123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108 |
- import { RpcProvider } from 'worker-rpc';
- import { FormatterType, FormatterOptions } from './formatter';
- import { VueOptions } from './types/vue-options';
- import { Options as EslintOptions } from './types/eslint';
- declare namespace ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin {
- interface Logger {
- error(message?: any): void;
- warn(message?: any): void;
- info(message?: any): void;
- }
- interface Options {
- typescript: string;
- tsconfig: string;
- compilerOptions: object;
- eslint: boolean;
- /** Options to supply to eslint https://eslint.org/docs/developer-guide/nodejs-api#cliengine */
- eslintOptions: EslintOptions;
- async: boolean;
- ignoreDiagnostics: number[];
- ignoreLints: string[];
- ignoreLintWarnings: boolean;
- reportFiles: string[];
- logger: Logger;
- formatter: FormatterType;
- formatterOptions: FormatterOptions;
- silent: boolean;
- checkSyntacticErrors: boolean;
- memoryLimit: number;
- vue: boolean | Partial<VueOptions>;
- useTypescriptIncrementalApi: boolean;
- measureCompilationTime: boolean;
- resolveModuleNameModule: string;
- resolveTypeReferenceDirectiveModule: string;
- }
- }
- /**
- * ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin
- * Runs typescript type checker and linter on separate process.
- * This speed-ups build a lot.
- *
- * Options description in README.md
- */
- declare class ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin {
- static readonly DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT = 2048;
- static getCompilerHooks(compiler: any): Record<import("./hooks").ForkTsCheckerHooks, import("tapable").SyncHook<any, any, any> | import("tapable").AsyncSeriesHook<any, any, any>>;
- readonly options: Partial<ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin.Options>;
- private tsconfig;
- private compilerOptions;
- private eslint;
- private eslintOptions;
- private ignoreDiagnostics;
- private ignoreLints;
- private ignoreLintWarnings;
- private reportFiles;
- private logger;
- private silent;
- private async;
- private checkSyntacticErrors;
- private memoryLimit;
- private formatter;
- private rawFormatter;
- private useTypescriptIncrementalApi;
- private resolveModuleNameModule;
- private resolveTypeReferenceDirectiveModule;
- private tsconfigPath;
- private compiler;
- private started;
- private elapsed;
- private cancellationToken;
- private isWatching;
- private checkDone;
- private compilationDone;
- private diagnostics;
- private lints;
- private emitCallback;
- private doneCallback;
- private typescriptPath;
- private typescript;
- private typescriptVersion;
- private eslintVersion;
- private service?;
- protected serviceRpc?: RpcProvider;
- private vue;
- private measureTime;
- private performance;
- private startAt;
- protected nodeArgs: string[];
- constructor(options?: Partial<ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin.Options>);
- private validateTypeScript;
- private validateEslint;
- private static prepareVueOptions;
- apply(compiler: any): void;
- private computeContextPath;
- private pluginStart;
- private pluginStop;
- private pluginCompile;
- private pluginEmit;
- private pluginDone;
- private spawnService;
- private killService;
- private handleServiceMessage;
- private handleServiceExit;
- private createEmitCallback;
- private createNoopEmitCallback;
- private printLoggerMessage;
- private createDoneCallback;
- }
- export = ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin;