All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
if thread is less than or equal 1 (#95) (c12e7be)Setting only emitError to true will no longer exclusively print files with errors and disregard the files with warnings. Similarly, setting only emitWarning to true will no longer exclusively print files with warnings disregard the files with errors.
fix: use quiet to override emitError and emitWarning
quiet is essentially syntactic sugar for setting emitError to true and emitWarning to false
or failOnWarning
enabled (#72) (8a72a8a)fix: use compiler.outputFileSystem to write report
fix: use fs callback forms because webpack5 does not work with promisify on outputFileSystem methods
fix: do not accumulate more taps as watchRuns occur
fix: windows path escape, cleanup watch-fixture