@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react';
+import { gql } from 'graphql-request';
+import { graphqlRequestBaseQuery } from '@rtk-query/graphql-request-base-query'; //npm install
+const BASE_URL = "http://shop-roles.node.ed.asmer.org.ua";
+const prepareHeaders = (headers, { getState }) => {
+ // By default, if we have a token in the store, let's use that for authenticated requests
+ const token = getState().auth?.token || null;
+ if (token) {
+ headers.set("Authorization", `Bearer ${token}`);
+ }
+ return headers;
+export const imageApi = createApi({
+ reducerPath: 'imageApi',
+ baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({
+ baseUrl: BASE_URL,
+ prepareHeaders
+ }),
+ endpoints: (builder) => ({
+ uploadImage: builder.mutation({
+ query: (payload) => ({
+ url: '/upload',
+ method: 'POST',
+ body: payload
+ }),
+ }),
+ }),
+export const api = createApi({
+ reducerPath: 'api',
+ baseQuery: graphqlRequestBaseQuery({
+ url: BASE_URL + '/graphql',
+ prepareHeaders
+ }),
+ tagTypes: ['Category', 'Order', 'Good', 'User'],
+ endpoints: (builder) => ({
+ getCategories: builder.query({
+ query: () => ({
+ document: gql`
+ query GetCategories{
+ CategoryFind(query: "[{\\"parent\\": null}]") {
+ _id name goods {
+ _id name price images {
+ url
+ }
+ }, subCategories {
+ name
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ `}),
+ providesTags: ['Category'],
+ }),
+ getCategoryCount: builder.query({
+ query: () => ({
+ document: gql`
+ query getCategoryCount($q: String) {
+ CategoryCount(query: $q)
+ }`,
+ variables: { q: JSON.stringify([{}]) }
+ }),
+ providesTags: ['Category'],
+ }),
+ getCategoryById: builder.query({
+ query: (_id) => ({
+ document: gql`
+ query GetCategory($q: String) {
+ CategoryFindOne(query: $q) {
+ _id
+ name,
+ goods{
+ name,
+ _id,
+ images{
+ _id,
+ url
+ },
+ price
+ },
+ parent {
+ _id,
+ name
+ },
+ subCategories{
+ name,
+ _id
+ subCategories{
+ name,
+ _id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ `,
+ variables: { q: JSON.stringify([{ _id }]) }
+ }),
+ providesTags: ['Category'],
+ }),
+ getGoodById: builder.query({
+ query: (_id) => ({
+ document: gql`
+ query GetGood($q: String) {
+ GoodFindOne(query: $q) {
+ _id,
+ name,
+ categories{
+ _id,
+ name
+ },
+ description,
+ price,
+ images{
+ _id,
+ url
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ `,
+ variables: { q: JSON.stringify([{ _id }]) }
+ }),
+ providesTags: ['Good'],
+ }),
+ getUserById: builder.query({
+ query: (_id) => ({
+ document: gql`
+ query GetUser($q: String) {
+ UserFindOne(query: $q) {
+ _id
+ login
+ nick
+ avatar { url }
+ acl
+ }
+ }
+ `,
+ variables: { q: JSON.stringify([{ _id }]) }
+ }),
+ providesTags: ['User']
+ }),
+ setNick: builder.mutation({
+ query: ({ _id, nick }) => ({
+ document: gql`
+ mutation SetNick($_id: String, $nick: String) {
+ UserUpsert(user: {_id: $_id, nick: $nick}) {
+ _id, nick
+ }
+ }
+ `,
+ variables: { _id, nick }
+ }),
+ invalidatesTags: ['User']
+ }),
+ setPassword: builder.mutation({
+ query: ({ _id, password }) => ({
+ document: gql`
+ mutation SetPassword($_id:String, $password: String) {
+ UserUpsert(user: {_id: $_id, password: $password}) {
+ _id
+ }
+ }`,
+ variables: { _id, password }
+ }),
+ invalidatesTags: ['User']
+ }),
+ getOrdersByOwnerId: builder.query({
+ query: () => ({
+ document: gql`
+ query orders($q: String) {
+ OrderFind(query: $q) {
+ _id, total, createdAt, owner{
+ _id, login
+ }, orderGoods{
+ price, count, good{
+ name, _id, images {
+ url
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ `,
+ variables: { q: JSON.stringify([{}]) }
+ }),
+ providesTags: ['Order'],
+ }),
+ getOrders: builder.query({
+ query: ({ limit, skip }) => ({
+ document: gql`
+ query orders($q: String) {
+ OrderFind(query: $q) {
+ _id, total, createdAt, owner{
+ _id, login
+ }, orderGoods{
+ price, count, good{
+ name, _id, images {
+ url
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ `,
+ variables: { q: JSON.stringify([{}, { limit: [limit], skip: [skip] }]) }
+ }),
+ providesTags: ['Order'],
+ }),
+ getOrderCount: builder.query({
+ query: () => ({
+ document: gql`
+ query getOrderCount($q: String) {
+ OrderCount(query: $q)
+ }`,
+ variables: { q: JSON.stringify([{}]) }
+ })
+ }),
+ getOrderGood: builder.query({
+ query: () => ({
+ document: gql`
+ query orders($q: String) {
+ OrderGoodFind(query: $q) {
+ _id, createdAt, price, total, count, goodName, good {
+ _id, name
+ }, order {
+ _id, total, orderGoods {
+ count, good {
+ name
+ }
+ }
+ }, owner {
+ _id login
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ `,
+ variables: { q: JSON.stringify([{}]) }
