [ {"name": "scope", "value": "row"}] }' },
  'searchbox' => Set { '{"name": "input", "attributes": [ {"name": "type", "value": "search"}] }' },
  'separator' => Set { '{"name": "hr"}' },
  'table' => Set { '{"name": "table"}' },
  'term' => Set { '{"name": "dt"}' },
  'textbox' => Set { '{"name": "textarea"}', '{"name": "input", "attributes": [ {"name": "type", "value": "text"}] }' }

The HTML concept values are provided in a Set.


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