123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051 |
- var assert = require('assert');
- var rgbaRegex = require('..');
- var rgbaStrings = [
- 'rgba(12,34,56, 1)',
- 'rgba(255, 255, 255, .9)',
- 'rgba(1, 1,1, 0.2)'
- ];
- var inexactRgbaStrings = [
- 'rgba(,,,)',
- 'rGba(12,34,56,1)',
- 'rgba(12, 34, 200,1) ',
- ' rgba(12,34,56,1)',
- 'rgba(1,2,,)'
- ];
- describe('rgba-regex', function() {
- describe('exact: true', function() {
- it('should return a regex that matches exact rgba strings', function() {
- rgbaStrings.forEach(function(rgba) {
- assert.ok(rgbaRegex({ exact: true }).test(rgba));
- });
- });
- it('should return a regex that does not match invalid rgba strings', function() {
- inexactRgbaStrings.forEach(function(invalidRgba) {
- assert.ok(!rgbaRegex({ exact: true }).test(invalidRgba));
- });
- });
- });
- describe('g', function() {
- it('should match rgba strings', function() {
- assert.deepEqual(
- rgbaStrings.join('foobar').match(rgbaRegex()),
- rgbaStrings
- )
- });
- it('should not match non rgba strings', function() {
- assert.deepEqual(
- inexactRgbaStrings.join('foobar').match(rgbaRegex()),
- ['rGba(12,34,56,1)', 'rgba(12, 34, 200,1)', 'rgba(12,34,56,1)']
- );
- });
- });
- });