+ }),
+ providesTags: ['Order'],
+ }),
+ getGoods: builder.query({
+ query: ({ skip, limit }) => ({
+ document: gql`
+ query GetGoods($q: String) {
+ GoodFind(query: $q) {
+ _id, name, description, price, categories {
+ _id, name
+ }, images {
+ url
+ }
+ }
+ }`,
+ variables: { q: JSON.stringify([{}, { skip: [skip], limit: [limit] }]) }
+ }),
+ providesTags: ['Good'],
+ }),
+ getGoodCount: builder.query({
+ query: () => ({
+ document: gql`
+ query GetGoodCount($q: String) {
+ GoodCount(query: $q)
+ }`,
+ variables: { q: JSON.stringify([{}]) }
+ }),
+ providesTags: ['Good'],
+ }),
+ getUserCount: builder.query({
+ query: () => ({
+ document: gql`
+ query GetUserCount($q: String) {
+ UserCount(query: $q)
+ }`,
+ variables: { q: JSON.stringify([{}]) }
+ })
+ }),
+ getUsers: builder.query({
+ query: ({ skip, limit }) => ({
+ document: gql`
+ query GetUsers($q: String) {
+ UserFind(query: $q) {
+ _id, login, createdAt
+ }
+ }`,
+ variables: { q: JSON.stringify([{}, { skip: [skip], limit: [limit] }]) }
+ }),
+ providesTags: ['User'],
+ }),
+ login: builder.mutation({
+ query: ({ login, password }) => ({
+ document: gql`
+ query login($login: String, $password: String) {
+ login(login: $login, password: $password)
+ }
+ `,
+ variables: { login, password }
+ })
+ }),
+ register: builder.mutation({
+ query: ({ login, password }) => ({
+ document: gql`
+ mutation registration($login:String, $password: String) {
+ UserUpsert(user: {login:$login, password: $password}){
+ _id login createdAt
+ }
+ }`,
+ variables: { login, password }
+ }),
+ invalidatesTags: ['User'],
+ }),
+ createOrder: builder.mutation({
+ query: (orderGoods) => ({
+ document: gql`
+ mutation ordering($orderGoods: OrderInput) {
+ OrderUpsert(order: $orderGoods) {
+ _id, total, orderGoods {
+ good {
+ name, _id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }`,
+ variables: { orderGoods: { orderGoods } }
+ }),
+ invalidatesTags: ['Order'],
+ }),
+ createCategory: builder.mutation({
+ query: (category) => ({
+ document: gql`
+ mutation createCategory($category: CategoryInput) {
+ CategoryUpsert(category: $category) {
+ _id
+ }
+ }`,
+ variables: { category }
+ }),
+ invalidatesTags: ['Category'],
+ }),
+ deleteCategory: builder.mutation({
+ query: (category) => ({
+ document: gql`
+ mutation deleteCategory($category: CategoryInput) {
+ CategoryDelete(category: $category) {
+ _id, name, goods {
+ name, _id
+ }
+ }
+ }`,
+ variables: { category }
+ }),
+ invalidatesTags: ['Category'],
+ }),
+ createGood: builder.mutation({
+ query: (good) => ({
+ document: gql`
+ mutation createGood($good: GoodInput) {
+ GoodUpsert(good: $good) {
+ _id
+ }
+ }`,
+ variables: { good }
+ }),
+ invalidatesTags: ['Good']
+ }),
+ deleteGood: builder.mutation({
+ query: (good) => ({
+ document: gql`
+ mutation deleteGood($good: GoodInput) {
+ GoodDelete(good: $good) {
+ _id, name, images {
+ url, _id
+ }, price, description
+ }
+ }`,
+ variables: { good }
+ }),
+ invalidatesTags: ['Good']
+ }),
+ }),
+export const setNick = (nick) =>
+ async (dispatch, getState) => {
+ const auth = getState().auth;
+ if (auth.token) {
+ dispatch(api.endpoints.setNick.initiate({ _id: auth.payload.sub.id, nick }));
+ }
+ }
+export const setPassword = (password) =>
+ async (dispatch, getState) => {
+ const auth = getState().auth;
+ if (auth.token) {
+ dispatch(api.endpoints.setPassword.initiate({ _id: auth.payload.sub.id, password }));
+ }
+ }
+export const aboutMe = () =>
+ async (dispatch, getState) => {
+ const auth = getState().auth;
+ if (auth.token) {
+ dispatch(api.endpoints.getUserById.initiate(auth.payload.sub.id));
+ }
+ }
+export const createGood = good =>
+ async dispatch =>
+ await dispatch(api.endpoints.createGood.initiate(good));
+export const deleteGood = good =>
+ async dispatch => {
+ const payload = await dispatch(api.endpoints.deleteGood.initiate(good));
+ console.log('deleted', payload);
+ }
+export const createCategory = category =>
+ async dispatch =>
+ await dispatch(api.endpoints.createCategory.initiate(category));
+export const deleteCategory = category =>
+ async dispatch =>
+ await dispatch(api.endpoints.deleteCategory.initiate(category));
+export const { useGetCategoriesQuery, useGetCategoryByIdQuery, useGetGoodByIdQuery, useLoginMutation, useGetOrdersByOwnerIdQuery,
+ useRegisterMutation, useGetUserByIdQuery, useCreateCategoryMutation, useGetGoodsQuery, useGetUsersQuery, useGetOrderGoodQuery,
+ useGetUserCountQuery, useGetOrderCountQuery, useGetGoodCountQuery, useGetCategoryCountQuery, useGetOrdersQuery } = api;
+export const { useUploadImageMutation } = imageApi;