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- /* (c) 2015 Ari Porad (@ariporad) <http://ariporad.com>. License: ariporad.mit-license.org */
- declare type Hook = (code: string, filename: string) => string;
- declare type Matcher = (code: string) => boolean;
- declare type RevertFunction = () => void;
- interface Options {
- /** A matcher function, will be called with path to a file. Should return truthy if the file should be hooked, falsy otherwise. */
- matcher?: Matcher;
- /**
- * The extensions to hook. Should start with '.' (ex. ['.js']).
- *
- * @default ['.js']
- */
- exts?: Array<string>;
- /**
- * Auto-ignore node_modules. Independent of any matcher.
- *
- * @default true
- */
- ignoreNodeModules?: boolean;
- }
- /**
- * Add a require hook.
- *
- * @param {Hook} hook - The hook. Accepts the code of the module and the filename. Required.
- * @param {Options} [opts] - Options
- * @returns {RevertFunction} revert - Reverts the hooks.
- */
- export declare function addHook(hook: Hook, opts?: Options): RevertFunction;
- export {};